Tree of Savior Forum

I stopped playing at 1500+ hours šŸ’”

Thatā€¦ was unexpectedly cute and I dā€™awwwwed everywhere.

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If anything needs a fix, itā€™s the toxicity levels around this community. In game itā€™s not so bad but on the forumsā€¦ There are wonderful people as well but Jesusā€¦ I came from Wakfu previous to this game - nicest community I had ever been in on an MMO, to the trolliest.

There have always been quitting threads in MMO communities, most usually sniped down on other boards, but you canā€™t deny there is a problem when thereā€™s a new one from rather well known players / people who have put in thousand+ hours weekly with legit reasoning.

Even Iā€™m losing faith in IMC and when I started I had white knight hope levels. They were renewed a bit when Kim Hakkyu posted what he did and the servers were closed but, not much has changed. I see a lot of cash grabbing and few updates thus far. Lets hope the kToS updates merge improves things.


1500 hours of gameplay in a few months? And you dont have to spend anything? What a great game!

Since you want peoples opinions i willā€¦

2 seems because you played 1500 hours lol.

3-4 was already announced that we are getting the ktos updates.

5 has gotten better since release and dont really bother me anymore, but i guess its still an issue for some people.

1&6 are issues. Everyone knows these.

I think the real issue is that youā€™re just bored after 1500 hours. Unless you afk farmed the whole time to get this amount. Then you quit because getting everything for free is boring.

I Feel You broā€¦ dayum i should had added you since we were on Telā€¦then again i uninstalled ToS.

7.Patch?..Seriously just add another loading screenā€¦im really disappointed

Sorry to hear thatā€¦ but yeah that is current issuesā€¦summed upā€¦ though they might be moreā€¦But yeah. I canā€™t disagree with you on thatā€¦

Now that i looked at itā€¦my goshā€¦ 1.5 k hrs??? thats dedication mateā€¦ ā€¦how on earth did you even pull that lolā€¦

Nice knowing youā€¦ Good luck on ur future endevours mateā€¦

PS: Shouldnā€™t had vent ur fustration by creating a threadā€¦ u atttract toxicity and trolls alike.


Noooooo! D: Who will I complain and compare with?! COME BACK CHEESE FRY!!!

B-b-b-b-butā€¦ The huggening, the transfer dreamsā€¦ Sobs @Malzara get him! xD

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Nuuuhhā€¦ Jumps down a never-ending pit of doom

@AnitaCafe just ignore him, hes toxic boy. So this @the7crowmisfits comes from Tel too but uninstalled. sad. soooooooo sad.


hands down the most toxic community in any current game, and for whatever reason the forums today are just flooded with 14 yr old trolls calling anything that moves names


Ah a tel player to XD?


Aw :joy: Thxā€¦ though im sure i have my own wings XDā€¦ unless u clipped them off XD

Dopa 2 muchā€¦
PS:that animator rox hands down

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i believe LoL still as toxic as ever or did it change. Im pretty sure soon Overwatch will become the next toxic community due to the popularity of the game and im sure i heard something regarding about Koreans players are shifting half of their LoL population to overwatch

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Stopped at 1481 here, damnā€¦ so close!! :smile_cat:

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It is so sad to watch the flame die out for so many hardcore ToS fans.
Everyone who has been active on the forums since the beginning knows what I am talking about.

It is also sad to see all these players with only 1-2 month old forum accounts sticking up for IMC, because a lot of the players now posting ā€˜goodbyeā€™ threads were actually in your position not too long ago. I envy the happy-go-lucky days when my relationship with ToS was that young.


well, im from tel as well haha.

Im close to my 1k hrs. god i am #nolife.


Tree of Savior is ideally a great game, but it is developed by koreans, and even worse, bad korean team. Name one single korean game that doesnā€™t die into oblivion, you get the point.

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I had to, lol.

Just thought Iā€™d point this out. You know that person named ā€œFoxy Girlā€ (or whatever something like that) who was tagging WarRock harassing @Melon? I was digging through old threads and saw this:



im sure all games have their own lifespan. Just look at Ragnarok Online, Maplestory or even Dragon Nest. Those were few successful popular titles that lasted years but where are they now and what happened to them now.

talking about some detective skills you have that @FlanFlan

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Weird that Iā€™d inspire anyone to do anything at all. Have you settled on a starting language? Going straight for C++ or choosing a higher level one? If you choose C# I can coach you lol.