Tree of Savior Forum

How to force IMC to improve Tree of Savior!

You know that is a lie. My post has 0 suggestions concerning what should someone do with concerning the game. I even said that it is your right to complain, to question the developer. I even said that those players are right. I don’t think it is of a religion to accept being questioned, not even agreeing with its prosecutors.

If you did not understand, my objective was to describe the most common types of players and to address the problem of those who don’t like the game as it is and to try to stop the useless conflict that everybody here on the forums seems to do.

I have no commentaries regarding if IMC is wrong or not. That is for those involved (you players with a bad experience) to judge.


I don’t think I fall under the “bad experience” category, I have some issues happening when I play or simple left the game open (only in cities).

When stuff start to happen I simple close and go do something else.

But I won’t say ToS satisfy a “how a game should be presented”, not the concept, but the execution of the said concept.
Too many things are missing, many things where broken, some things where changed and ended up bad.

I could accept it, honestly, but I don’t endorse what the company does, or act mainly.

I find lack of respect to who is helping them, not only as customers, because without players, the game is done for.

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Look luna, im one of the only 5 players who got the solmiki weapons on Itos"before the Event: Certified Trick-or-Treater", please check this ->[Feedback] Event: Certified Trick-or-Treater and Weapons Solmiki for Free?, IMC gave 12 weapons solmiki in a event, do you have any idea whats the need for get a solmiki weapon? What game have you played, where are the game’s best weapons is given in an event?

have you seen the company’s attitudes this year? you saw the post from @leader.jj ?
@GM_Francis why my post got UNLISTED 3h ago ? Can you gave me a reason?

I think the behavior of IMC is unacceptable and protesting against it is our only tool since IMC does not usually listen to its community,if someone teaches others to protest, I do not see how this can be seen as a post troll.

I believe it is important to teach players that they can demand the company for attitudes and not just wait or have faith without doing anything.

If you disagree after having seen my point of view, could you elaborate how we should behave in order for the game to improve?


I actually agree with you and also don’t endorse what the company does. I think it is not honest to assume they are imoral, but I agree they have the obligation to change and make a good service, even if I am satisfied with the rest of their work.

I also agree with this statement, and everybody has the right to use the method from OP.

I believe the discussion was if it was a legal act (legal act being what the ToS allow to do). I think I understood what OP said and I’m not against it.

But the possibility of it being interpreted as a negative review spam stimulation is also plausible, so it is good to make things clear, which is what the refuters here are aiming to do.


Hmm, I wouldn’t say immoral, but non professional in fact.

I know there are companies that act like IMC, don’t talk to their consumers, but at least, they fix and pay attention to what we say.

  1. I know IMC does bad decisisons. No one is denying that.

  2. I saw the post from @leader.jj and his post was deleted with a good reason.

Let’s be clear, if you’re breaking the rules and they took action on you or your doings, accept it - that’s expected. IMC doing it always or not.

  1. Yeah, sure. Protest, complain. But remember:

3.1) Other forum users did nothing wrong to you. If you’re being offensive some people will be offensive back to you. If you’re abusing something some people won’t accept what you’re suggesting.

3.2) You don’t need to complain about the same thing on every thread users are discussing other things. If you go into the art contest thread to complain about in-game bugs, you’re just being annoying. If you go into an unrelated thread and start “hey, white knight, stop giving suggestions to IMC, complain instead” or even “here, make fake reviews”. Seriously, you’re just being a troll.

3.3) If someone doesn’t bend to your will that doesn’t mean they don’t listen at all. Pokemon event is still a struggle but it was already changed many times. An example of how IMC listened to players was about limiting the Diamond Anvils to x3 only.

3.4) Although I agree that IMC keeps doing some mistakes. They seem to have a rigid position of “If I said I’ll do it.” instead of cancelling things entirely - even if they fail or don’t follow it. But sometimes even if they listen to you, they might not change their decisions at all but they know they messed up, especially with the Solmiki Selection Box.

3.5) As much as it’s important to look at the past. Some events were fixed either mid-way or later on. As much you can’t revert the damage already done - action was taken even if poorly, it wasn’t complete silence.

3.6) Abusing review systems isn’t protest. If you start doing shady stuff in real life making it seems as protest you’re gonna have problems anyway.

