Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

only gems that are important are green crit ones on bow, as it gives more crit. I have zero gems in anything else as i have zero needs for it.

well with a high dex build you can get up to 500 crit rate naturally just with dex and swift step, getting critical attack gems on gloves, and proper head gear does wonders.

yea well it depends on how you balance your char i guess, at the end you can also allocate some str into the build, to compensate that. I personally have a 1:2 str/dex build( will be 1:3 ), so crit is still useful for me. And specially when i park most of my new attribute points as unspended in order to wait for r8 to arrive and see what is going to happen then. Specially as my skills hit hard enough, and the point are not really needed right now.

what im doing is 50 con rest str which basically results in 400 natural crit rate without swift at lvl 280, and 500 with swift step at lvl 280 (about 70% crit rate)
all my gear is gonna be physical damage and critical rate and i’ll try to enchance my current khasti bow

isn’t twin arrow enhancement attribute currently bugged at the moment? someone posted it in the forum he has lv20 twin arrow but there is no 20% increase in it’s damage.

i can confirm its false, my twin arrow is at lvl 40 and the damage is a lot stronger. Maybe its a problem he has

from iDreamy’s trailer, lv252 char feint+3xbarrage+sneakhit can bring 199k HP to 85k. my first build, lv267 char with 2str:1dex ratio, cloak+snipe lv 5 (0% attribute) crit for around 47k to the same boss and you have to wait for CD. if your cloaking lv is high, then you can’t always perform cloak+snipe combo. Even if i have lv 50 snipe, the end-damage increase is 50%, right?
So i think iDreamy’s build has stronger burst damage before those skill’s going to CD. CMIIW

its not only about the damage, i got a fletcher that is stronger than both idreamy’s scout and any other scout against bosses, i just like scout 3 musket better, it seems like a better build for me
also musket c2’s burst is a lot stronger than both feint+barrage and double flare. The full rotation that musket brings is simply stronger.
snipe, just snipe by itself can go for more than 90k (i’ve seen it happen, remember that idreamy got max attributes and gear and you don’t), headshot can go for 30-40k and covering fire will hard to tell i’ve seen it go for more than 20k, probably does more than 30k too
musket is unarguably stronger even at the 1st circle
now im not sure whether musket or mergen is stronger at rank 8 but from what it looks like with aoe attack ratio gear it seems that musket is stronger, again i’m not sure about that we’ll have to see.
The base damages of musket’s skills are higher than any other mergen skill for sure.

what is this full rotation that you are planning about? swift step - cloak+snipe - flare shot - 2x multishot -covering fire - headshot - 5x twin arrow and start from snipe again?
you must do cloak+snipe before flareshot, because flareshot if hits the enemy, will cancel the cloaking effect.
IIRC, iDreamy stated that his attribute is at lv 70.

False. You’re only comparing a single full rotation w/o considering the cooldowns and how much actual DPS you’re gonna do within a considerable amount of time. The DPS of my build is stronger than even a Fletcher C3 if the comparison is within 1 minute, Scout falls off by then which I already mentioned on the guide. There is someone who also does alot of number crunching on the previous posts who has a Musketeer and is totally disappointed of it’s DPS so I’m not sure where you’re getting this conclusion that Musketeer is stronger.

Another thing is, I never mentioned that I already have maxed out gears and attributes, my highest attribute was just Barrage at Lv70. The most expensive gears I have on my arsenal was just a Petamion (Not Max Petamion) and Mana-mana. My bracers were just Rapid Bangles. Armors are just Roxona.

Get your facts straight.

whoa! iDreamy-sama! Okaerinasai~
btw, if and only if in the future Mergen is proven to be really underwhelming, what is your opinion if i take archer 3 as rank 8 continuing from your build, for max [swift step, multishot and twin arrow]?
Considering from enhancement attribute to lv100’s cost,SP, CD and damage wise.
Is there better option than archer 3?

I’ve been using this build for month, and yeah it has strong burst before everything goes on CD. But still we got filler like feint+barrage and multi shot even split shot can be used on certain situation where there is some mobs other than the boss. I only lose the aggro where there is a QS>Wugu or fletcher with high level attribute of magic arrow and have some BIS from the same class which is archer. I was an A3>QS3>Musket before I tried this one, after I tried this I switch my main to this build.

With the skill damage of any rank 8 class, they are totally better than any of the lower rank classes with maybe the exception of a Fletcher C2 going C3 though that’s not the case on this build. Rank 8 classes are pretty much forced, not optional.

Also, I just peek on the forums randomly to see if there are any major changes on the game. Sadly, I’m not really back to the game nor the forums.

Currently i only use 2x poison 30 property attack helmets with 1x 600 hp hp helmet. I will have to ugprade this at one point, but honestly spending millions on this it’s better spend on split arrows attribute.

