Tree of Savior Forum

How to test your ping to the EU,SEA and SA servers

200 ping in sea? whyyy?

16 on EU server, yay! Canā€™t wait! :smiley:

37ms on EU server. Thank you!

~150-160ms to SG server from Syd Aus, pretty good, seems im being routed correctly! Syd > Per > SG
I can get better with a VPN with ~130ms but has some bad packet loss.

The US IP posted in this thread is the same latency as the current Founders server IPā€¦ around ~270ms

You can do better, I am getting 16ms from Poland :slight_smile:

Wow thats something, seems that I lost :smiley:
But everything < 30 is almost the same so IĀ“m fine :stuck_out_tongue:

9ms on Fedimian! im so pumped for 11 am :smiley: Thx ICM :heart_eyes:

Is there no way that people from US West would get a good ping?

138ms for SA server while being relatively near SĆ£o Paulo :((((((

Iā€™ve 140ping in NA server and in BR I have 130msā€¦ Wtf? (I live in Brazil).
@edit: Now i have 50ms, cool dude

as expected, only brs are getting good ping to SA server :p.

I m from Chile and my ping is 262msā€¦ In Klaipeda i have 200 msā€¦
Terrible decision from IMC, this server is only for BR not for South America.

SA Server se quedara sin gente y estarĆ” muerto en poco tiempo si no se toman medidas y lo sacan de Brasil o hacen algo al respecto, esto va para mal.


@aleglacius From Santiago I have 145ms, whatā€™s your ISP?

From Chile 180ping :confused: this br server suck

lamentablemente no sera asi, por muy malo que sea el servidor toda la gente nueva se ira a ese servidor, y NA poco a poco se quedara sin hispanohablantes.

200ms from Chileā€¦50ms more than Orsha or Klai, It seems that the SA server was created only thinking about BRs , such a shame :sob:

from argentina 145 ping :confused: amazon server was getting 60 ping

150ms from Argentina as well, very bad and with packet loss, im not gonna change, not worth it.

What? Iā€™m getting 38ms from Argentina.

Well i live in SĆ£o Paulo and iā€™m getting 130~140ms ā€¦