Tree of Savior Forum

I wish i could be brown (skin)

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Ugh I don’t even want to remember. I can only be relieved that I keep myself anonymous here with this alter-ego profile.

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Going crazy? What the OP suggested is very credible.

You? I don’t know. Your culturally ignorant, bigoted statement that I have already quoted…it’s dancing on strings. But please, keep deflecting and pointing fingers like your posts have credibility.

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It’s not for me, I just don’t like bigots who never learned to appreciate non-white people. Are you from the early 1900s?

I wouldn’t say I paid that much attention to you. I do recall however a very interesting conversation of how Asian women only belonged to Asian men. That’s pretty much how I remember you best. Not very flattering.

Please don’t tell me we have a WarRock 2.0 in the making.

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He’s a step just above WarRock, but still very appealing to ban.

@AnitaCafe You should’ve seen what he done to me. It’s part of the reason why I’m anonymous and have an alter-ego profile.

@sebasrocknrolla Hmmm, I’d look awesome with a desert or beach tan too. I’m in!

And the hypocrite’s deflecting mirror starts to show cracks.

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I don’t need to because it’s not about me. Your mirror has betrayed you.

Seek help, is what I advise.

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No, but I can tell you’re about to crack from the pressure.

You know what? I’m sorry! I would rather you keep reflecting off yourself onto others then try to make it look like their issue when a piece of your putrid self leaks out - it’s amusing.

No, definitely not as bad as Warock, I wouldn’t insult many people with that, lol. However… Trails off.

And now I’m curious as to what happened? You should inbox me if you want to tell me, I’m quite nosey. If not I understand.

All you can do with loud, ignorant people is let it roll off your shoulders. RO for the most part had a pretty decent community, but you did have your toxic players. No surprise to see them migrate here, these forums need more moderation.

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Someone who thinks he’s a white supremacist or something. I’d drop that hammer down quick on the grounds of colorism.

Sorry, you were quoted and it’s enough to say a lot about you. You’re not hand-waving this away like a corrupt politician.

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I know right? There isn’t even such a thing such as a true white or black man. The fairest a person can get is eggshell white, not 255, 255, 255 white, and that’s only when they’re already dead and no blood is pumping. The darkest a person can get is coal-black, only if they’re being icinerated and roasting on a fire. I find the whole skin color thing silly.