Tree of Savior Forum

Intense Balancing: AoE, Multi-hit, Swordsman/Archer Trees

I knew about the Spike Shooter, but because of the skill cooldown (100 seconds) I never cared about it, but the Falconer 3 new circling is best used in Sapper anyway because they don’t care about the ADR (AoE Defense Ratio) anyway just for the expand attribute.

The Hoplite Spear Throw I didn’t know, and I play a lot with a Hoplite - Dragoon friend, but he never uses that skill… Unfortunally Circling will be more interesting for the Swordman than Archer, because they not only natural AAR (a huge 4), but a lot of their skills have AAR in then too.

The Pheasant with the Multhit attribute looks Strong… comparing with the damage of Hovering and that and the damage of the lines, it looks that the attribute makes Pheasant at least in 2,5x stronger… With Roost that is most likely stronger than Frost Cloud, you don’t even need Circling Expand for the damage to be good…

Nah, the damage is ok, otherwise people would go Cata3 instead Hop3 for Dragoon without thinking it

They gave them a skill that boosts mounted skill damage tho which might scale like agny. Could be something good despite everyone including devs hating Catas in pvp and loving their beloved clerics.

Hm, nice. Good thing that those balance changes will definitively not take 3~4 months to reach iToS. /s

Btw, when are they gonna freaking disable that useless buff limit :S !?!?!?!? im getting sick of that

it’s already disabled when rank9 comes

still not worth leveling the skill, given the scaling is only 54,5% per skillevel (990% base + 763% for 14 points is somewhat bad). It’s a good 1 point-wonder now,though, for Falconer C1/2 and an even better utility skill for Falconer C3 because of the pull-effect.

I’d rather level Hovering for boss fights.

I just hope one day they’ll allow Falconer&Hunter skills to be used during Kneeling Shot/Bazooka so that you don’t have to leave the stance to use these filler skills/buffs/debuffs…

is the pulling attribute bugged?

I don’t have that much timeeeeeee ajksdhjakshdjkahs

that should be the next update anyway

Love all the changes, thx for this. :sunglasses:

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Finally Q is happy <3

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Something something Gae Bulg is annoying to use.

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Pheasant do not knock back at all, that what makes it awesome skill even at one point investment.
Stun atribute on it makes it deal no knock back :slight_smile:

Seems like I will have to sacrifice Circling lvls to boost Pheasant/Hovering for my QS3R1Falcon3BM1 build though. Before for Pre Emptive Max Sonic Asault was enough I think.


Something something Gae Bulg is annoying to use.

You can just drop it at your feet if you want to use it as aoe in CC by double taping skill button (with bit of delay)

Yup I know, I was talking more about Hovering Knockback.

But in the end Falconer C1 is not worth taking anymore, now it will be C3 or nothing.

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Gae Bulg does not function like Spear Throw, it is thrown at a preset range in front of the player.

Linker REALLY needed another nerf. Lol.

I hope they circle back to linker during wizard intense balance.

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As someone who played Doppelsöldner since beta* and Cataphract , let me enlighten you on the history of true multihits and fake multihits in Tree of Savior with my two years of experience.

See, first you pick a class in early beta of the game based on how cool their skills look in action, but also how many hits they do in the previews of skills, and what it says in the skill description in plain English. Like an absolute idiot, you did your research on talent calculators instead of dwelling in endless Korean forums, reading in Korean about how these skills really work. You stupid retard.

You’ve leveled up. It took you weeks in the beta or early access, but you finally reach that class circle you wanted. You then spend months or even years to gear up, and learn how to play and rotate skills in near perfection, with almost no delay in your execution of player input.

Then you realize the horrible moronic mistake you have done and just how much the game has fooled you. All that gearing up and effort means absolutely nothing once you realize almost all of your skills are fake multihits and scale horribly with all that gear advancement and you’re heavily left behind by classes that have true multihits.

You feel angry and mislead, so you write about these issue on the games’ forum for nearly two years only to be completely ignored by game developers and then get ridiculed by the elitist cash whale community for picking a shitty class, for two whole years.

Then you quit the game in frustration and realize just how much better life is when you don’t have to scale how much fun you can have on a daily basis on the scales of a few inept Korean game developers.

But in short, this is how a real multi-hit ability works:

  • (Gear x Skill) x 5

This is how a fake multi-hit works:

  • (Gear x Skill) x 1

They both show damage like this:

  • Damage!
  • Damage!
  • Damage!
  • Damage!
  • Damage!

But obviously the fake multi-hit divides the initially calculated damage by / 5.

So let’s say as an example your (Gear x Skill) equals to 1000 damage.

Real multi-hit:
(All hits are individual, can critical hit and scale with % damage increases separately etc.)

  • 1000
  • 1000
  • 1000
  • 1000
  • 1000

Fake multi-hit:
(Everything is divided by 5, and the skill only checks for critical once)

  • 200
  • 200
  • 200
  • 200
  • 200

Why were some abilities made as fake multi-hits!?


* Some argue Tree of Savior is still in beta and never left it.


I believe that some skills are fake multi-hit just for the sake of satisfaction of watching multiple number lines flying. Just for the lols; but they never intended to make those skills true multi-hit, as that would be their “natural weakness”. Too bad, blessing damage is OP, and fake hits don’t proc it.

The only pros that i can see in fake hits is that if you hit it once, all damage is connected. True multi-hit skills generally have a window of hit, so if your target move or try to dodge those skills, he’ll avoid part of the damage (Stabbing, Dragontooth, Multishot).