Tree of Savior Forum

Recommendations for Australian Player


Just got this game. Pretty excited for it. However I have one question. What server would be best for an Australian (From Sydney) to play on? I know that There is a SEA server and a NA server, but I am unsure what server would better suit for Aussies. The other reason i am asking it is If i was to go on SEA i am not sure what the official language of the server would be, and unfortunately I only speak English.

NA then :smiley:

20 chars o.o

SEA server official language should be either English/Singlish , but i cant be sure after it becomes F2P .

SEA server will most likely use English as the main form of language

There will be local languages used from time to time but fear not as many will still stick to using English as the main language of the server.

As for testing your ping on the SEA server, use this:

Last reply on this thread was from a person who is also living in Aus, Sydney and mentioned having better pings for SEA server.

Aussie player here, i have a bunch of friends on the sea server and im transferring today.

The spoken language is entirely in english and the average ping for aussie players is 160-180ms to the SA test server.

This is much better compared to the 380-450 for the US and EU servers.

See ya there on SEA ! :slight_smile:

This is without any kind of routing program Pinged From Victoria, Australia.

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English with la at the end? singlish. hehe

new zealand here.

they all speak english so yea, i don’t see any problem with it

only a handful of pinoys shouting in tagalog, but it’s rare.

idk about f2p tho…

Thanks everyone. I think I will give the SEA server a try. Even if there is a slight language barrier, much more likely to find people playing at the same time as me

Dont stress at all there is less people talking in tagalog then there is people speaking in portugese and spanish on the us servers.

Maybe 1 in 100 messages is in tagalog.

Awesome. I am looking forward to it.

I can see i was mentioned from another post in this thread.

I just would like to say that all servers are currently still on the US East coast and have a ping around ~ 260ms + for those that are oceania/sea areas.

There hasn’t been any mention when the servers will be moved yet, maybe after this maintenance or at a later date, but today’s maintenance was for those that requested a server move, as such they are taking forever with this 24hrs maintenance…

I’m a SEA player but I will speak in English until someone talks to me in Tagalog. I will assume all players only understand English unless otherwise stated.