Tree of Savior Forum

Can we get an I Quit section?

Would be a nice section nobody cares about.

Why are the threads necessary? I mean I just stopped playing. Idk who the f’uck you guys are, why should you give a s’hit if I stopped playing?

I’d make one too once I quit, +1 for this.

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hehe, when i left, i gave away 20M worth or items on Fedimian EU doing event for a week :3
Dont miss opportunities

Of course not! We get a new Novice Pack DLC! Because we have many beginners!

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IMC is fuking cancer on steroids. They are the dumbest team I have have ever seen in my entire life. IMC log- let’s not worry about the bugs and exploits that will ruin the game and make everyone quit. If we fix the stuff that nobody cares about and make new problems we will be OKAY! good job team you guys are doing fuking amazing!

yeah… IMC you guys are the biggest pieces of shiit i’ve ever seen. Thank you for being so fuking stupid.

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Here’s one you missed

Why none from you tho? If there’s one thing you can take from this thread it’s that you don’t need to actually leave to make a quitting thread.



While we’re at it, I also want to give my current 2cents about the issues I mentioned:

1 . Still bot-infested

Not as much as before, at least in the fields. I think both IMC and the reporting community have did well.

But damn, the channel reduction in maps is making bot reporting/banning a joke. If you get past leveling/questing at those single/double channel maps though, you should be good.

2 . Leveling and completing objectives start to feel repetitive on 3rd roll

Still a problem, but like with most problems in life, I’ve accepted it as fate.

3 . Poor class balancing leading to nerfs every now and then which I thought just made things worse

Still persisting, and the sword class is still getting the short end of the stick.

I now main a swordsman because all three other classes seems to get boring too fast whatnot with one-shotting things and crashing other player’s PCs.

4 . Lack of decent PVP content/mechanics - It’s been too long of a wait

Yay, TBL! Biggest factor that made me come back.

5 . Weird trading restrictions - I understand it’s to counter the RMT problem but there are probably better solutions

Things have improved. Silver-sharing via team storage; previously untradeable becoming tradeable between toons; etc.

6 . Optimization issues

Still an issue. I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. Just search the forums. There’s tons of complains about FPS drops, etc.

If you decided to perma quit can i have if not all some of your silver and items …

Right now either you think of all the bugs …
Or ignored it
Imc is doing well ignoring it

I’ve conditioned myself to ignore them… except the f*cking FPS drops.

Yeah, though alot of these are also felt on other MMOs. It just sucks that ToS has to start from an odd state of being absolutely bare and stripped, but things have improved over time: They’ve just came with dumb blanketing of other things.

The moment they actually add multi-core utilization and the bizarre party bug (No I mean seriously, all that needs to happen is to change the parameters and just make everyone warp to the quest, even close by), the moment that people may slowly return. Very slowly.

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The popular expression “first impressions lasts” really dragged them down.

I went to check the steam reviews for the game the other day and noticed that a big fraction of the negative reviews are from users who barely scraped the surface of the game (5 hours or less).

I suspect as soon as they got to the starting cities they just gave up due to the horrible FPS drop.

We need an I quit Section and also a Doom Knight’s Thread just to spread despair and fear.

Wasnt there a White Knight faction that made many posts immitating IMC? They need their own section too.

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So, IMCisGreedyisGreedy

Your topic has triggered me. I QUIT!


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