Tree of Savior Forum

Guide for the New Translators

I’m not as active as I once was with the translations (I’ll be on that during the ICBT) due to my bug testing of the KCBT3, but I’ve just noticed there’s a lot of new translators coming around after the beta key thing. I’m sure most of you are genuinely trying to help, but please take note of the systems in place

Marking Lines That Have Been Edited (THIS IS ABOUT THOSE X’S YOU SEE)

Most of the thread is a discussion, but:

For any line you edit and / or proof and then end up with a result where you are confident it is sufficient enough to be placed in the game, put an “x” before the line’s ID.

ETC_20150317_000001 -> xETC_20150317_000001
ITEM_20150317_000001 -> xITEM_20150317_000001
QUEST_20150317_000001 -> xQUEST_20150317_000001

Please, please, please do this. Lines with x’s can be proofed if you feel like it, but if all goes correctly, they shouldn’t require further editing.

Also, please edit more than just 2-3 lines at a time.

For help with actually translating / editing the game’s content, please view this thread.


To be honest, this convention makes no sense to me.

  • It isn’t intuitive to connect “x” with good things other than treasure maps. I had actually presumed that the x meant there was a particular problem with the line (x vs. check mark) or that the content it referred to was currently dummied out (crossed out.)
  • You shouldn’t need to mark lines as Good Enough. If your editor can’t tell whether the line is good enough, then they shouldn’t be editing!
  • The kind of people who you’d most need to improve with protocols like this are the ones least likely to read this post or generally care about quality control. =x

As I’ve said in the other topic, the solution to the myriad problems with Tree of Savior’s English localization is to have a smaller and filtered translation team. With so many people all submitting pull requests, the GitHub team are going to be swamped with mountains of crud and their judgment will be clouded by rightful impatience.

Honestly I would have someone run applications at this point for at least one translator and one editor, the latter only needing fluency in English and the former requiring English and Korean.

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I haven’t bothered with the x’s either. Someone just made a pull request and removed the x’s from another user’s hundred something perfectly fine translations and made ‘edits’ to all of them.

A smaller group would be better, but I don’t know if IMC even has the time or resources to set up a filter/application system. Their team (at least the portion working on this international release) feels very small. Then again, going through 30 something bad pull requests is time-consuming in itself too.

It’s to prevent people from wasting time on the same lines over and over. If you want to be the person who goes back and flushes things out / adds some flair, that’s wonderful, and greatly desired. However, this system is to prevent people from going back and being nit-picky about the same set of lines over and over.

Please just follow the system that’s in place.

@Seitaro , which pull request was this? I can’t seem to find it.

I seem to recall someone official-ish saying they were going to send IMC pretty much a “this is all kinds of screwed” alert as soon as this week’s beta is over.

@Sourpuss In all its glory:

@dracohandsome That would be ensata. And I’m sure IMC has already realized this.

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Thank you, and I’m sure the issue here is not the system itself, it’s the fact that no one is taking the time to figure out what rules are in place since they aren’t very explicit (both on IMC’s part and just the Github platform in general).

Yeah, what drove me to actually read everything was how much I didn’t want to destroy anything. We should inspire the new translators with fear!

Also I will partially blame Github. It’s garbage.

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The GitHub program doesn’t even function properly when I download it. I’m worried I’ll screw up and end up sending them an unfinished or corrupt edit through the web interface. =/

What problems are you having with it? You’ll need to use the console along with it to get the GUI to play nice. I agree the web interface is pretty bad. (I haven’t even seen it, I just assumed it would be terrible.)

Lets hope the Beta tester will correct the spelling and grammar when playing, since they are able to understand the current situation much better than the translator who are reading the script.

I’m looking at stuffs in the translations currently and it kinda seems bothering me why some neat lines on the files don’t have x’s in them even if they are already good enough ._.

Seems like there’s some major screw-ups going on haha.

Well, the system is relatively new. If you see something that doesn’t require further editing, go ahead and mark it with an x.