One example of how you can make IMC listen to you being polite, clean and organized - without resorting to any bad methods:

Of course it won’t work for everything - But if they don’t listen to you with a good well written feedback in their official channels, sadly, they won’t listen to spam in alternative channels.


One thing that is interesting, I had this talk some time ago with my friends, and we concluded that, of all things that we talked, the lack of professionality was the most evident aspect of IMC. We thought of some possibilities, and the most prominent ones were:
I-the fact that it is a new company (an immature company, makes bad decisions)
II-the fact that they lack funds (which is kinda evidenced by Nexon buying a part of IMC)
III-the fact that they are just milking ToS.(which would be the immoral theory)

I believe I and II are the base of what happened, being III a consequence of Nexon coming to the play (my hypothesis is that most changes that make ToS look like p2w recently are their fault).

Anyway, whatever the reason it may be, the only thing I can do is wait and see.

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Actually, that is the Asian culture’s fault, any game from that region, at least all the ones I’ve played, use this kind of stuff, be Gachapon or gear or any kind of status that give advantage to who pay.

I won’t say Token is a P2W item, we can buy it from market tho, but I’m against stuff that help speed up the process.

I also don’t endorse EXP boosters, it take the fun of playing while learning, then again, ToS don’t have solid content to learn much, except what skills work and what synergy with what.

I will wait to find an interesting game in the years to come, I still play ToS, but I can’t handle 20 mins in, I seriously fall asleep and when I wake I notice my char is running against the wall.

It’s really sad.

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I’ve logged in just to say that you are right saying that @kamaroo really doesn’t know how to talk without memes(that’s pretty childish tbh)
This is a bit annoying since this is a serious conversation (and not a fucking huehuebr group), but if IMC can’t even remove prehistoric bugs it’s pretty impossible for them to remove images from posts…

In the example you mentioned there was no IMC feedback or advice, if the company did not hear you? what do you suggest ? have faith ?

I would like to you show at least 1 positive feedback where there was a response from IMC. I’ll show you a well-written and clean text where the IMC’s response could not be worse.

In my opinion what is IMC does goes beyond bad choices.

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Does this counts? If not, why?


As for what you posted:

  1. Where’s the well-written clean text?

  2. Read my previous post, item 3.5.

It wouldn’t be smart to give Diamond Anvils to compensate the event wrong announcement, that would trigger side effects and we all know where it’s going. They messed up and they know it, nothing much to be done at that point.

there is no IMC response in this Diamond Anvils break the game and should not exist if you have no response or feedback you cant say that IMC is listening to the community.

you did not understand the problem, the IMC instead of take responsibility into Active Player Event: Elite Hunter (diamond mistake) IMC suggested to change the diamond anvil for a gold anvil, which player would like to make this kind of exchange? anyone with a minimum of intelligence would take the blame and take action.

The IMC did not assume anything in this incident, and even suggested to make an exchange of an item of higher quality for a lower quality, IMC did not understand the complaints of the player.

Like i told you, what is IMC does goes beyond bad choices.

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The response is obviously in the fact that they altered the trade in to be capped at 3. While I can’t say my thread was the direct result in causing this, it had to have helped.

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@Remiri im not talking about tamer event, lol

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Why does it matter what the event is? I thought we were talking about general responses from IMC.

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@LunarRabbit and @Remiri well, I am talking about the right of the consumer to complain and demand a better service, and how this can be done in a correct way.

If all options have been exhausted, using slightly more aggressive options like a negative review is not wrong, it’s a player’s right.


Tell me how much players don’t have a bad experience with the game… the question is that the ones who had problems playing is the majority, and is absolutely normal that people complain… I don’t understand why others still bother so much with complaints here… the game is not going to shut down because of complaints, is going to shut down due imc incompetency… complaints are not the origin of the problem, it is only a sympton that the things are not fine… understand?

idk, it’s not like IMC will ever care. when have they ever? :upside_down_face:

Are you well aware that the player who posted complaining about golden/diamond anvil usually trolls around the forum and what his post you linked was?

If you’re not being nice expect people to not be nice to you. If you’re making fun of people, expect even STAFF to make fun of you at some point if you’re annoying enough.

Whatever you may call it, I find the answer funny knowing the whole history.

So are you saying that it’s alright to do wrong things when you feel someone doesn’t act the way you want? Because that’s what it sounds like with this reasoning.


Anime gril won.)(20char)