Tree of Savior Forum

How we can Provide Ourselves with a Better Translated ToS

Reminder to everyone: please don’t just blaze through quests and dialogue as a means to an end.

Read the text.

This goes for everyone - the people who are actually going to explore the game’s every nook and cranny for bugs, and the people trying to top the temporary leaderboards (I know some of you are going to be mindlessly grinding, but when you reach some of the highlevel content only 2% of us 5000 are at, please examine your surroundings). Honestly, this goes for the grinders more than anyone, seeing as most of the endgame material is still untranslated or in a machine-translation word soup.

Here is a list of resources that you can use to help us all out in the long run:

How to use the In-Game Real-Time Translation Tool

The Official Terms for:

For translations that refer to names (classes, items, monsters, etc) :

Please treat them as proper nouns and use uppercase for the first letter of each word. (example: Highlander costume -> Highlander Costume)

Just remember: The more caught up we are on translations, the shorter the gaps will be between our releases and the Korean ones.


This is great but I will say that not all of the people playing the beta test will be confident in translating properly. So for those people who do want to help but don’t feel confident in translating to English and proof-reading/editing lines to English, note down the lines that are incorrect.

Using the example of the Real-Time translation tool, you can easily find the line that does not sound right and mark it down to be edited. It takes nearly a few seconds to find the line and then properly note it down. It will help a lot to further push translation, even if its just a 100 people doing it. That many people doing it will help find incorrect or broken lines where other translators might have missed them.

I was planning on opening a google doc and making it so people can add lines they find to be broken, illegible, or not translated. If there’s any suggestion as to what I can use to allow people to easily add lines to be edited, that would be great!

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That would be a great idea, as well as a good way of saving a LOT of time and worry for IMC’s side of proofing the proofs. From what I can tell, the real-time translation changes it for your client, and submits a correction request to IMC, of which they either approve or disapprove, then changing it for everyone else. However, having this list as a way of marking iffy lines for non-fluent english speakers would be great for the future, after the ICBT proofs have been added. This way, we (the player translators) can go back (on github) and touch up any lines listed.

Ah, I did not know that. I think that’s a great way to do that if that’s true (have translations sent IMC to be checked after edited in-game). I am trying to find a suitable and easy to use way for people to add lines that need to be touched up. I am not to familiar with Google Docs but I am giving that a try first.

They said that the client only opens a edit like Notepad++ I’m sure sure if it also sends the changes to imc (I kinda doubt it). Afaik the reason why they changed the files names some time ago was so that it’s easier for us to the client translation folder as Git folder so that we can easily commit changes. I could be wrong though :smile:

Oh, that’s pretty weak if that’s the case :frowning:

Even more of a reason to have something like Chaos is talking about. However, I feel like they’re getting the corrections, somehow…otherwise it’s kind of arbitrary to have the feature past UI translations.

I’ve been playing around with Google Sheets to try and set something up but running into one issue. Sure everyone can easily add to it but I am trying to avoid people deleting lines that others added and having duplicated lines. Since the only way for everyone to contribute to the Google Sheets is to give everyone write and edit access, that would mean risking people deleting all the hard work or screwing with lines. Alternatively I could add collaborators whose intention is to add lines, but this is only diverting the problem since they could delete lines too. Duplicated lines are not a huge deal, I am more worried about keeping everyone’s hard work when they add the lines. If I could find a way to only allow people to add lines and then they can’t be edited afterwards that would be great.

I can’t seem to find the solution, any thoughts? It may not seem serious that people might delete them but with 5000 beta testers it is way more likely for one troll to ruin everything…

Somewhat off-topic - is the usage of direct (and sometimes meaningless) Lithuanian words for items a finalized thing? Because I already noticed a number of cases where pretty common stuff, like names of plants or berries are part English/part Lithuanian across the board.
Example - 마늘 is translated as “Garlic”, but 살라위야스 is “Salavijas” for some reason, and it simply means Sage (plant) in Lithuanian.
복숭아 goes as Peach, but 아비에테 is “Aviete” (which is Lithuanian for raspberry).

