Tree of Savior Forum

I destroyed my Solmiki Cannon and it was liberating


dont worry friend i’m here if you need hugs :sad:

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Ya I know how higher stages CM works, I run daily CM stage 6/7 depending on the kind of teammates that we get. I do know how Shinobi works without “it”. You don’t have to do 777k * 100 to WB to be considered “strong dps”, it’s still a whole lot of damage on a +16/+21 2 handed weapon which is dirt cheap now. I also don’t see a lot of people complaining about “it”, at most I saw 1 post thats closed by the Staff saying they will look into it 30 days ago …

As to Velcoffer, we don’t have it yet. Everything is observation and speculation of what KTOS is doing. Maybe AA is strong maybe it isn’t, I do see a lot of warlock wrecking things in there tho.

Point is, Shinobi/Doppel is considered the top meta DPS class. Maybe it isn’t the strongest in EVERY scenario but there are so many other classes that need a rework before Shinobi/Doppel.

Completely off the topic

It reached +18 I should have taken a screenshot, then I decided to use all my silver anvils then golden anvils.

I’m ready to destroy all my weapons


Exactly why I wasn’t complaining about my damage, ,ore like how the system goes and how we have to follow it and beat it.

I don’t see the game being much harder through boss mechanics/etc, it’s more of just adding def and mdef.

Now with people not being able to reach at least +16, they either rage quit or follow the AA meta to beat it.

Bosses being able to destroy ausrine was a good idea, but buffing them up to be massive damage sponges made some people ignore them because it’s becoming a waste of time.

+21 2 handed weapon isn’t dirt cheap, you can’t even place it on the market until the restriction patch is out. I can only count a few with +21 weapons(and they’re usually owned by the same people on a different character) so I can really see what would happen in Velcoffer.

Your “point” and my "point’ are different. I’m not complaining about doppel DPS. I’m complaining about how this system wants people to just have more damage/defense/hp in every new content, or do that AA meta instead.

As the owner of that +26 Wingshard I can safely say the enhancement as it exists is one of the most exhilerating parts of the game for me. I love nothing more than to +15 and +16 things I find in HG all day. I’ve been extremely fortunate to a fault. I was going to buy a Solmiki Spear. I had the purchase line up and was waiting for the seller to get his last few essence, and I cancelled because I managed to go from +21 to +23 on my Wingshard. My decision to cancel my purchase was further reinforced when I hit +24. A few days later I got +25 and +26 meaning I had officially gone from +18 to 26 without losing a potential, all on basic anvils. At +23 trans 10 my Wingshard had matched what a +16 Solmiki Spear could be… except I had potential left, 3 sockets (instead of 2), and it was guaranteed since I was already there. End-game weapon was no longer viable because I had RNG’d beyond what it could reasonably be. Now on pace for +31, I’d need to +20 the Solmiki to match my spear.

I don’t have a great solution. I do think making diamond anvils more readily available (replace golden anvils in HG with diamond) would solve a lot. It makes +16 a fairly safe bet for nearly everyone and eats silver at an insane rate which keeps silver in high demand. But I know this doesn’t solve the issues that are being brought up here. Diminishing returns or a soft cap might be better. On an unrelated note, can +15top/bottom make our characters or their outfits shine?

~Azura Skyy

According to quite a number of people in this thread, you should be nerfed


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Losing your equipment that you spend months to make is so much FUN isn’t it, man I can’t wait to grind velcoffer for another month and spend hundreds of millions of silver only to end with a +6 zero potential weapon. WHAT FUN

You don’t need to change the damage formula, just balance content with the expectation that people will have up to +21 equips. Heck of a lot easier than attempting to balance content around a system with +40 as a possibility

Or you could have a system that allows you to disassemble weapons you don’t want into dust…oh wait we have that. No one buys god awful primus/berthas/blue equipment anyways even if it is posted on the MP

Did I really just respond to this mess?


When I quit the game back in 2016, I stopped reading the forums as well.

I really do not see why there are so many people who fake quit the game, and continue browsing the forums complaining about every damn thing.

If you’re going to quit, just leave and bugger off, hey?

I’d say IMC made quite a bit of improvements compared to 2016. Enough to keep me entertained -and- spending money.

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-losing equip??? ok now u are going full stupid road like this, you have potencial system you cant break the weapon that ez and if you get the wepon to +6 bad luck i gess, i got a lot of weapon like that there are golden anvil for a reason and gess what i buy new weapons because of that it keep market alive, if u get the weapon to +6 only is a LOT of bad luck there are diamond anvil dont use normal anvil in legend weapon thats hella retarded so stop crying and keep playing you are not the only one getting +6 0 pot, if you want and easy game for for another game the legend is legend for a reason

  • You don’t need to change damage formula, just balance content??? do you even get what change damage formula mean? ok i will say it like this “balance the damage formula , BALANCE the def formula etc etc” get it now?? and the problem is still there SUPER PROGAMMER doi that for us or are u RICH man?

-system that allows you to disassemble weapons??? ok ok ok tell me the last time you break a primus lvl 350 w/ 3+ green stats come on tell me when was it? and not be mistake, you need to be like “oh i should break this super weapon to help the market!”

-No one buys god awful primu?? HAHAHAHA u know there are people using +16 or +21 primus even of stats sux? do u know that there are people buying / enchanting/reselling them ? no? then why do you even say this?
or tell me you really think pistol and sdtaff was 8m+ on crap stats because no one buy them? come on think a little!

And you leave all the important point out are YOU going to do it? the money the programming? dont try to smart reply when you really dont know what you just type…
dont like the game? program yours i mean is easy no?
and “Did I really just respond to this mess?” no you dont you just type random thing that you think is ok and you did not read me i say “Plz think a little before you type or see the game as it it a system”

you dont even know why i model the game on ragnarok right? i mean i will not even tell you why! i cant belive you dont know hahaha xD
ok go and ask the people playing right know how many of them played ragnarok before or why did they play this game on the start there you will know why i model on ro, ah and i dont say ragnarok is the only game with breaking weapon system, btw tos have breaking system mec but is not the same as ro you break the weapon when it have potential system? dont blame other thats just you being and idiot live w/it and keep playing or rage and leave the game just like that
what i want imc to change is his rng or change the type of server to get less desync :s and of course more end game craps i mean right now game is boring, is good that new legend are comming but once you get them is boring again D: still i know that doing that is not free so i gess i will just wait i see what they do to this game in the future

Yep. Dig deep into your pockets and pay for Leticia cubes for all your legendaries, or spend 50m per diamond anvil. There is a big difference between ‘hard’ and ‘tedious’, but you seem to have difficulty typing out basic things in English so I won’t push you

If you can’t understand why it is easier to balance content around equipment with lower upgrade caps, then there is no way I can explain it to you.

Why would I do that? 3 green is valuable. I’m talking about 99% of the time when you get something terrible.

Key here is ‘+16 or +21’, if you can get it that high, it is no longer ‘god awful’.

Welcome to the TOS forum, where people discuss things since it is, you know, a forum. Are you daft?

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-Diamond are no cheap you cant farm silver? oh then sorry for you i gess you can’t buy attributes nor reroll legend or enchant, still you did not deny what i say you dont use normal anvil in legend right? btw did you know imc give diamond anvil in event before? but people complain that i was too easy to get them and not fair so imc gives diamond no more :smiley: so whats your point saying there are expensive now?

-If you can’t understand that a balance is a change then there is no way I can explain it to you. still you did not deny my point…

-Why would I do that? 3 green is valuable. I’m talking about 99% of the time when you get something terrible.??? but then you prove my first point no? remember “you know having many items in market is one of the reason that destroys games right?” then the smart you tell me about the system that allows you to disassemble weapons to correct my point and say “No one buys god awful primus/berthas/blue equipment anyways even if it is posted on the MP” imagine if you dont break all the 3 stats primus then the price in the market will go to hell and etc etc sooo
so you only prove my points? thx i gess
-Welcome to the TOS forum, where people discuss things since it is, you know, a forum
you only discuss in a forum? thats no all you can do in a forum … if you dont know that… o well and i ask a question so if you quote then answer you going to do it yes or no?

