Tree of Savior Forum


First off congratulations on winning a beta key!

Let me clarify something: This is meant to be a way to collect lines from iCBT testers while playing in-game. Lines that are broken/wrong. The lines are neatly organized in sheets that can be viewed by the translators/IMC and then edited on GitHub. It is NOT meant to replace GitHub.

This beta will have lots of translation errors. The translators and IMC have worked hard to make the game easier to play. So we need your help.

You do not need to know Korean to help. If you find a translation/text that doesn’t sound right, wrong context, grammar errors, wrong names, or any error within the text; then you can help! If you want better translations, better legibility, better ease of use, and possibly faster launch window for full release then now is your chance to help.

It’s pretty simple. By following these steps you can help shape the game while playing the beta:

Step 1. Upon finding a broken translation, press CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT MOUSE CLICK on the text to bring up the in-game editor as well as the file associated with the text.

Step 2. Simply copy the entire line of text including the code before it. For example: “QUEST_LV_0100_20150317_000012 Soldier Bag.”

Step 3. Paste the line of text into the appropriate field in this Google Form:

[Tree of Savior CBT Text Errors Form][2] (Note: I will be keeping this open for testing and wipe responses when beta arrives.)



Here is an example of the in-game editor in action:

After you have submitted the line of text into the Google Form it will then auto-fill itself into the appropriate tab in this Google Spreadsheet:

[Tree of Savior CBT Text Errors Sheet][1]


Feel free to right click and “Add comment” into a cell if you want me to address something. Such as a line already being fixed or what to change it to.

I have sorted the English Text into its own sheet and the Korean text into its own sheet so its easy for translators to decide which they would like to translate. I am still updating the spreadsheet to make it cleaner and if anyone has suggestions for categories to add/remove then please tell me. I will be updating the forms as well to try and make it look cleaner. I wanted to get the link out now while a lot of testers are visiting the forums.

For contributors of the GitHub: If you would like edit access to the spreadsheets to help maintain them then please send me a message so I can add you to the edit list.

Huge thanks to @KornmanGobbles for helping setup the layout!

Finally if you wish to help translations directly then please refer to this thread by @Sourpuss:


Great thread. I found a lot of translation issues/inconsistencies and I’m sure many others will find them, will definitely be passing this along to as many people as possible!



I will start to help too, since I got a key.

But do not expect for a perfect translation from korean (neither laught at it)

Inb4: ToS translation is 10/10. Translators sure did a great job.


if i can access the game with no problem, ill try to help too! Congratulations for all iCBT choosen member! :sunglasses:

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Well, I doubt that will be of any help, but I will gladly translate everything I will see from English to French. Just downloaded that pack Gardosen gave us in a other thread. But I guess they already paste it to the English Beta Client :wink:
Anyway, what does this “Text Errors Sheet” stand for ?.. If I modify something using the in-game editor, how can I “push” it on the official Github (I guess it’s here right ?)?
I can’t grasp how all this works, but I want so hard to help, so if someone take the time to explain, that would be really cool !

will do bro!
gotta fix those nasty errors :smiley:

The official GitHub is not currently taking any translations besides English. It is meant only for Korean > English translations for now. The point of this Google Forms and Spreadsheet is for people not familiar with GitHub and for people who are not confident in translating the text properly. They can tell which text is broken and submit the line(s) of text to the Google Form which then neatly categorizes it and organizes it in the appropriate sheet. If you wish to push translations to GitHub directly then they will need to be English. Once you edit the translations in-game you can upload them to the GitHub and try to merge them.

The Google Form and Sheets is simply to help congregate lines faster without the user having to directly translate or interact with GitHub.

I’ll do my best to contribute.

Thank you! Every little bit counts.

Think of it this way. If you have 100 people submitting 1 line a day then that’s 700 lines, by the end of beta, that we might have missed. 700 lines we can fix easily through your help! Even if its just 20 people submitting maybe 5 lines a day. That’s 100 lines again. It will add up quick!

Btw, as of now, I tried to bring up text editor in splash screen (since there no server yet), but nothing happen.
Do we have to set up anything else for it to work? or not every text is edit-able?

Hope all testers see this so we can do our part and hopefully cut a beta phase and be closer to release.

Not to my knowledge. After playing the CBT3 for Korea all you had to do was press CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT MOUSE CLICK. It worked just fine and since we have the same client it should work. It probably does not work until you login. Most text is editable from what I could tell.

I hope so too, the more people submitting lines the faster the game can come out. It barely takes 1 minute to submit a line.

Thank you so much for this! I was wondering if there was in an game function to report issues we find that they’d tell us closer to the 4th,but this is all I needed to know.

Not a vital question,but: Is it easier to use this in windowed mode than full screen? Seems like it might be.

Hmm… this was mentioned on the “Home” tab of the website and pretty much everything in the post is on GitHub. If they don’t edit this onto the Home page I hope they sticky this thread or something.

This is very useful, thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention.

Edit: looks like they did a loooong time ago. So, there’s two posts for this thing, then.

Honestly I haven’t tested but I am guessing in full screen mode it will alt-tab your game so it will probably be best to use in borderless window or windowed mode.

Hmm what do you mean exactly? Are you referring to how the Real-time Translation Tool works in-game?

yay! I’m happy to know we can help improve the game :blush:

That’s what I was thinking.Thank you again!

No problem and glad I can help!

Please spread this to as many places as possible. Its really simple to copy the text and submit into Google Form. The more people help the faster ToS will get released!

Is this Official? It’s making you look like the Great Guy.

To be honest, a lot of the translations are near perfect from what I have seen. The only real ‘engrish’ appears in quest fluff that isn’t integral to progression. Some of the translations will also be easier to fix when seen in context too.

I mean stuff like this:

“QUEST_20150317_001173 That was initiated in the small grip a major discussion, and eventually became the money is applied. While soldiers were situation of only hide the winner by collecting all of the dispute, happens to be, the number of people who support each of the goddess could place you have had Na decisions standing same. At the end of the {nl} So consultation, it was decided to the winner to the soldiers who supported the goddess Muruobuwaso that person say to those who pass the first now most. Since the very first to person through chance has selected, it is what it was to be considered a means of goddess. {Nl}”

Bahaha. I don’t even.