Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

Only the people who benefit from all these new “methods” of giving out beta keys are the ones suggesting them. It’s not fair to people who have followed the game but choose to lurk.

I only heard about the game recently and thought it looked like it’d be good so I decided to try my luck. If I don’t get in I’m not going to be too upset since I can just wait for it to come out officially (Though I don’t actually know when that is…). I don’t really know why everyone’s so desperate to get into the beta that only last for, what 7 days I think? Just chill out and hope you get in, that’s really all you can do at this point.

Let’s hope! Have people with true interest in this game.

Here, for all you that are having worries about the fake accounts etc.
This is a topic that has already confirmed the devs are doing something about the fake accounts.

As stated before, anyone who is using multiple accounts is going to be using a new IP for each one.

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter who gets a key as long as they aren’t being resold online, as people who buy founder’s packs or beta keys tend to, on average, treat the beta test like a game rather than a period of time to give feedback and test the game to improve it.

@Skendya I’m sure the devs know what they are doing, have faith in the people who are creating an entirely new game for us to play.

“treat the beta test like a game rather than a period of time to give feedback and test the game to improve it.”
A beta test is to do both of those things so the devs know what they can improve on and filter out the bugs for the final release while also seeing if the players enjoy the direction that the game is heading. (imo)

Honestly I don’t think ToS is as popular as some think. At least yet xD

Well I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure currently Tree of Savior is one of the fastest games to be greenlit on Steam.

I agree-- though I’m not sure they expected such an influx that quickly as they set the date for the 30th.

Lol this way is better then this other way I know of. Where the game just does a key giveaway on their site or on a certain site. Then everyone hoards onto that one site to get their free key. Then if ur to slow, too bad for you.

I have to try the CBT!

Nobody likes beggars, deal with it!
Just have hope…

We all are hoping to get select as beta testers…

I hope I get to be part of the Beta testers. :-S

Add me to beta pls TY :slight_smile:

I think what he / she meant is that ppl who buy beta keys tends to do that which won’t give positive result. Most of the time they will be careless when they find a bug and just treat CBT as a game.

I think this would be only partially fair, you know. There is a group of few persons, like me, that follow this game since 2 years ago (from everywhere you can think about, other sites/communities/forums, youtube, facebook fan pages, official announcements, etc.), when the first rumors appeared, people whom frequent this forum as well, but just reading, not posting (and so, not having an account registered before), that would be affected by this new method.

I agree that ICM probably should do something different, but something more elaborated. The problem here is the time they have to do something more ellaborated.


hum think will be not easy to do like that. but why not

I think they know to weed out the bot accounts.

It wouldn’t be very nice to disregard the people who joined the forums late as they may have been getting there news from the Facebook page and commenting there.

I think this method is fair, IMC know what they’re doing
don’t be childish guys, you can’t always have 100% chance of getting in the club, just chill and wait your turn it’s just a week anyway, barely enough time


I’m new to the forums but I’ve been following this game since the very first day it was announced (just like a lot of you!). Just because I didn’t join the forums from their inception, does that mean that I’m any less legit of a fan? I have done a lot of testing–even alpha for companies before. Honestly, there aren’t many games that I haven’t done at least some sort of professional or at least beta testing for that have been released.

I’m not saying this to make myself sound more deserving, I’m just saying not all of us expected forum membership to be the way for cbt selection. Some of us are lurkers. And also: a lot of times companies open up their testing so that gamers of all types and ability can come assist with the test. Sometimes someone who’s newbie-ish can find stuff that someone else might not. They also provide really important feedback for the company from a different perspective of players who are already fans and have researched everything. They can stumble onto stuff that you might not think of or their computer set up might be more basic and help find some compatibility errors.