Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

even flare just level5? :open_mouth:

Level first the ones you use most, then level the fillers.
Still raise your skills.

Ofc you wont level skills like oblique shot or critical shot from ranger, for example.

Dont forget, it was iDreamy himself who also suggested fullSTR at the first place, not me. I just encouraging blapper who is already more than halfway in fullSTR path and has problem with leveling. He can solve it by distributing some points to CON DEX (your advise) or by partying (my advise). Let him choose by himself.
But if he can finish this path then he will be one of the first person outside kTos who has this build in fullSTR. He will feel the same fiero just like when finishing any Dark Souls game. And his legacy will forever be recorded in history (youtube).
The common problem for us DPS character is we tend to solo everything and anything.
My char is already 270++ and everytime my team buff me with aushrine+meltis combo, i become invicible, literally. Teamwork FTW!

I still got 63 points unused right now…so i am still “fullStr”, but it is getting less fun hour i play.
Sure i am solo-ing rigth now (who wants to grind roxona at all?) but even in missions where there is a heal (cough or not), i even die on mobs that are spawned from Bosses.

I have to admit, that partying might be a fun thing to do…but on fedimian you got a hard time finding random people who wanna join for questing/grinding in uncommon places.

Now i put 60 points in dex and 60 points in con after and hope that this will solve my problem which i got at the moment.

And to be a Legend on Youtube, you could easily use a stat reset pot if you got some left (i got 3, so i think many people do atleast got 1).
Imagin putting ALL the points in spr and pretend you did it to 280 with that :smiley:

what’s better archer 3 scout 3 musket (or cannoneer)
or idream’s version of the build archer c2 ranger 1 scout 3 rogue 1? (mergen at rank 8 seems a must)
which of these are better? i want to build a farming build

if you read the guide at all you would have the answer…but for the special snowflakes out there ranger1/rogue1 will still be the best for rank 8 b/c mergen’s arrow rain can be captured

if you want to farm, as long as you have scout 3, any build is good. archer 3 scout 3 musket will give you safer gameplay, because with Snipe you have the widest attack area, even outside WB lv280 Rexipher’s SP drain debuff area. Idreamy build requires you to burst at point blank range, from the back, to have maximum damage, but it is cheaper to max all the attributes.

This build full dex is better choice another class on rank 7?

depends, what another class are you referring to?

if i go the scout 3 rogue 1 build should i do dex? it seems like dex is better with mergen’s skills im not sure if i want to rely just on sneak hit for my crits

Sneak hit is not that useful for soloing. Sure it has it’s uses but most of the time i throw that flu flu on a group of elites, throw flare shot on the ground and walk around while throwing split arrows to whipe the whole group.

I got a dex build, and i love it. The evasion is just to good.

are you the rogue build or the archer 3 scout 3 build?
it seems better to go archer 3 scout 3 for a dex build lvl 15 swift step gives 20% evasion
and what is your gear btw for a dex build?

a2/ranger/scout3/rogue that’s my build, so rogue.

5% evasion increase from archer 3 is not interesting at all. I have zero evasion issue’s and that’s with 3x plate items lol and no evasion gems.

I use 3x plate, superior royal guard armor + pants both +3, = 300 def.
Roxona plate boots why? no idea probably for hp bonus that’s it.
Also got vubbe gaunlets, 10 str is kinda solid i guess.
Max peta, absolutely best necklace there is for this char, 14 dex / con / spr / str. So good
2x junk bracelets ( 3 all stats one ), and one +4 con.
light gorithos bow +6 with 3x 22 crit gems.

I use zero cards.

The damage doesn’t really come from your gear anyway, ( besides bow ). It comes from attributes. You are better off not buying 2x sissels ( like dreamy also mentioned ) but spend that 16m into attributes. ( example ).

Keep in mind that you play different with this build on different area’s in the game.

For example capture + flare shot can seem totally useless when you are sub 170, as you never use flare shot anyway other then some additional damage on a boss, or when you get split arrow, you won’t use anything else anymore then split arrow.

But once you hit 100k+hp targets, you will have to evade hits to do your split arrow pressure ( as you will have to cast it a few times to kill them off, “without dex or evasion you will get a lot of damage on you” ) + you will use flare shot ALOT, so capture suddently seems to be super useful. The same goes for barrage, as barrage is super good early game, mid game it’s a second multishot, but late game without feint the damage will drop off entirely. but with feint it becomes the barrage you always knew again.

i already went archer 3 and im doing the archer 3 scout 3 musket build (i have to say that i find twin arrow pretty daamn impressive)
while your point is true, musket’s skills are stronger than feint+barrage and double flare, not to mention snipe becoming aoe at rank 8 im basically wasting 2 circles on 1 combo that will be outclassed by even musket c1 anyway, (not to mention covering fire is like multi shot on steroids and it becomes aoe with aoe ratio so double glads vubbe fighter and aoe ratio head gear will make it a very op aoe skill)
ty for the help though, my scout 3 is going to be dex oriented.

yea it depends on how you want to play really, i personally will move into mergen for a bit more aoe pressure and capture will profit from that rain skill it seems. But even at 100k+ hp monsters. Monsters melt so fast. I hardly need anything else :stuck_out_tongue:

yea i imagine split arrow is pretty strong can’t wait for scout 3
i just think that going archer 3 and musket adds to the single target that this class is missing, also archer 3 scout 3 is ktos proven and the rogue 1 isn’t :3
also scout 3 musket can be good in pvp because cloak and snipe

For single target feint + barrage will nuke down any monster really. If that’s on cooldown go for flare + 2x multishots and the monster is a goner ( high hp monsters ).

Keep i mind that split arrow needs a high attribute tho, without it the damage is kinda meh ( from my experience ). With a high one it’s amazing. ( well when it comes to high target hp monsters )

I got it at 70%, and currently planning to move it to 80% in the next 2 days.

so basically i should get it to lvl 50 at the first day i get it (i have enough silver for that alreadY)

I highly recommend doing that, 0% the damage is kinda bad :stuck_out_tongue:

and for a high dex i should do double glads red gems on gloves yellow on weapons etc