Tree of Savior Forum

Intense Balancing: Clerics, Archers and More!

Cleric isn’t strong (except Zealot & maybe Inquisitor) in PVP.
In fact, Cleric is the weakest Class tree for PVP.

Strong and weak is only decided by RAW damage and CC, as these points decide who dies how fast.

The point Cleric excels in is survivability. This doesn’t make Cleric any stronger,though, just tougher.
It allows the player to outlast the enemy, which is totally fine.
Just look at how e.g. Overwatch handles Tanks.

I’d rather say Swordsmen in PVP will be the reason why Archer doesn’t get its comeback.
Peltasta C2 is broken with active Guard, 100% uptime on Guardian and additional 20% damage reduction + damage reduction buff via Swash Buckling.
With the many possible ways to CC the enemy as Swordsman in PVP, the high defence of Peltasta and the sheer endless blocks, even without shield (e.g. Retiarius), that allow for enemy CC even on medium-high range (e.g. Throw Rete, Iron Hook, Spear Throw) is what really destroys Archer gameplay.

Swordsman and Wizard are really strong against Archers while Cleric still needs to close the gap first for the majority of skills, has nearly no CC and only kills slowly[strongest skills are DoT-/multihit-skills].

In my opinion, after all these recent changes, Clerics are the least thing to worry about in PVP for Archers.
Rather, they benefited from the Heal changes for Cleric, as it’s harder to heal back instantly from burst attacks now, making Cleric less dangerous on normal gear level but more dangerous on whale gear level (as C3s Heal now has a HoT effect that additionally boosts the survivability of Clerics on the long run).

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Asriel strikes again :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired:


Except that whole thing where your chances of winning are greatly increased by having a Cleric.


(except Zealot & maybe inquisitor)

So the only two rank 8 options are strong? Sounds pretty good to me. You are also forgetting that with frosterlord meta, PD is ridiculously strong. Also that in 3v3 TBL 15 ein sof is very strong.


I agree though, Archer is at the bottom right now, with Swordsman coming 2nd from last.

Problem really is that most CCs and core DPS skills from these two physical DPS classes rely on block pen and accuracy, factors even Clerics and Wizards can negate with gear and buffs. They can miss, can be blocked. I believe CataLancer is still the only feasible PVP swordsman build right now on equal gearing level.

Perhaps a little increase in Accuracy and BlockPen multiplier for each point invested in STR and DEX for these two pAtk classes? Also, between Archer and Sword, the latter at least has some limited builds that can counter debuffs/CCs with some resistance.

I’m just waiting for the PVP content gear standardization update to be implemented, if ever - then we can all have a good talk about balance.


A turtle is weaker than a lion, but the first out lives the other by 100ths of years…


Someone posted this from KTOS last week. Still hoping for archer “intense balancing” :fearful:





Now seriously, are you a troll?


:ok_hand: :joy:
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Um, cleric might be slightly useful even after cleric changes :sweat_smile:.

Nah, dead tree everyone reroll to archer. :thinking:

This make no sense that we don’t get the rank reset for those important changes.

It is obvious that we won’t be giving up our character which already invest 50M+ silver to attribute points and spread another 50M+ silver to only test what you have change.

If you make attribute points shareable among characters in the team or even at the same class, YES, attribute reset might be a good compensation and i won’t mind spending more tps to buy character slots.


Plus to that. I spent 500m on attribute on an Archer. Now i made a Cleric and spending again for attri. They should make Attribute points, Transferable. That 500m attri points I put was a year ago, quitted and came back only to know our class was heavily nerfed.

Love our class mates! Though I spent 3x than that on my archer main. I stilk enjoy it. But I dont play as much anymore due to no real game content and challenge

And yes will be really sweet to have attrib points shared.

Is there like an estimate time for when this update is applied?

July 10, 2018 earliest.

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Okay, so no rank reset for this update … then at least make it happen that when we DELETE a character we get to save that characters Attribute Points … since we’re probably going to start a new character ( on the same account ) at least let us save our hard earned silver / attribute points … turn into a coin/scroll attribute points that will automatically appear on the “Next character” created … since I doubt you’d make it shareable to team storage …


Don’t dare you share good ideas, metachaser.


I really doubt IMC will do anything in regards to this. since that cube problem in the HG that people got a lot of “bonuses” IMC has been “afraid” to “be too generous to players”
I’d honestly be happy with a daily-rank-reset-NPC-thing like they did before, but I not only doubt they’ll do it, I also would like to remember you guys BFA pre-patch is around the corner, so we’ll probably all be playing wow anyway :v

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Next week, finaly!!!