Sigh, trying to stay out of this post b/c no-one listens but you seem confused.
Why are you so “torn” on this decision, you are following the idreamy build and in the idreamy thread, have you actually read the thread or just scrolled down to the latest replies, not attacking you, honestly asking.
Dreamy clearly explains why you go rogue at rank 7, if you read any nonsense about feint+barrage falling off late game look closer, I called those people out months ago and none of them actually had, or ever had an idreamy scout.
My primary scout atm, the falc/mergen;
The idreamy build however is more fun to play and has better burst, its just a bit riskier and lacks the large scale aoe, again though both are viable. I just don’t understand why you started leveling an idreamy scout if you didn’t intend to finish it as it was spelled out for you word for word by the OP.
Again, you go rogue at 7, and mergen at 8. The most common scout builds atm are this (idreamy) and the archer3-scout3-falc1-merg1. I have taken the idreamy to 280 and the falc/mergen to 329, both are viable, the falc/merg is just more futureproof imo and handles the rank8 content better, not putting you in melee or spell cast range of the overpowered mobs.