Tree of Savior Forum

I stopped playing at 1500+ hours đź’”

Anyone who might be familiar of my name here on the forums knows I’m a big fan of the game (if the played hours and DLCs aren’t obvious enough) since the closed betas and heck have been tagged as a white knight from time to time.

You may consider this as a farewell post, but it’s not the sole reason why I’m writing this nor trying to discourage new players from the game.

After giving it a full day of contemplation whether it’d be still worth it to invest some more hours into the game or move on into what’s next (maybe a new game or hobby or job, etc.), I’ve made the call.

I’m quitting. Maybe I’ll be back if my friends would be back as well, but the chances are slim.

Besides my friends quitting, here are the possible reasons why I am doing the same (gonna keep this simple and straightforward):

1. Still bot-infested

2. Leveling and completing objectives start to feel repetitive on 3rd roll

3. Poor class balancing leading to nerfs every now and then which I thought just made things worse

4. Lack of decent PVP content/mechanics - It’s been too long of a wait

5. Weird trading restrictions - I understand it’s to counter the RMT problem but there are probably better solutions

6. Optimization issues

With the slew of patches and fixes with barely any major improvement, iTOS is becoming a frankensteined game where a minor adjustment on one part causes a problem or two on another part.

So with those things mostly, and considering my friends have quit (NOTE: I usually can play an MMORPG by my own) — reasons that took the FUN out of playing and made it feel like a chore, a job — I deemed the game no longer worth of my real life hours.

I have no regrets though, and those surely weren’t wasted hours.

Please feel free to respond and/or counter my reasons. This is a forum after all. I’ll be checking this post for the last time this weekend and might reply to some of your comments.

Thanks for the great time everyone! It’s been a fun year albeit the cons.

p.s. Inspired after witnessing @FlanFlan’s ability to code and with the available hours I have now, I’ve decided to pick up programming again and level up IRL instead (at least until another game hooks me in XD). I’m gonna farm and quest the ■■■■ out of this life. Thanks for that man!


you spent 1500 hours with those issues and you said you didn’t regret spending that time playing?

your contradicting yourself


Sorry you are leaving dude, you help me a lot here in the forum. Hoping see you, maybe when ranks 8 come in.


That’s three times the amount I have lol.

Perhaps a break may get you interested in the game again, since there are updates to come.


He walked 1500 miles with some stones in his shoes. It was a very very fun trip, but the pain from the stones are now greater than the enjoyment of the trip… and that’s why he’s quitting.

Come on people, it’s not that hard to understand his point.


You’ve articulated it better than I did. Thanks man, and thanks for making the game even better with your add-ons.


Most games I buy for $60 and only enjoy them 30 hours. I don’t regret buying them. If you played a game 1500 hours you should have no regrets either. Nothing wrong with moving on to the next game. Also doesn’t hurt to take a break for some months and then come back for new content.


Hope to see you back one day.

On a side note are those people really saying what they are saying or trolling?
Cuz if its for real I’m amazed that they let 5 year old kids play games, where are their parents?


Why should you quit before 10 miles before the festival? The devs are actually trying now to do something. (For example the 30% atk increase for swordsman, or that in the future silver sharing between your team members will be available) I believe that it will be getting better and better from now on, as long as we stay consistent.

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not at all, that’s called faith for doing the right thing

As we had the exact same thread 4 threads ago, i will ask again, as i really want to know.

Why does the OP think we care?
Why does the OP want to make himself look like a 5 year old crybaby?

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At least you got 1500 hours worth of entertainment. I’ll miss you.

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All the more power to you, you’ll need it in whatever coding format you’re going to study in. Honestly I find your points redundant and existent in literally most other games currently:

  • For TOS, bots are annoying not because of their presence, but all the failed measures to contain them. It probably would have been better just to get rid of the bulk of them to weed out the obvious ones. So I could see how someone could whine about bots but more on the failed issues that hurt newbies.

  • That happens on most games. Either it’s labor intensive or it goes by so fast you can’t even call it a game. It’s just a thing about grinder types of games, they get repetitive very quickly. Hell, you could buy your way to a higher level in WoW. It comes with the genre unfortunately, but there are ways of spicing it up to make it less mundane.

  • Depends honestly. Some nerfs were straight harsh and killed the love for certain classes such as Sadhu and Barbarian, and some nerfs were deserved such as Gravity Pole. Hell, I can’t even respect Riot Games, a hugely popular developer and publisher of League of Legends to balance out their characters due to just how many they have. In most cases they either break a character and nerf it to the ground, or make new items that synergize with characters and nerf them to the ground as thus. ToS is sort of shady, but admittedly the balance is OKAY to the realm of Mediocre.

  • Very long. People took it into their own hands, and now there’s a confirmation that we’re getting those systems soon after 5 months of nothingness. “Better than nothing”, says Mighty No. 9.

  • Tbh, there’s no real way of getting rid of the real hacking RMTers. You can knock off the leechers who buy their products though as they probably have no clue to how to get around protection manually. Which is why the game needs a hackshield to seperate the wheat from the chaff. But understandable, it was intended to not have trading at all anymore oddly enough.

  • Most popular games nowadays don’t even go through a mass optimzation patch. Elsword Online for instance in it’s almost decade long existence has only gone through one optimization networking patch. Then again, most bloody games don’t come out with Single Core Engine usage. It’s an issue that’ll be fixed in time since IMC simply used their engine from Grando Espada. How soon is…well, unintelligable.

But in the end of it all, you had your fun (for now). And I do expect people to return in a few months when the game slowly ramps up its potential. Good luck to ya, you seem like a fairly reasonable person to be on these forums. o/


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Someone leaving that I actually like! I’ll miss you @Biskee,you were always a pleasure to see in the forums.I don’t blame you at all for bowing out under these circumstances,and I think your evaluation of the problems is well written since you’ve been around so long to experience them.

It really is a shame.Will you perhaps check back later this month to see what they possibly improve with the merge?


Honestly? If there are legit reasons to complain, and they detract from the game, you summed it up perfectly. I hope you find a game you enjoy more, but first become a great programmer. All my well wishes.


Why can’t everyone just love each other?


That’s too much work. Easier to berate.

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Not for me. My first instincts are to smell them and then hug.