Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

It is on KTOS too.
Because owls are considered ‘Summons’ now, and all summons scale on SPR (sorcerer, necromancer, bokor, dievdirby, even templar build:forge I think). I have not read about the scaling factor, perhaps it is similar to sorcerers and necromancer. 1 SPR = +??% damage increase for summons.

summon damage is based on

  1. your weapon attack (it is not your magic attack in F1 status, but your weapons’ damage value)
  2. SPR (unknown scaling)

edit: found some info on Inven about owls:
-Owl damage is a neutral magic attack
-Owls scale on SPR
-Owls snapshot your magic attack status when they are created (use chapparition cards when you are carving owls!)
-Owl damage changes when you change your SPR, even after they have been carved
-Right after carving, the first attack of the Owl does not scale on SPR (thank you IMC). All attacks after the first attack will deal proper damage.
-Owls are not affected by dievdirby: plant bonus damage attribute (because it only works for physical attacks).
-Owls deal a little less damage vs plant-race.
-Owl damage is not affected by +property elemental damage
-Miko clap extends owl duration
-Aggro of owl is lower than the aggro of the caster (mobs will chase you instead of the owl)
-It is possible to make owls take aggro if you use Fade
-Owls can get debuffed and if they are silenced, they will not attack
-It is possible to heal Owls
-Owls cannot get buffs (cannot get blessing, sacrament, enchant lightning, …)

Does druid hengestone and lycanthropy apply? NO
Druid chortasmata + diev attribute vs plants? NO
Zealot fanaticism and blind faith? NO
Krivis aukuras bonus damage? NO
Oracle death sentence damage increase? YES
Saddhu transmit prana applies? NO.


Ohh, that’s great! I read somewhere in the forums that your summons deal % more damage based on your SPR to character level ratio (up to 100% additional damage).

I think the formula is:
summon damage = (summon attack value + user weapon base attack value) * (summon skill factor) * (modifiers) * [1 + min(1, SPR / character level)]

Could anyone make some tests with Cleric2Krivis3Diev3Zealot2 full SPR? I know Owls aren’t affected by Blind Faith, but with Owls scaling with SPR, this may be a good route for a full SPR Krivis Zealot.

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Sanctuary consumes 10 holy water (buy at priest NPC). Sanctuary did not work on converted mobs and did not work on zombies. Also, discovered using ‘unsummon’ will unsummon all zombies AND converted mobs. It is possible to use unsummon without any zombies to destroy converted mobs. However, it is impossible to use ‘attack this enemy’ command without at least 1 zombie.

Monstrance boosts mob damage because it debuffs enemy def. Have not noticed a big attack speed increase on zombies and converted mobs after using monstrance dex boost buff. Priest revive works on zombies and converted mobs.

Video of test on converted mob:

Forgot to mention, bokor on tosneet is wrong, all bokors (and summon classes) get +3 free skillpoints, because their summon commands are at 1/1 automatically.

Each level of bokor3 ougou orange flag grants +10% damage buff to zombies. Too bad it does not apply to converted mobs. Have not tested it on diev owls yet.

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OMG, tet is gone. Those faithful completely reliable skulls are gone.

Tet mamak la is still available! It could apply blind faith a lot if you stack tet mamak skulls (without a normal zombie). Wheelchair zombies do not consume skulls.

Blind faith + melstis = ~17seconds of blind faith buff.
Cooldown of diev carve attack is 17s, and will be less with diev CD statue. 3 overheat, 5 hits.
If you immediately spam carve attack, it might be possible to spam 2x3 carve attacks to get 30 hits before blind faith buff ends.

In spirit I mean. Would you still use them with the 3 new skills? They are just too much work to command zombies to not pick them up.

Yes, it is not useful anymore to command zombies. It might only be useful to damage objectives (siaulai furniture?). New skills don’t consume any SP.

Cleric seems to be the most popular class.

I wonder if we could request zombies no longer consume them?

They have the most interesting mechanics too.

meanwhile we are still waiting big balance update for archer/wizard/swordies, since priest/krivis/bokor/oracle/paladin revamped. and many cleric support made into self-buff-dps build, they are excellent in multiple roles compare to others straight forward role.


I just noticed this on the nov 1 update:

Thaumathurge3 swell head : hair accessories will now grow in size too.

best wizard update so far…


This intrigues me - 3 new Bokor skills.
They are “something pet”. Does that mean Boks will get a new summon or do these skills just control the zombies?

It’s showed in greyhiem’s videos, those are just skills to control the zombies. You can force them to attack the ennemy you’re targeting, unforce them and unsummon them to change zombies. (dunno why you would unsummon them though when you can just pop a new circle and transform new monsters without losing dps in the process.

Finally PD3 Diev3 Miko, able to clear ET solo

Reiter3 rogue2 lachrymator --> marching fire test:

Musketeer easy clear siaulai solo

Cannoneer3 challenge mode new library here and here

Yet another krivis3 zealot2 farming mobs here

Party play challenge mode lvl 5, chaplainzealot, featherfoot, thauma, taoist, hopliteshinobi here

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The “Reiter video” is the same video as the plague. Most likely your copy of the schwarz video didn’t work and put back the plague video once more ahah.

Anyway wondering, is it completely tree of zealot right now? Some friends testing telling me, choosing between new circles or going Zealot1, is always go for zealot1 if you want to be “good” right now.

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Thanks for testing sanctuary as well.

It looks like summons just ignore almost every dmg buff, with methadone as the one exception?
Spr diev is going to be interesting to build around.
Spr bokor at least has stormcalling and pandemic+hexing as options to boost zombie damage though.

And another diev/pd video to boot:


Owls need miko’s clap tbh. It turns your 2 owl army into a 4 owl army at the very least.

Zealot2 is quite nice but owls ignore immolation, blind faith and fanaticism…
And you can’t get melstis without sacrificing Miko or cleric2’s heal and divine might either.
Should be good as a r10+ build though.

Thanks. Yes, I made a mistake. Put reiter vid correctly now.

zealot is very strong and popular, and easy to use. Though some players still forget to cancel fanaticism buff before healing.

@Wurmheart Bokor mackangdal works, and priest revive, stone skin, zalciai, aspersion, pardoner increase magic defence, diev ausrine, kabba ein sof, r7f, oracle prophecy, chronomancer quicken & haste.

Which is why I said dmg buff :face_with_monocle:

I wanted to see if it was possible to make builds that focus solely on zombies, owls or converted mobs and be worth it rank wise. Which it isn’t, it’s better to focus on adding extra dmg from other circles that have other synergies.

And I’m gonna laugh if haste works on carve owl of all things.

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I remember seeing the haste circle buff below the owl statue before… hmm.

Yes, I also remember haste on owl statues, and other statues too.