Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

How true. Zealot is so strong imo, Immolation and Fanatic Illusion are DoTs yet why they have 500+% per tick for the former and 300+% per tick for the latter. All the while the rest of the other multi hit spells in the cleric tree get 100ish% per tick. What’s best is that Fanaticism has a straight % buff of all hits.

Somehow it feels like they will rebalance zealot’s skill damage again to be more inline with the rest of the R8 classes…


Massive flow of numbers, so many hits… Merkabah + Breaking Wheel + Demolition

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Does the new Aukuras have any effect on zombies, either the healing aukuras or the damage aukuras?

And yeah, Zealot is really strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t rebalance it either, but then… if they don’t…

Immolation has an attribute that gives +100 fire dmg per atrib level too… At max level, it gives +1k fire damage which is about as much you can get with Krivis’ max aukuras in an INT/SPR build.

If you add that to something like a Chaplain, just the +1k fire dmg per line is no joke (+4k, +5k damage per attack?). Is that correct or does the atrib only work for Immolation itself?

Edit: Yeah it adds +1000 fire when Immolation is active.

No, it applies to other things as well Neko… When you use immolation it works as a buff, you can even see your fire property attack raising in the stats.

Immolation without attributes: just like Limacon or whatever, an effect ongoing on your char that will burn whatever it touches or is touched by.

Immolation with attribute: The previous plus extra Fire Property attack buff and Fire Resistance buff (More likely a “Fire Wall” extra fire attack and “Resist Elements” of fire type only)

Thanks for the correction. I was under the impression that it need not be active to gain the buff.

It also kind of solidifies the notion to go Taoist C1 Zealot C1 than go Taoist C2. 1k extra fire damage from Immolation and Immolation being spread with Stormcalling is so much better than an additional zaibas which has such a small hit area.

Now I wonder what this would do to owls, merk, and wheel since they can do stuff without your constant input.

I don’t understand… We are limited to choose between every class rank 7 or 8 except kabbalist? And I would argue that even Druid is a solid option…

While Zealot is indeed strong, just like you said, cleric still has a lot of alternatives. The problem is more that the one that you like is currently weaker (or maybe its just a support) than the others and is probably the one that need a buff…

I think if it was to do just as much as other DoT skills it would become useless considering the HP cost that it has… Maybe decreasing the skill factor gain per level, which right now is really high (19%), would be enough.

Thanks for clarification, @Nekorin, @Angelized.

Another question tho: since they are using the new concept of “physical but also fire element”, would this +1k damage be multiplied into skill factors, due to being physical damage, or would it be a flat +1k damage to every skill, as it always been with every magic-elemental damage in the game?

The most appealing idea to me for going Taoist 2 is having Creeping Death lvl 10. At lvl 5 it gives a total of 2460% skill factor in 20 hits, but at lvl 10 it gives 6000% skill factor in 40 hits. Having 3 overheats, each one with that much skill factor, makes Taoist 2 a stupidly strong boss killer class.

Let’s also remember it deals 40 hits. Which means stuff like Blessing or Transmit Pranah gets calculated 40 times per overheat.

I would compare Taoist 2 with Lancer 2. Both are ultimate boss burst dps classes. Lancer 2 gets 7000%+ skill factor with crush debuff and Quintain’s new attrib. Lancer however will get capped at the 777k damage cap pretty easily, as Quintain’s damage is considered only 1 hit (fake multi-hit). Taoist doesn’t have that problem, but will lose a lot of dps if boss moves away from Creeping Death talismans.

Now it feels like a flat damage increase. Like regular ele damage. Will have to test it further.

When I use creeping death most of the time the 20hits @lv5 isn’t consumed fully. It will be really great if creeping death doesn’t move so fast or the hit area on it is increased a bit.

Zealot c1’s fanaticism also increases all damage by up to (depends on hp) 30% before additional damage. This means all skills including creeping death will hit harder for 15 secs. imo while it wouldn’t cover the additional 60 hits when compared to creeping death, it makes up for its versatility in its usage. I can use it prior to sadhu’s ABE or stormcalling to give that 1 big hit and subsequent dot +30% damage. It is really good for regular farming.

Hmm, in terms of getting the most out of blessing and elemental damage + ability to support, I think the build:

Cleric 2 / Krivis3 / Miko / Kabbalist2 / Taoist1 will be a good contender.

  • Merkabah C2 will double all the hits of Zaibas, Creeping Death Charm, Hamaya, cure and heal bombing to gain the most out of blessing and aukuras.
  • Ability to Double Chance + Kagura Dance for a melee party member to get that 1 huge hit.
  • Double Chance can combo with Stormcalling, although isn’t as good as ABE

I don’t think it is a totally new concept but I don’t understand why there aren’t more of those… Wugushi is physical poison element as I know. Also as I see cataphracts earth wave can be changed to earth element but I guess it is still a physical skill isn’t it?

I don’t rly understand why archer tree has explosive like skills and like non of them fire element tho…but it’s imc I guess… xD

Also it rly shouldn’t work differently than with magic imo.

Will test aukuras & zombies now. Did not notice aukuras healing conversion-mobs though. Edit: aukuras does not heal zombies. Edit2: the aukuras damage increase attribute is too low to notice.

Zealot DoTs are very strong. Though it consumes %HP to use skills, it is no problem if you cancel fanaticism buff before you try to heal up. Also unlimited AoE on fanatic illusion.

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Kagura with Illusion

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That’s more like; Blind Faith with Illusion. I don’t think kagura is doing anything here, for each 3k hit there is teh 16k hit from blind faith following it.

Didn’t 4 lines of blessing show up on that mob near the end of the gif? Looks like 2 lines show up on only the flying enemy. The ground enemies also die in two ticks, with the first one taking out about 80% of their life. This seems to be Lhadar Forest and the mobs they’re fighting have about 57k life.

I wonder if this could work:


SPR, STR (and maybe some DEX)

On zealot, you could take kriv3 to cast melstis on zealot buffs and fill remaining ranks with anything. Kriv3-XXX-zealot1/2. Zealot damage skills are very strong.


It took “only” 800 posts for this to turn into a 100% Cleric thread.?

Has imc lost it’s touch?:


That Krivis3-Paladin3-Zealot2 looks very strong but 5 heal tiles makes me uncomfortable. Would Restoration 15 and Aukuras 15 cover that for me and my partymates @greyhiem

Shadowmancer pvp … err