There are literally tons of such cases - 벤드라스 소드 (item recipe) is an obscure-sounding Bendras Sword which in reality is just a rather poorly translated “Common Sword” (“bendras” roughly meaning general/common)

Kinda inconsistent, if you ask me.

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Isn’t the English CBT fully translated already? If not, most of us here can only translate with google translate or something like that.

I actually have no idea how to help, even after reading the ‘how to use’.

I’m assuming that we CBT players can help by simply using the tool and rewording/improve the dialogue in later stages of the game?

No, it’s only about 2/3 translated, and of that, a very large portion still needs editing / is incoherent. The original post of this thread is more of a reference to the various terms of the game, of which should be standardized, as well as referencing IMC’s guide to using the in-game translator tool (of which may or may not actually be of any greater good, according to Flash).

@Xenobius - that’s a really good point, and I feel like you should bring it up in the issues on github. I’m sure it’s gone unnoticed, or there is a lack of Lithuanian knowledge somewhere that prevents everything from being uniform. Good catch.

@Chaosbelow maybe having it up and downloading a copy at various parts of the day would be a good idea. I know it would be somewhat of an annoyance, but it would be a nice method of sustaining a backup file in the off chance someone decides to be an ass. I can be one of however many that do this.

Thankfully, I don’t think we should worry too much about this, though. I feel like the community won’t want to damage its overall progress towards a release. However, we need to watch out for outside parties.

You could probably set up a Google Form and then just have all of the proposed responses sent to a Spread Sheet. I’d give you the liberty of keeping the responses orderly stop random people from deleting thing. It sadly wouldn’t do much for the duplicating issue though.

Here’s a sample form and response sheet.

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Great idea. The upside to that / semi-fix for duplicates would to have a universal format for submissions, making them able to be sorted in some way. Hopefully we can still just copy the full line with entry number and all, then just submit it that way. Then, at least, duped lines will be grouped together, and easier to judge.

Also, reading up on IMC’s discussion of the real-time translation, it made me aware that we can probably just send a pull request with our individual translation files at the end of the beta. Anyone from KCBT2 have any knowledge of that?

Additionally, IMC said they would release more on the real-time translation tool soon enough, as I’m sure there’s going to be some changes made based on its importance for this beta.

Yeah I found out that I could do that last night, just it isn’t as clean as I’d like. I’m playing around with it to make it cleaner and I think I found a way to remove duplication’s. Thanks for the suggestion!

I am not entirely sure how to have it backed up, if I could I would have it backed up like every 10 minutes to my local storage. Just can’t figure out how to do that just yet @Sourpuss

There is currently an issue I might need some help with.
In the first post there’s a link to Maps/Areas. While I was able to go over the “Maps” part and fix some Lithuanian-related stuff, the sub-areas (further down) are listed as single words, unlike they are in game.

For example, there’s an entry 불볘스 Bulvjes, and there’s a sub-area early in game (somewhere in West Siauliai Woods, I believe) that is called “Bulvjes Farm”.

Thing is, there’s a Lithuanian word “Bulvė” (definitely not “bulvjes”), which means “Potato”, plural nominative being “Bulvės”. At the same time, if you wanted to say “Potato Farm” properly, as in the place where you grow potatoes (yes, Lithuanian grammar is a b…tch with all the cases and whatnot), you’d need to go with “Bulviu Farm”. (Bulvių Ferma, to be exact, but it seems IMC wants to keep some terms half-Lithuanian/half-English, so there’s that).

Since it’s unknown how long it will take to update the wiki, for now, the only solution to fix the sub-areas is to find them in game so that it would be possible to discover the intended meaning.
Now, I’m one of the lucky ones with a beta key, but with a full-time job I’m not sure I’ll be able to cover a lot of ground by the end of iCBT1 - I only reached lvl 15 yesterday and I already saw people looking for groups in 40+ areas.

Therefore, I would like to ask the community - if you’re interested in improving the translation, it would be really nice if you guys and gals could take screenshots of fully explored maps with sub-area names visible, post them somewhere (cloud services like imgur /dropbox/google drive come to mind) and post the links somewhere - either directly in this post or in a separate thread. That would help a great deal.

Done :smiley: :smile: