Tree of Savior Forum

Game just failed to hold my interest

I guess we can say you’re… counting crows… I also love this song and have the lyrics completely memorized lol


@the7crowmisfits You’re not a real crow, you’re a chicken! YOU ARE A SHAME TO YOUR KIND!

Jams and sings. Seriously 90’s music was and always will be my shiz.

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Nah, XD

Edit: I’m an evolving abomination XD…ill soon sprout out milk ducts and start to munch on a fibre rich diet of poop and grass like a cow

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this is exactly what I’m looking for too. most of them only care about is grinding :S unlike the old mmorpg I played.


I didn’t talk to you ever but I always enjoyed your forum posts and agreed with a lot of the things you had to say. I’m really sorry to see you go @FlanFlan.

Fiote has summed up really well what we felt:

I dunno if it felt ‘painful’ to me. I enjoyed it to a point then just stopped enjoying it. It was like a light switch. I didn’t enjoy the dungeon/mission system. Long drawn-out boss fights and/or trash mob fights with wonky mechanics and zero time to even type anything to anyone making it incredibly antisocial.

People hate on the auto attack combat system of the old MMOs but ya know what? While your character was auto attacking, you could be typing things to people. I think that was the whole point of that. There’s a thing to be said about voice chatting in busy combat systems but how many people really want to share their discords/skypes and start voice chatting with strangers over the internet? Pretty sure not a whole lot (myself included).

I’m really with Anita on this one. In fact her reasons for getting bored are pretty much the same for me. This is one of the most anti-social MMOs I’ve ever played, really.


Different strokes I guess.

You just reminded me now how in-game you’d stop attacking whenever you try to chat. :frowning:

There’s always an option to grind, but not everyone is into or has time for it.

I just get surprised whenever a player in the field starts talking to me or inviting me to a party (oftentimes I do the inviting but usually get ignored - maybe they’re bot, maybe they just wanna solo it).

Can’t agree with you more about the dungeon/mission system. Felt chore-like after a week of playing.

im a casual, 4Fun 4theWin no H8 M8 I R8 8/8

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Its a bummer to see you go…

But you have one Flantasic day!

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I should have known this post would become tons of pun.

Sorry sorry, you just tempted me when you added that picture haha.

Now you done it, take this!

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I pity remichan so much, what she has to endure!

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This game has been dead… I’ll come back when people start making unnofficial servers, but I wouldn’t ever play any more IMC games in the future

Hopefully you will return once ToS gets good again… :slight_smile:

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we will get a big update next months for everything in KrToS
i think take a short break is good for you

This is a real “i quit” topic or a “troll quit” topic.?

Should i use my waving goodbye gif or not?

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i quit like 3weeks ago and i just check the latest costume last monday and still the same lame then I deleted it after. :smiley:

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