I used normal anvils for all my solmiki gear, ended up with one +11, one+9, and two +6

Event anvils are rare and you know it, 1 or 2 anvils here or there do not make a +21 weapon. If you are going to argue, argue in good faith.

No, just if an item has 3 greens but the stats are all low, then it would either be re-rolled till it is good (another silver sink) or disassembled. It would actually improve the quality of the items on the market potentially.

That is the purpose of a forum. To discuss things. Asking me if I am going to program it is silly and not worth discussing.


Grinding for a better weapon is literally the only thing you can do in this game why would you nerf that.

This, if you can accept the fact that you will have less stats you can literally buy 30 times the same primus weapon at the price of a single diamond anvil and anvil all of them at the price of another diamond anvil.

Unless you are min maxing there’s no way a +21 weapon will be worse than a +16 weapon with a bazillion stats.

If that is all you can do in the game, then that is the problem to fix…

There aren’t too many people grinding solmiki for 2x or more of the same weapon so they can have better chances to upgrade, they are just forced by IMC to pay for diamonds to up their chances which sucks.

How about this:

  • Keep the current system for dropped weapons like blue/berthas/primus
  • Make legendary equipment indestructible, but only tradable via Team Storage (bind on pickup a la WOW)

The grind for legendary equipment is just too much for most players to handle and it turns them off to the game, and when you finally get the legendary equipment you are then bound to luck as to what upgrade level it is. It is soul crushing to see all the time and effort go into the toilet because of RNG.


I think that the current system is way too dependent on RNG and I’m really hoping for a rework.
Even after the changes with trading, item potential is used up too quickly:

  • Awakening (which is random but at least there’s Awakening Stones)
  • Slots (which vary from 1-5 potential. yes, golden sockets exist now but the non-leticia item is char bound and rare)
  • Failing an upgrade
  • Failing transcendence (luckily this one you can actually avoid by just providing enough gems)

While you can argue about Awakening being not as significant, Upgrading on the other hand is WAY too important too be that random in my opinion.

Why is there no reasonable limit to upgrading and no safe upgrade method as with transcendence?
NO, +40 is not reasonable and Diamond Anvils are not only scarce but do not guarantee you an upgrade either.
Of course, the reason this system still remains the same while transcendence has received a couple reworks already is :moneybag: Leticia Cubes :moneybag: but I’m still hoping for a change in the future.

I can only speak for myself and a few friends but with so many layers added on acquiring gear and upgrading it and after spending so many resources on them, motivation to farm new gear all over again with all the RNG involved is relatively low because you can’t really expect to reach +X upgrade again.

I honestly wish they would finally limit upgrading to +16 and give us a proper way to guarantee upgrades through ingame grind in a similar way transcendence works.


Throwing this in the topic for all the ‘Just use Diamond Anvils’ crowd:

These two figures show how many attempts would need to be made to make a certain enhancement level. For example, if you wanted to make a +16 weapon, on average you’d go through about 1.6 weapons, spend 28.5m in enhancement silver, and use 19.5 diamond anvils. Surprisingly, even with the triple price of diamond anvils, you’d spend less on enhancing than you would with normal anvils. Unfortunately, diamond anvils cost a lot. If you’re going by Klaipeda’s prices this would cost you about 1 billion silver to buy all the diamond anvils you’d need. Right now this seems to be the least cost-efficient route towards acquiring a +16.


Just make that at potential zero any failure on a +10 or higher weapon make the weapon go back to +0 instead of being destroyed.


This looks good, but we already have this. Well, sort of. Don’t forget that items become tradable only via Team Storage when they have 0 potential and are more or less indestructible (you can use as many Golden Anvils as you want and can afford to use).

That’s a great idea. Just to contribute, an idea for an anvil enhancement system revamp:

  • Regular anvil: when used on 0 potential items, any failure will make the equipment go back to +0
  • Silver anvil: when used on 0 potential items, any failure on a +7 or higher equipment will make it go back to +5
  • Golden anvil: when used on 0 potential items, any failure on a +12 or higher equipment will make it go back to +10
  • Diamond anvil: when used on 0 potential items, any failure will cause the equipment to break
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