Tree of Savior Forum

I wish i could be brown (skin)

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Please, don’t try to bring those sjw shits to TOS. Thank you.

every time someone’s like “hey, i’d love some more character customization through skin colors maybe?” some mouth-breathing idiot wanders in and starts screaming about how social justice ruined their lives.

and go about assuming it’s somehow a racial thing and that everyone who wants dark skin is obviously black and ofc then it’s suddenly a huge issue because black people might want to look black and that makes them sjws obv. You know, those dang sjws that you care too much about.

And then they pull the “lol it’s just a game” thing out of their ass when they’re the ones making it a much bigger deal than it is. It’s customization. nothing less, nothing more. The more of it, the better.



I mean I don’t think the Lithuanian’s rode penguins or had pink hair dye, but what would I know. :coffee:


Well, just quoting what Staff said :<

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Yeah I didn’t mean you personally, just them, it’s a silly excuse.

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Thats too much for imc. When you try to recolor the new hair it just vanishes from your head. I wonder what will happen if they bother with the whole character color…

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You become invisible, obviously.

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“It’s just a game, get over yourselves.”

Meanwhile the gaming community damn near imploded when Watchdogs 2 announced a black male lead and and many superhero fans were livid when Marvel announced the next iron man is to be a 15 year old black girl named Riri from the civil war 2 series.


Chill mate…Calm ur teetes… Watch this vid…u have to follow this guy…XD

“gaming community” you mean those few cave men that try to be toxic about everything in life. And throw death threads the moment barbie car isn’t purple but instead yellow.

@ skin colors.

It’s fine if a game decides to not include a specific skin color, doesn’t make anything racist.

I was speaking to the people who brought race into the topic. Don’t tell me you read this whole thread and my comment toward the end is the first 1 you seen about race.

And it wasn’t just a “few cavemen” that were mad about Watchdogs and new iron man. Get real.

Here recently I did some reading into racism in South Korea, and it’s pretty bad, to the point if you do not have both white skin with parents who are both South Korean - you are considered lesser. Denying jobs or school applicants is also legal there. Quintessentially, racism is legal. International human rights organizations and even the U.N. has stepped in on some cases…

So with all that in mind, the real reason is probably xenophobia. While we here on the international version wouldn’t really blink for the most part, on kToS there could be quite a bit of backlash. Between users who dared take a darker skin being harassed on kToS along with people who might do it as a joke - Tree of Savior could get some really bad publicity. Imagine if someone made youtube videos…

It’s just me speculating of course, but it seems very plausible this is the reasoning.

Edit: That feel when you say kRO instead of kToS.


Nah, that’s definitely exaggerating it. Maple Story 1, Maple Story 2, Blade & Soul, Black Desert, etc. are all Korean MMO’s and allow for different skin tones, yet those games are (very) successful over in Korea.

The problem here isn’t the people who harass others over what their character looks like, but the people who take too much offense to it. If Hwan calls Jin names because his character looks like a Tribesman, then Hwan calls Jin names because his character looks like a Tribesman-- and the world turns. There’s no issue with implementing it because of ‘cultural’ reasons. The real problem with implementing it is:

Devs are are lazy.


You have a point. I’ve also theorized perhaps they wanted to keep it reminiscent of RO, or perhaps because it’s just made by the same person. No one can deny they used the title Project R1 and Kim Hakkyu’s presence for a little hype.

In the end though it may just be laziness, or a different reason all together, but Lithuanians still did not ride penguins.


■■■■ hipolean


Oh my dear God I busted out laughing.

On that note, IMC penguin mount when.

I just want to gloriously ride one into the sunset. ;u;

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no clue mate… i wish i get to ride one too

unfortunately i kinda dropped this game so im not really up to date one whats new and whats not :stuck_out_tongue:

My bad… u have to check on the kToS discussion and maybe ask around XD

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