I will push about 50-60 con later on, atm i spended 0 con and frankly even now i have no issue’s with not dying. Maybe in higher dungeons with magic monsters or boss monsters it’s going to be better to have more hp, but i mostly solo.

The thing is the moment you interrupt split arrow spam, you damage will dive.

let me explain why.

Split arrow here does 24k dmg total on 1 attack on ground targets and double that on flying targets 48k. As you see how fast split arrow casts after eachother. you need skills that actually do loads of damage to make it worth it to interrupt your split arrow spam on high hp targets.

30-40k dmg skills are not even remotely interesting, split arrow will just out damage that easily with just spamming the skill in the same time, 90k is interesting, but you will sacrifice feint barrage which will out damage that anyway.

So what really is there?.

The reason why i use flare shot on large groups of monsters is because it’s worth it, it can do on itself 150k aoe based damage, so that’s on 10 targets 1,5m dmg. Totally worth it to throw on the ground and interrupt split arrow for. 90k/40/30k skills? which needs to be cast all of them + switch weapons, no ty.

Feint + barrage is for this reason always off cooldown, because it just isn’t interesting most of the time to interrupt my split arrow with it. ( musk will just sit there being useless to me )

Still split arrow has 3 big weaknesses and that’s running speed ( dex / evasion fixes that, as you will get hit or you will need to interrupt your damage output )

Second one is on single targets it’s weak, so that’s where feint + barrage comes in.

third is that you need a high attribute to make it really go well on higher hp targets, i’m currently at 70% but still want to increase it. Specially if you do not push your stats into str and have low end gear.

Also capture is nothing to joke about, it’s a second flare shot that makes aoe farming high end monsters even more faster, but also helps a ton in party’s. or boss fights.

For example elememe throws all his dmg on the ground, and it’s about to run out. well throw flare shot on it + capture + for another round of enhanced damage output ( as it resets its timers ), or even reallocate his burst when a boss moves to it’s new location.

It also helps for stuff like imume shield, take it when it’s not longer used and replace it when you need it.

Totally underrated skill, so many uses besides second flare shot.

2x flare shot is also nothing to joke about, that’s like a rain of 7k dmg that keeps on burning a target for a long time. I yet to see anybody outdamage that combo in my party’s. specially if you throw feint + barrages + multishots after it. I mostly aggro missions bosses 24/7 this way while waiting in my trashcan auto attacking being totally imuum.

The thing really is, everything is just filler / support to split arrow.

And this is what most people tend to forgot. I wouldn’t want any more skills that i have to use between split arrow at all currently, i already have to much.

about rank 8 and musk 2, sure it will add more damage on top of that musk 1, but not like this char isn’t going to select a rank 8 class that also will increase it’s damage output, so kinda void to discuss.

Mergen will be nice for capture, but honestly i feel like i get 3x more feint barrages that i won’t be using much. But we will see how that pans out.

If this build will be bad at that time, i will just use it as a dedicated farmer. so no loss there :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not bugged, it works perfectly fine here ( split arrow ). The damage increase from 50>70% was big time noticable. To the point i don’t want to upgrade anything but the attribute by itself.

nah, what i ask is twin arrow attribute from archer c3, not split arrow attribute

i don’t thing you ever played or seen a well built musketeer, with double glads and aoe ratio gear.
I chose to go with the archer 3 scout 3 build because i’ve seen more from that build. I’ve seen many people execute it very successfully, no offense to any of you guys this is just my preference.
With the amount of people going archer 3 scout 3 (even in ktos) i believe there is a way to execute this build well.

As someone who has played the idreamy version (lv272 3months old) I can say your version is also solid, and has its advantages, especially allowing the user to pew pew from a safe range unlike us who have to get in melee range to burst.
That being said this thread has been over-run the last 2 weeks with people who have never even attempted to level or play the build in the op, if you all want to tell us every week how the build is dumb or your ideas for a better one start your own fkng thread…seriously people.

i never said that this build is dumb, never not once, i simply was looking to see which is better and for me, personally archer 3 scout 3 is better for what i’m trying to achieve.
I even went over my comments, not sure when did i say this build is dumb. I don’t even know which 1 is better since i only played archer c3 build.[quote=“jchsc32, post:871, topic:266089”]
pew pew from a safe range unlike us who have to get in melee range to burst.

that’s the reason i’m doing this build, farm efficiency. It’s because i have a full str fletcher that needs to get in close range and i have to say its not fun to farm like that, even though the build got tons of damage, its very hard for me to farm in these types of builds.

ya the only time I have an issue with the close range is the dullahan and royal museum saluus missions, there are a couple of bosses that even through my enhanced/gem’d grynas full plate set, 17.5k hp, +5 max peta and double sissels etc 1-2 shot me when I go to shotgun feint barrage

i just noticed that for some reason, there is an attribute that lets you use penetration shot from musketeer with kneeling shot, seems to be really good with full dex and rapid shot’s rapid fire attribute