Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

then don’t sweat it, just go scout 3 musket. (or cannoneer if you want doesn’t really matter)

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Wish you knew how to speak English, this made no sense at all.

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I would be able to read what you said if i actually understood it.
i’d rather follow a korean guy who actually shows me videos of how the build looks like, then some random theorycrafting sh1t.
koreans simply provide proof as to why their build are better
and im sorry, for farming purposes, their builds are better.
TL:DR - if you want a good quality build, i would follow a pro and not some random theorycrafter on the internet.

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then how you gonna reach 96% critical rate if only 3 items give critical rate?

i hope no one is actually listening to your crap (not sure if anyone understand your language, because whatever you speak its definitely not english)
literally you make no sense at all
white damage will never out damage yellow damage.
i can get max crit rate just from dex and swift step, and then get max critical attack and physical attack gear if i want, and it will out damage your theory crap.

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this don’t make any sense at all
you have 230 extra invested points, (too much for lvl 330)
anyway this is a joke, as i said you won’t reach 96% crit rate.
and for a solo farming build, you won’t have a chrono with quicken with you.
you have 95 invested points in dex and you say that its "0 invested points in dex"
if you take out the invested dex points you’ll see that you can only reach 318 crit rate with swift step, which is not enough for even 50%.
as i said, full dex builds out performs str.
96 from green gems+88 from bow+71 from lolo set =255 (fail)+ swift step (63)=318 (another fail) even if you include base crit rate at lvl 330 (which is about 70) it will not exceed 400.
consider taking some math classes buddy.
I bet you don’t even have half the gear you mentioned.

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i bet you don’t even have 1 lvl 10 ellaganos card.

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i can get more crit attack then what you have just from crit attack gear, just saying.
there are more critical attack gear than critical rate
the top dps archers in ktos are still full dex so that speak for itself.
And its true for itos too.
as i said, you cannot get 90% crit rate from gear.

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I don’t need to show you a screen because you know i’m right, no reason arguing. You are just theorycrafing stuff with random stupid numbers and adding outside buffs to justify your build, as if you gonna bring a chrono with you every time you gonna solo a dungeon run.
The facts speak for themselves, ktos archers are still flooded with full dex.
you cannot get 96% crit rate with 0 dex invested by yourself, this is not possible.
Wrong numbers, sorry. As i said before you don’t have half the gear you mentioned.

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you are living in a big dream thinking you cna get 2000 raw damage, 1388 crit dmg, and 96% crit rate by yourself.
You don’t have that gear, you don’t have that lvl, why should anyone follow your advice if you did not play a character that possess what you theorycraft? do you have a lvl 315 bow? do you have a lolopanther set? do you have 8 lvl 10 ellaganos card? no you don’t.
edit: this is a thread that is devoted to solo farming…

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look at these 2 vids and tell me that your archer out perform that
both of them are dex builds.