Tree of Savior Forum

I wish i could be brown (skin)

Are you done with that mirror? I mean, you’re just facing it in my direction. You know that’s not what it’s for, right?

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It’s not nice or healthy to keep beating yourself up, man. Those words will hurt you.

Don’t feed him. He used a common white racist saying “white is better”, and you used one that is very common as an example. Anyone rational reading this thread can see that. He wanted to turn it around to make his self look better, and failed. Common tactic that sometimes works, but only if you let it, and only if people reading cannot comprehend that - luckily the wording is very clear here.

The tit for tat thing is going no where.


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Another simple thread turned into pointless drama…

This, pretty much. But alas, not all people seem to realize that… If they did then we wouldn’t be having this kind of mud-slinging in this topic right now.

Popcorn, my good sir?

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So I’ve seen. Thanks for reminding me though, I appreciate it!

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Aaaaaand it’s another day of successful trolling from Chakri_Griffindor. Pretty much. :stuck_out_tongue:

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From the looks of it, it’s a little bit of both. Depends on the person and their interpretations, honestly.

Anything’s fair game for trolls anyway, and it’s honestly at your own discretion whether you want to play around or not. You know the risks involved, after all~

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No, thank you. Reading these will probably lower my IQ.

Such is the result when one has to read posts from a thread of this ilk. I don’t blame you. -shrugs-


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Yea i am hoping so too. This person was pretty much discussing the same thing just on a broader spectrum Eye colors, Skin colors, hair color Tos

But yes i want my brown/ caramel skin as well. I have Hope!!

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From the title alone the fate of the thread was already sealed.

Now enjoy the shown until the mods get up.

And some developers avoid putting some skin tones in their games for lore reasons, but honestly in an MMO where customization is king, it’s a big oversight IMO.

But that’s a boring answer, right? so I just gonna leave this here =>

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“This guy hurt my feelings and I must yell at him from a safe distance.”

Oh, you thought I was done with you? I already broke you. But please, keep reflecting yourself onto others. I need a laugh at this hour.

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