Tree of Savior Forum

I wish i could be brown (skin)

Thats pretty much it :3…
the game is great


ok, but first you must name 1 NPC that is of that skin color

if you fail your dream wont come true :yum:

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All of them are white…
Not sure about him tho

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guys no cheating, let tc name 1 :smirk:

It’s not a Eastern-Asian anime if black/brown people are always painted in a negative light.

This is an anime…right?

Hm. Fanservice, check, screaming adolescent school children, check, teasing panty shots check, tentacles, check, dad-hating/dead mom, nope.


I know I’m missing more.

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Nah I always wonder why games that are about cutesy customization sometimes do not include skin color. x3

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Isn’t insecurity. It’s called lack of black skin representation for those who have black/brown skin

“Whiter, better, stronger” ? not racist? may be a joke with daft punk music but it’s a f* racist shitty joke.


Doesn’t make the joke any less shitty but as I recall from RO Chakri is Asian. Random info.


Thailander to be precise, lives in Canada though.

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Fine, Siamese. Some Japanese too.

I am not a fan, I’m a bystander.

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“Uh oh, they’re on to me, better make this look like their issue, ACTIVATE HYPOCRITE’S DEFLECTION”

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Keep ending your sentences with “lol” or “lmao”, it certainly gives you a defense.

Hear, hear. Honestly if you played iRO much at all and chilled at South Pront, it was hard not to over hear Chakri’s usual boasting… of everything.