Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

I currently have an SP pool of around 1.6k even if at 20 seconds of channeling Perspective Distortion, 60 SP is absolutely nothing. Mind you Lv5 Split Arrow is 37 SP per cast, so 60 SP for a 20s channeling duration is way too SP efficient.

I also suggest posting this on the class feedback section or submit a ticket and report it instead of nagging me about this. I am not a developer or whatsoever.

Didn’t meant to nag, just wanted to clarify why people doubt its cost.

Just a quick question, I was thinking of going Cannoneer for rank 7 instead of rogue. Would this be ok? Also i was gonna go for 3:1 str dex but im worried about CON. Would 3:1:1 str dex con hurt the build majorly?

dude c’mon, read the guide

So if I were to give up on the Rogue synergy (plan on going Musketeer), A3 will be better than A2 R1 right?


@Thread: I also want to tell everyone I’ll be quitting the game. You can check out my overall feedback on the game here,

A big thanks to those who supported and contributed to this guide. takes a bow

Goodluck everyone~! I do hope that those who followed this build will be successful in-game~


OMG this is sad… thanks for all the help, you’ve been active the whole time helping people in the forums and enlightened people about the scout class

Thank you Dream for a wonderful time and for the knowledge you shared!

Drop the next mmorpg that you will play, maybe I will try it :slight_smile:

Also, accepting donations for co-Tels here. hahahaha lol

I have to agree with you about forced class choices.
It bothered me in icbt that you have no real freedom on what you choose.
Coz’ if you choose what you “like” you may end up not wanted in groups or even you can become really weak.

There are however worse publishers out there. I had left my previous game because of that and for now i am staying with imc, even though i already feel boredom after making 3rd archer. I am just trying to complete as many achievements as possible now, and fill in journal, just to make the game have some goal for me.

Anyway, wish you best luck with your next game, and thank you for this guide.

And I just reached scout 3 and my first shot using split arrow put a smile on my face. Now I read this. :frowning: Thanks for all the advice Dream.


Can anyone explain why is sissel bracelet is good?I’m str 3 dex 1 and should i still get sissel bracelet in the future?

Are you serious? Is the 37 critical rate not obvious enough for you

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37 crit rate +21 physical attack, mind u =D

Aww man. Sad to see you go. But your presence will definitely be missed in here. Thanks for all your awesome contributions.

Hello there.
I was just browsing the archer threads and I saw this and I wanna say thank you for the contribution.
Even though I’ve only played the game for 2-3 days and I’ve trying/looking for different archer guides, I feel that this is one of the best that I’ve found.
Kind of sad that a player with a good knowledge is leaving but there will always be a point of time where someone leaves the game.

All I can say is thank you and good luck for your future endeavors @Dream

actually, is just going full STR from the start (assuming I don’t have the money to minmax right off the bat) and then farming w/ that and Sneak Hit + Swift Step for the required money viable at all? Or if not, at least 3:1 STR:DEX?

Since it’d be my first char, I’d most likely need 2:1 STR:DEX at first to get enough crit rate… but if I just stop caring that much about efficiency right off the bat, then farm for what I need, would that work? Even if we do get stat resets, there’s no guarantee that’ll be through events in iToS, and I can’t load TP at all since I’d need an international credit card.

Other than that, thanks a lot for your contribution, Dream. Hope everything goes well for you (and that IMC steps their game up).

Hi im just wondering if my build is still viable for a scout c3 build. I have 2.1 str dex ratio. im currently on scout c1 already at level 130. is it viable? or do i still have a chance to change the rank 6 and 7 classes?

Looks viable for me, broom trap + the split shot are already good skills

but you will be lacking of burst.

For Dream’s build the main burst will come from Feint + Barrage with 3 overheat. for instance your barrage hits 5k each arrow, then with Shotgun Barrage 3k x 10 (Feint) x3 (Overheat) = 90k damage every 25seconds (Feint cooldown).

yea that’s what im worried about hmm could i still perhaps change that rank 6 and 7 classes if its not too late for me?

The most I could see you doing at the point you’re would be sticking with only 1 rank of scout, then getting falconeer/rogue + cannoneer for a quite viable PvE build with enough AoE (falc prefereed) and sounds good enough for PvP as well (rogue prefered for back burst). Stats would go on the DEX side though (with just enough CON as you see fit to survive and a bit more if u plan to PvP)

So archer 2–> sappe 2 --> Scout --> Falc/Rogue --> Cannon