Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

Crit chance formula is (crit rate - crit resist) * 42 / player level

An example of this is:

(100 - 433) * 42/280 = C
This will be 0%, but with sneak hit active it gives a +70% crit chance so the end result is 70% crit chance.

There is also the more recent innovation to this formula which is:

C = (((crit rate - crit resist) * X) + skill crit chance)

Where X = 42 / player level ; [0,1]

(In case you don’t know what the brackets mean… They just mean that 42 / level can only be a value between 0 and 1. Also any value above 1 is reverted to 1 for this specific case).

An example using this newer version would be like this:

(100 - 433) * 42 / 280 + 70% = C
(c.rate - c.resist) * 42/level + sneak hit 5 = C

-333 * 0.15 + 70% = C
-50% + 70% = C
30% = C

So, it’s 30% crit chance…

The first formula is generally accepted. The second one still needs more proof.

I’m not messing with my original idreamy scout, mine is 1 of the older ones on Klaipeda, its pretty much perfect but I do want to roll a different scout 3 focusing on DEX and not using rogue or ranger. I’m not by any means saying it will be better, I’m simply bored and curious with all the talk of “omfg rank 8 is the end of STR, DEX FTW” if a new build might be good to have on standby.
I’m just hesitant on the options though b/c they seem non-existant, I’m looking at archer3-scout3-falcon1-mergen1 twin arrows, kneeling shot, circling for multishot and split arrow + flare shot etc but this would worry me b/c wouldn’t I have to go the aoe att ratio + route for multishot and circling, I currently use x2 heavily enhanced sissel bracelets, I damn sure don’t wanna have to farm 2 gladiator bands.
Idk though like I said, bored, looking to roll a different scout3, I’m sure some people are gonna suggest a2/sapper2 but they are crap later on and they don’t do shi* to flying mobs, so ya, well see.

I am working on a similar build to yours, replacing mergen with hakka though. Your +AoE gear will still be useful during Circling downtime. I did think about A2-Hunt1-Scout3-Hunt2/Musket2/Falcon-hakka/mergen however I don’t think I will be able to handle the pet.

Ya just getting a little nervous now, all the Korean players seem to be trashing Mergen pretty consistently and its really the only good capstone to scout 3, I really don’t wanna have to constantly mount and dismount when entering and exiting stealth, I cloak quite a bit and again, I’m hearing nothing but negative things about haka aswell, hopefully the archer rank 8s get some buffs b/c the 1 thing ktos players are all agreeing on is that archer rank 8 sucks the most of all the classes.

I am thinking about A1R1A3Ro1Fal3 or fal1-musket2/cannon2 for AoE too. However it might still lose vs the other AoEs. I like scout3 to farm some silvers.

Yes, they speak lowly of mergen and hakka. And hakka is bugged (one thing is the arrow stacking mechanic has a big delay, they need to wait several seconds before using hakka skills -> lose out on dps, and sometimes it doesn’t work properly - no extra hits on hakka skills). Mergen AoE damage/CD/SP cost loses out vs other AoEs. Players tend to compare classes to their best atm.

In our server AoE is compared to elememe, and dps/single target to fletcher.

In Korea they have new classes.
Such as dps/burst is compared to dragoon2.
AoE compared to SR3 retreat shot, etc.
Support compared to cleric2, priest3, etc.

yea dreamy is back to give opinions, thanks idreamy @Dream your build is awesome!!! Ichiban

I was thinking of A>R>A2>SC3>Musq2, i think will be op in pvp

I was planning a similar build to be my 2nd Scout3. Also, wanna try a high dex toon. I envied those dodging and criting archers while I was levelling my iDreamy Scout3 :smiley:

Ohh yeah, iDreamy is the god of all scouts. Praise iDreamy. Sorry but iDreamy was just justifying his/her former prediction, which was based on no hard facts, that the Mergen is the best choice in Rank 8 for this build. Furthermore the core of this build is not the Scout 3, it can be subsituted by better classes if you wanna ago for dps.

winner of today’s dumbest reply award
the core of the build is split arrow which is used in conjunction with full draw to get a joint penalty bonus, the use of capture to precharge and double flare shot, the hidden combo of feint and barrage, she includes situationals uses for camoflauge, prespective distortion and fluflu, such as fluflu’ng a group of mobs and then quickly cloaking will cause the mobs to attack each other, but hey none of this is related to scout 3 right huh WOW gtfo of this thread you tool


Guys good news for us, capture works on mergen stuff:


game set match, as ive said for 3 months when people get in here and tell me my build is doomed or gimp, STFU and the doors that way

Feels good man

@jchsc32 Where do you get the Light Gorithos Recipe?

Light Gorithos Recipes are dropping in 190 dungeon.


ya like nic said, you can farm either 190 or 200 dungeon, 190s pretty easy to solo aswell for really quick runs, and cubes are cheap to reroll (60k) if you cant find a recipe on the market

hello guys, since rank 8 have high base skill damage and many people rather go full dex or low str, what’s your opinion for dreamy build? currently following this build at level 150 with ~100 str and ~40 dex planning to go 3:1, should i go for higher dex?:confused:

People that are saying to Go high dex are focusing on crit rate. This build has rogue, your crit rate is safe (future proof).
Just farm werewolf cards and make them 10⭐ and you’re set.

you may wanna go somewhat like 50, 75 or 100 dex. since for me, i min max with full str + swift step, i get up to 420 crit rate alone. imagine if u go 100 dex, u might hit 600+ crit even if u dont use sneak hit which is pretty good cause u dont need to position from behind to get the full effect of sneak hit, but dayyumm plus sneak hit is for sure 100%

okay, thanks for the input gonna continue for 3:1 then.

cheers :grinning:

have you tried using a full ol werewolf carded rogue? i’m quite reluctant about this since kToS players find it underwhelming, i have yet to see a discussion saying it’s useful.