Tree of Savior Forum

I demand justice for my ban

What is this blatant lie? How is farming in Baubas suddenly not OK? I can only hope to assume you are talking about AFK farming, however, you and GM Cherry confirmed that he was not doing this.

This “clear warning” you claim to have made of ‘no farming in Baubas’ literally does not exist. You only state that you are banning macro and bot users in Baubas or wherever else (which is something that should have been happening already?). You have added AFK farmers to this list because, sadly, you somehow cannot distinguish the difference between a rock on a keyboard and someone using 3rd party programs to continously cast spells and other functions. Why would actively farming players need to leave?

Now, you are changing it up and saying that “Oh, Baubas farming isn’t allowed because of the pillars. We warned about that.” Absolute zero mention of pillars except that you can push them off to determine if they are unresponsive when compiling evidence in a report ticket.

If you don’t want people on pillars, then you need to say so. Don’t go making up a false claim saying that you did on a forum thread post (not even official announcement?) and then using that as an excuse to go digging into someone’s account to dodge it being a ‘personal attack.’ You’ve stated that you have been less than transparent in the past as well and have even apologized for your incompetence.

Why are you still using imaginary forum thread posts as a basis for your argument? Here, you clearly state that you need to be clear and things need to be announced officially. Not learning from mistakes at all.

And last but not least:

we can always b̶e̶n̶d̶ shatter the rules completely to enforce a t̶h̶r̶e̶e̶-̶d̶a̶y̶ permanent + IP ban on anyone who just stands l̶o̶i̶t̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ actively farming in baubas n̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶e̶s̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶a̶s̶k̶e̶d̶ after a full blown conversation about how you are innocent.

In case anyone was confused as to what actually happened.

No announcement + No precedent = No permanent ban

P.S. and stop lying.


It’s people like you who are blind and close-minded that ruin discussions like these.

Staff gets exposed for corruption
Dismissed because Bokor

Your opinion and logic is questionable with your statement.


image what is this then? They kind of contradict themselves, because you don’t have contact, but now you do. Developer or not, you still have exclusive contact with IMC themselves over anyone else. Thus proving my point that you get special treatment(Like I did with my personal attack from Bob), and your case of harassment was express handled, where countless players are harassed and never get justice for it.

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^is literally a self admitted boker


There is no corruption. They’re in fact doing a good job for once.

Some “people” cant comprehend that you don’t need a title or position to help others and do your best…

When you are been too goody and put yourself in the spotlight for others, trash will always come from their shadow and try to diminish and put you down…

Never give up and keep the good work :slight_smile:


There’s no contradiction. I never denied having contact with staff. This would be disingenuous, considering I’ve been a contributor to the official localization project of the game for a very long time. I literally have an entire thread dedicated to this topic as well, so it’s no secret.

On top of that, both in the quote you mentioned and as stated in my previous post, my magazine interview describes my role in assisting IMC. This would, in theory, require some way to talk to them.

Not true at all, considering I reported him through the same channels that everyone else does, and these reports go to staff members that don’t even know who I am.

As much as you’d like to believe there’s some sort of conspiracy going on here, there really isn’t. Even if I had any sort of special privilege in this regard, I certainly would not abuse it for any kind of personal gain.


Crebox is a good birb


^ Is a self admitted Monk.

That’s right. Monk is op and completely irrelevant to afk abuse.

Wrong game forum?


Please keep this ontopic
(which is not afk bokor’ing btw, as Bob said)

So is being a Bokor.
Any class can macro, you can sit on a pole as a Doppel and spam Cyclone.
Shaming others for playing one of the most interesting classes in the game is wrong.
You play a bad class and make everything worse for your party.
That’s worse than playing a class that many cheaters use for their cheating devices.

You know who else is a Bokor? Crevox, the very GM that banned Bokors. :laughing: :wink:


Wow, the live thing really outshines the legends, huh?

-> People insults GM real’s in-game account = perma ban.
-> People insults anyone else in the game = nothing happens.

Seems legit.


-> Says “f* [insert GM real in-game character here]” = permanent ban

-> Actual sexual harassment = 7 days ban:


Picking a specific class is a bannable offense?

Tickets sent in and responses have shown that afk Bokor isn’t bannable, IMC already made strides to curb it by not having zombies attack if you’re not attacking. However, macroing and botting is bannable. Nulight doesn’t macro or bot, he’s not banned because of Bokor, I don’t know why people keep saying this.

What is appalling is that he talked to a gm in game and she said he is ok and has no proof to ban. Then another gm decides to investigate further into his account for whatever reason. Sees that he has made accounts to funnel resources into his main during an event. An event where the rewards are tradeable. How is this a bannable offense? Why is not stated that making multiple accounts is not allowed? They seem to have no issue with multiple accounts when they sold limited DA packages.

To humor everyone, let’s play along with this reasoning that multiple accounts is bannable. Is multi account more egregious than RMTing, I don’t think so. If this is Nulight’s first offense, doesn’t he get a warning and the items and silver seized? Why is it straight to permaban?

The inconsistency in punishment and (once again) poor communication is a huge issue here.


As stated in my posts, not only was he infracted for harassing me already multiple times, but he went out of his way to find a way to circumvent his punishment/mute to continue doing it. That is even worse than the crime itself. But, again, he’s not insulting a GM, as I’m not a GM, but just a player.

Also, I don’t think it’s confirmed that he was permanently banned. It’s probably a temp ban, but he would know better than me. If he could post on the forum he could probably let us know, but I think he’s banned here too for the same reasons.

Things certainly do happen. My example is proof enough as the individual who responded to my ticket has no idea who I am, but beyond that, there’s been a number of cases of people reporting harassment and getting punishments dealt out for it.

See? Even you have proof.


@STAFF_Bob Can you read this and have a good thought about your actions? You said it yourself, you would learn from your mistakes. This is a mistake. Just going to point it out to you that you cannot punish me without bending the rules. People keep rebounding back to the bokor thing, or the fact that they feel I “exploited” or “abused” anything. I was simply utilizing what you allowed, as answered by your staff ticket replies. I highly doubt you guys punished anyone doing the blacksmith + Token package for infinite diamond anvils.

Those guys gave them money so no reason to ban them, although it’s very sad that they ban for the other event because it was exploitable by anyone and showed no real signs of being “wrong” it’s like if you don’t make many accounts then you’re at a disadvantage to anyone that does.

I figured they just wanted to pad their numbers to make the game look more active on steam for recruiting purposes. Never imagined it was a bait to have an excuse to ban players who are farming in an area they didn’t want farmed.


True my man.
And killing only 1 or 2 people, instead of 50 people, is all fine and legit and allowed!!!1

Now that the dust has settled.

Can I have nulights stuff?


Picking a specific class is a bannable offense?

This is called being intentionally obtuse. You full well know that nobody is referring to people legit playing bokor, which makes me assume you are abusing bokor, just like everyone else in this thread who are pretending to be upset to cover their own asses.

Yeah, Nulight didn’t get banned because he was afk bokering this time, instead they banned him for even worse infractions.

Like I said, the only controversy here is that they don’t do this more often. I know of one case where someone only got one of his 9 totally legit accounts on his 9 totally legit laptops that he was totally legit playing banned, instead of his entire ip range. It’s a shame they don’t investigate and do their jobs this well more often.