Tree of Savior Forum

Eye colors, Skin colors, hair color Tos

there’s pink/blue/black/white/brown
i dont recall the other color
to get pink color u need to do a quest which i don’t know how to start.
and i think this is a very good system cuz u can switch hair color once you finish the requirement for this color

My gut feel tells me they would monetize on char customization :smile_cat:

You can change costume when you class change. Eyes tho, I like that. More hair styles too.

Most of the game I played, you chose ur hair on character creation and then if u want to change it again you need to pay.
But oh well guess we have to wait and see how it will work in ToS.

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I’m more focused on the eye colors. I want to see blue eyes, purple eyes, and heterochromia.

IMC themselves said they made the achievements like that so people would feel a closer connection with their characters instead of having it all available from the start.

And that’s awesome, because you should have to work for cool things. Even if the work is literally 20 minutes worth of one shotting mobs.


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I don’t mind the concept of working to unlock hair colors. But it’s kinda weird that each hair style only has one color available on creation. At least give the basic colors, then unlock more unique colors with achievements. I was lucky that the hairstyle I liked best was in the color I would have chosen anyway, but I would imagine it’s frustrating to not like the look of your character from creation because you wanted blonde hair. The whole feeling closer to your character thing kinda feels like an excuse for having so little customization. I feel close to my character when she looks unique, not when I look like everyone else. Currently everyone looks almost identical at character creation, I’d rather not run into 100 different copies of me.

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there’s one thing that annoys me - why we get black not pink hair by hunting the pink hanamings :angry:

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Game should have international hairstyles to go with the skin options from dreads to braids like one person was saying , afros to mohawks , a low cut/fade and just outright making character bald. I’d say add facial hair but character models don’t really look like they could pull it off but it would still be nice to have if possible.


Agreed. It’s really weird that every hairstyle only has one color and there were like 2-3 that were used waaay more than the others for sure so everyone looked the same, especially females. So hair colors and lots more styles are especially important in launch.

I wouldn’t expect it to stay this way at launch with such a limited number and locked into one color at startup, but I hope this thread raises IMC’s attention that this matter is important just in case this is their intention.

I also hope that a lot of colors and styles aren’t just available through the cash shop…If this is the case, I fear it will be like GW2 where quite a lot use whatever was available for free at creation and only some bought the new styles, faces, and colors added, so lots of characters look the same. :expressionless:

Achievements for little things like hair style and color don’t make me feel closer to my character because the draw into the character should start at character creation, in my opinion.

And on top of that, I want to iterate the fact that if our skin tone is white only - and the same shade of white at that - I think the game will look boring between the only hair colors/styles available at launch and the monotonous skin color throughout.

Like you said, I hope my character can look at least somewhat unique, not like everyone else. This feeling of being somewhat unique should begin at character creation, not at achievements or cash shop.

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My only concern is that the achievements are character specific, not account specific. Black hair only requires killing 500 Hannamings which takes maybe 15-20 minutes, not a big deal. But now you have to do it for your other 5 characters, thats almost 2 hours. The other ones even longer, crafting 999 times on each of 6 characters? I have no problem with unlocking them through gameplay because that makes them more unique/more appreciated, but I’m not sure about how I feel on having to unlock them over and over for each character you want to have.



If I could play all classes on one character that would be fine, but I want to play each class which means four characters. No I don’t want to grind for hair color on four characters.

They need to let us change hair colour at character creation, basic colours at least. The pink hair colour you unlock is very dull and looks like a light brown, they need to make it more pink. They also need to add more hairstyles and more colours… RO had a lot of hair colour choices which was great. Character customization is really important to me and many others I’m sure.


Need tan skin and dark red hair plz. :slight_smile:

I cannot waaiittttttttttttttttttttttit for the day there is more customization especially the skin color. Everyone likes to be unique and likes to be able to identify themselves with their characters or just play a fantasy. I am quite sure this would increase the player base once someone on the team dedicates themselves to giving us Black Caramel, Tan, blue green etc skin. Just would like to actually be chocolate in a game such as this. Lol i remember growing up on black out ragnorak ( private server) and being so sad that I was able to change the color of everything else but not my skin color to what represented “me”. Also Hair styles as well…Afro’s, Afro pig tails, dread locks, braids, buzz cuts, Bald all things which help broaden the spectrum!Aside from the on going process of fixing bugs and what not I hope you guys see this as a priority as well :/.

We Are Ready So Ready For This IMC !! :smiley:

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HAHAHA you would think so right?!?!?!

WEll guys we may be well on our way

"5. Can we expect any future option to change the skin color of our characters?

The current design of TOS characters uses complex graphics which make it difficult to apply color changes to the skin alone. We understand this is a commonly requested feature, however, so we’ll be thinking of ways to make it happen in the most effective way" July 8th announcement


Beyond the skin color, would be cool some black tipe haircuts, like black power, and some curled haircuts. Without that the skin color change will looks incomplete.