Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues - UPDATED (April 12th)

well i have xbox360 gamepad wired (played 2 icbt with thus pad and was really fun to use pad in mmorpg ) but now game freezes after using him…and wile i switch to keyboard/mouse games runs normal this needs a fix (im using win7 sp1)

Quest - release Goddess Saule - Relase the Demon Barrier - Area : Septyni Glen ,site won’t let me upload a screenie idky
but game client stops working when trying to access the hex on the floor

Strange. I’m using Win 7 Professional SP 1 and a wired xbox360 Controller and it’s working just fine.

well it worked for me in beta too but now for some reason its freezing the game ;/

Quest : [LEVEL40]Beyond the Darkness

Area : Tenet Church 1F

Its reward couldn’t be selected and the quest had been broken for over 1 day

EDIT: Nvm, just remember to press “space” key.

I have many quests, specially the repeatable ones, showing some sort of codes instead of the quest text, it also happen in the describe of the quest, something like ##line 100 text bla bla bla##

Hmm… If I may, there are also major issues with occasional FPS drops, UI glitching, and game crashes for the low-end PCs.

My biggest complaint in this game so far is the poor optimization. Please let me know if developers are working on improving the performance. I wish game optimization comes before any other features / additional content.

dont forget about gold bots droping FPS with that chat spamm

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its not only low end ;] when there is a lot ppl in one area it can even drop for high end pc(i5 amd 7970 16 gb ram) and sometimes ill get drop to 0 frames (freez) and then its back to 60

I know. But my problem here is more severe than yours =w=

Server: Klaipedia
Class : Ranger
Team Name: Sparda
Char Name : Dante

Type of Bug :Class advancement

Date/Time and Location : 1st April 2016

(when and where the bug occurred) 02:42PM Server time.

I’m not able to adv class, the button isn’t even showing up =.=

@moderators @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @Staff_Julie

“Botters cannot do auto quest. Its far more complicated. What they can do now is just auto grind.”

You haven’t seen botting in other MMOs to think it can’t be done. It’s just a matter of time if they are pushed into doing it. Gold spammers/scammers/botters do what they can to get through the system to make money. Even paywalls don’t stop their actions in other MMOs.

Hello @Regolant,

Could you perhaps send be a PM with a screenshot of the current problem? Thanks :slight_smile:

Dear staff, it would be great if you could make patch note posts (or similar) on every change/fix/hot-fix/tweak you have made every day so we can see the progress.
I for one would love to see what you have been working on :wink:

Done, thank you in advance.

What happens to this?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it’s getting a little irritating that for the last 9 hours, I keep getting this:

And whenever I verify integrity, it tells me that there’re a number of files that can’t be verified and would be reacquired… And that does nothing.

Please fix dungeons …

  1. CommanderLoadFail / Instance disconnect problems / Malfunctioning elevators & cable cars
    is do to connection problems with the channel. You should be able to
    connect to the channel if you choose one with less people. The dev team
    will be looking into the issue to make it more stable.


Doesn’t work. Tried it now for atleast 100 times.
We tried it with 5 … solo … channel switching… switching of people completly.

It’s either random luck to get in. Or it doesn’t work at all.


How are mob respawns not a known issue yet? This is ridiculous.

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