Tree of Savior Forum

Id rather buy the game instead of p2w(nexon)

I’ve been reading about some games that sold over 1m copies in steam. I don’t even know the reason to make the game f2p(mostly p2w with nexon) if you can just buy the game and voila! !
imc can easily hit over 1m too(for a fair price of coz).


But… we’re not using Nexon as the publisher. IMCgames is publishing this themselves for international. Steam for ToS is just the Host (not sure if this is the right word for it) and doesn’t really have any say to what is going to be in the cash shop. Plus, for KR-ToS, I’m fairly sure that IMCgames said that they wanted to control the Cash Shop for the contract which makes sense IIRC considering that the CEO doesn’t like Pay to Win.


We don’t really need another thread about the games financial format.
I do agree I’d rather buy the game then have it become a pay to win.
But not to worry cause IMC has stated multiple times they don’t want it that way and with the international version we will not have to worry about nexon cause its being distributed through steam.
So to anyone worried about this games financial format… Don’t worry its all good bro. :blush:


Nowadays everyone knows a pay to win game doesn’t sell. There are too many good games on the market for free, that are free to play and competitive. I really doubt IMC would be dumb enough to follow the p2w. Besides as stated above, the CEO doesnt like pay to win.

I only support Buy to play to avoid the 10 year olds that spam Ass and titties on the global chat, but ToS has kawaii art and possibly the age of players will range from 5 to 100, and luckily there is the glorious mute button.

So yup, I dont mind buying to play, but free to play is okay too.

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Even not playing the game is better than pay2win…

You heard from me first!!


I think I recall you saying something about not wanting it to be on Nexon once or twice already in other threads.

I also recall people telling you that we’re not gonna be under Nexon for this version-- not to mention that Nexon KR/JP =/= NA. They’re under different management in different locations and make different marketing decisions; I’ve heard a lot of people saying that KR Nexon has almost 0 games running that can be considered P2W. So again, you have nothing to worry about.


I don’t know exactly what that expression meant but I likes your post anyways!! :smile:

I would play ToS when I’m 100…

same here (even ive bought like 4 arcanas in DOTA2 huehue)

but it’ll be a bad idea… there are other ways for the devs to make money other than making the game F2P or P2Win and besides i like a game that has alot of players in it and it’ll make finding-party for grind or boss hunt easier

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Where have they confirmed that they’re going to publish it themselves? I only read that they’re not going to publish it themselves and are actively looking for publisher.

I’ll save my reasoning.
Nope. I wouldn’t buy this game if it were B2P/P2P.

Problem is it doesn’t work for a game you want to keep producing content for on a regular basis. That’s why the service model is so popular. Either cash shop(Eve Online/Tera), monthly fee(in the rare case of FFXIV’s fanatical player base), or frequent expansions(original Guild Wars). Otherwise cash flow can be a roller coaster.

The motto of most content rich multiplayer games right now is get the game on the market as soon as it’s fun and functional… Use the income to continue building or end up like Flagship Studios. Cause even if you got a team of rockstars it doesn’t mater if you don’t have cash flow. And you can get an idea of whether the product is worth continued investment by how the well the revenue stream holds up.

Well considering that this website itself is the main website of IToS, I would assume that since no other logo other than IMCgames is in the website, that they are going to self-publish.

I haven’t seen any word at all that they were actively looking for a publisher for International servers since we already have a distributor (Steam), and only recently has JToS been announced to have Nexon as their publisher. I can’t conclusively say that they are self-publishing however I can almost guarantee that they are self-publishing. But here are some previous posts on IToS publishers.

There was an article about the producer specifically stating he didn’t want Nexon America because of their poor reputation. Probably could google it up but I’m way to lazy right now.

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Now, guys. I may be the guy but with the unliked opinion, but it must be said.

Nexon got better. I recently looked at maplestory again and saw several things:

  • star enforce system
  • reward points (Get points - ingame - and buy cash shop items with them, or atleast get an discount)
  • reboot server (Server with only cosmetic cash shop items)

Two years ago, if someone would have said “nexon will bring these concepts to maplestory” they would have been called undercover PR agents. But nexon did. They are no saints, but who is one?

Finally, let’s not forget: There are worse companies then nexon. Much worse.

Interesting… I hadn’t heard about the reboot server. Sounds like they’re testing the waters. Maybe after seeing how much money they lost on neverwinter online.

Read more about reboot here:

EDIT: i wanted to directly link, but instead it loads the whole blog.


But yeah you’re right. There are worse companies than NexonNA but it has a notorious name atm. Until they change and people actually start seeing it in a different light (not just testing the waters with reboot server in MS), then we wouldn’t be so against it or at least I wouldn’t as I can’t talk for others. But I’m seriously confused as to how NexonKR and NexonNA have such different reputations.

BTW is there any NA publisher that DOESN’T have a bad reputation? I can’t seem to think of any of the “bigger” companies that do have a good reputation.

Also wanting to know this if anyone can answer.Can’t think of one with generally positive reviews from the public.Mixed maybe,but not more good.