Tree of Savior Forum

List of Local Publishers?

As the title suggest anyone has a list of local publishers for ToS?

Right now the only publishers I know of are the one in Indonesia, Nexon for South Korea and IMC for International.

I’m currently living in japan and I’m concerned that I might not only be ineligible for beta but when the International server launches I also won’t be able to access it because of IP restrictions…

Any reply is much appreciated…

P.S: If this is in the wrong section just tell me I’ll move it asap…


Gemscool for Indonesia.

Nexon for Korea and Japan. (though there has been no news from Nexon JP as far as I know)

ChangYou for China

IMCGames for International.

No more are announced/known.

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but future suspects

LevelUP - Brazil/South America

Asiasoft - Thailand

coz these companies may shove $$$$$$ to publish ToS locally despite their player spite for them

Please none for my country, please none for my country… (chants again and against before a shrine) :expressionless:

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is Philippines blocked from international server? @_@"

@rhidz Shouldn’t be, there was no mention of a Philippines publisher.

does PH have a confirmed ToS publisher? if none then your free to the cbt

levelUP would ruind the game for Brazil, they wont let that happen.

is this official news that ToS is under gemscool in Indonesia ? :sweat:

LevelUP is pretty big in the PH too though. So there’s a possibility they publish it here. Hopefully not though.

oh what a relief then =D hmm i still have problems though… can steam client download can corrupt?
i have slow connection so im prone to download corruptions =3=

Nope. There are no indications of local release yet for our country.

Yes it is official.

In fact, Gemscool had a recent event, and invited Kim Hakyu (director of ToS), to Indonesia where they showcased the game.

@rhidz Dunno, never had that issue with a steam game. I guess it could be possible? But steam allows for pausing/continuing downloads, so you should easily be able to download the game over time.

they just closed their flag ship game RO1 this year, soo

@rhidz Are you the “Rhid” that I know? Rhidsna?

Also, why do you guys think I’m praying on a shrine? Level Up! is so bad…both in Brazil and Philippines.

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nope but shes my sister XD

u know my sister? @_@" (btw were just regular siblings, were not twins XD)

@rhidz vonchu?! My ex-apprentice? It’s me! :satisfied: Don’t say my name out loud, by the way; I want to be incognito for awhile.

probably not ( @3@)\
well i hope my sis can play ToS on release… but it seems her laptop cant handle ToS =3="

wait nexon is also publishing it for JP? oh god now… I wish I’m still eligible for the beta… or at least the international release… It’s not bad playing with the japanese but with the amount of kanji they use it feels more of a chore that a game… T-T

yeah it will be either Asiasoft for SEA or LU for my country. both sucks QwQ