Tree of Savior Forum

How to force IMC to improve Tree of Savior!

Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your Steam and go to the game page.
  2. Do a true negative analysis of the game and give the “Do not recommend” option.
  3. If everyone currently does this the game goes out of neutral to “bad”, causing Steam to contact the game’s developer to find out what’s going on.
  4. Accounts with more hours of play have a greater advantage in the evaluation.

Because this is the last altercation for IMC to listen to its customers.

Let’s get her out of NEUTRAL and by the “Not recommended”!

P.S.: This is not a protest, I am not obliging anyone to change their reviews or just do a negative review, I am showing a tool that is at your discretion to use or not.


More like, How to get banned from steam review system 101?

On the same note though. It really helps if people are sincere on what they are recommending against in the game though.

Pure spam review not gonna get you anything but problems for yourself lol.


Therefore of item 4.

  1. Accounts with more hours of play have a greater advantage in the evaluation.

When you have enough game time and STEAM knows how much time and money you spend on a game, your rating is taken into account … I’m not here wanting you to create bot accounts to downplay the game, but only signaling to those who Spends time and money there is a way for IMC to pay attention Yes, it’s called NEGATIVATION on Steam.

For some purpose there is this system, we will use it.


3.5k hours of play, and nope. I am not changing my review the for sole purpose of maybe having steam communicate with IMC.

I still like the game, even with its flaws and want it to succeed.


7.5k hours of play, same as the above comment. Sure, the game has good points and bad points.

Asking others to spam not recommended not gonna do anything.

Sure, if you want to give an opinion about the game and recommend or not, go ahead and make a proper bad review with the good and bad points and why the bad points makes it worse for you.

That way you’re helping the game and not cucking yourself by trying to abuse steam’s system lol.


Steam actually fights that behavior.


You’re wasting your time. All the people left playing the game are die hard fans that will defend this game to death. No one will do what you suggest.


as evidenced by the replies above :haha:


Meanwhile all the people on the forums don’t play the game and just post here to troll and try to destroy the game, as evidenced by 90% of gen discussion.


So, I’m just sorry to say, you kept having the current administration you deserve.

Well, if it is “all beautiful” for BMI to change or improve something, it is making a lot of money, no matter how it is, to improve, is not it?

I wash my hands, you do not want improvement in fact, since tool has, but do not use.

Use =/= Abuse



Vote bombing not gonna get Steam do anything to IMC since Steam is able to detect the system abuse.


lel only imc has the power to destroy the game and it’s reputation which is precisely what they are doing :haha:

players have no power over any thing :haha:


Same as above. I wont change my positive and negative points on my review for this!

Some on their second and third accounts! Like Ro******** uts or A *****ly or 6****r. Then you got guys like that Cakester guy who’d like his own posts with his obvious alt accounts and whine about how his friends were banned (his other alt accounts :haha:).

Hell, a couple of these fine forum accounts might be one user posting on several accounts. :haha:


They won’t improve anything even if people bring down the ratings on Steam. What disappoints me though is the amount of shortsighted people who keeps defending IMC’s practices just because of some dumb “nostalgia” factor. It’s pretty much like Stockholm Syndrome at this point.


IMC didn’t really need any help in that, they destroyed the game harder than any amount of trolls ever could.

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Please guys don’t point out bad things about ToS in Steam reviews. You are literally destroying this game.
You aren’t even playing anymore, you are just a bunch of trolls.
The game is fine it just has a couple of flaws here and there. We all need to stay strong in dark times like these and buy more TP so IMC can make ToS even greater.


Nice strawman you beat down there. Epic win.

Is it so hard to believe that there are people playing the game who geniunely like it? IMC’s practices suck the fat one in a lot of cases, but I am not playing ‘IMC’. I am playing ‘Tree of Savior’.


Some flaws?


Son we are playing different games, because the little game that I have 7.5k hours destined has not only “small flaws”.

And no, negative review does not destroy anything, it signals that there is problem that must be agreed, stop with this mentality. If you buy a product and it has a defect, do you continue with it, or will you complain to the store?



I logged in this forum just to reply it.


They are zoombies, they have reached a state of alienation that they can not use logic anymore :S

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never reviewd this before. now after 3.5k hours of playtime, NEGATIVE score.