Tree of Savior Forum

How to enhance items to +16 with high probability

We are trying to figure whether a Ritual or a Pattern can be found but without success so far.
The only thing we can tell is that time windows seem to be a thing (seems like a possible seed might be System Time).

I noticed it myself already that items with the same x% chance “CAN” drop periodically (Guild mate dropped 3 Monster Gems and 3 Orbs in a 4.5h Window and I had something similar some times ago as well). This is however hard to confirm cause we can’t exclude the possibility of pure coincidence.

And they don’t have a lot of existing coding issues? Crashes, screen-freezes, buggy skills, buggy AI, ping based attack speed, etc. etc? IMC is a game company and they’re running a business, you should put a higher standard on their coding execution.

Now look who’s putting words in other people’s mouths. You’re the one who wants to use both pistol shot and impale dagger. How is a 3 hit single target skill worth a 3rd transcended weapon? It’s not like picking between shadow thorn and shadow conjuration, it’s more like trying to trans a spear and shield just so you could use synchro thrusting on your 2-hand spear dragoon.

read the “IF” part on the sentence because it changes the meaning depending on that.

I guess I distorted your post somehow without replying to you? Or are you now going on to the semantics between offend and annoy?

You have this tendency to think people are distorting your words when you write walls of texts every time. Quantity doesn’t make a good argument, be straight to the point and make it so your words can’t be distorted then, like during that time you kept throwing fallacies at me.

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Uh, can we get back to enhancement/rng subject please?

It’s hard because there’re always long walls of texts and you can’t ignore any part of it otherwise you’re distorting his words.

You know what, I’ll just stop replying for real at this point.

So let me share my experience. I never failed a single enhance till now with event silver anvils.
Whenever I use it I always succeed (And yes ofc i use them after +6 onwards).

But sadly I still don’t dare to go beyond +11.

It most likely is but you can’t get the correct system time down to milliseconds and you can’t know how many iterations of rand() are happening per server.

Pro-tip: Just give up on the seed.

Also for pattern, you won’t find rules. All you can do is try to find what would be a start of a high roll streak and hope it doesn’t go low. Either by using multiple weapons or risking right on the orange or stopping/trying later etc.

Or just aim at +11/avg potential instead of potentially wasting silver xD

Yeah, Orange gears and Golden Anvils are kind of similar too in some lower level HGs.

Sometimes you don’t get Golden Anvils for hours, sometimes you can get 1 and none. Sometimes you can get 3+ in a row. Same for orange gears, at some point you also get a few drops then it stops suddenly.

That’s beyond what “fodder weapon tricks” and similar stuff can help though.

Yes they have but not everything is badly coded. My only problem is with you saying “someone can’t code RNG”, period.

I’m not putting words in other people’s mouths. Did I say any name? Did I say someone else is saying that?

I just said that I can’t imagine anyone that play Corsair would be ok with transcending 3 weapons. And that’s especially true when C1 and C2 skills can be used with pistols.

Then later I said:

Then you TRY to distort my words:

When I’m not talking about losing something but about the decision of locking the skill to be dagger-only or it’s too weak. :man_shrugging:

But that sounds hella sarcastic in that context.


Oh, so you never replied to me on this thread saying I’m contradicting myself because you distorted my post and cut out stuff from your quotes? :man_shrugging:

No. I have a tendency to think people are distorting my post whey they say. “You’re saying X” when I’m not saying X. Or “you’re convinced of X” when I’m not convinced of X. Or “you’re defending IMC because X” when I’m just telling your argument is wrong - etc.

I agree that quality doesn’t make a good argument. But being straight to the point is good when you want to convince or discuss something. If I want to talk about an opinion or possibility I’m not going to care what’s better to “win” arguments or not. Sorry, I’m not here for this.

Plus my English isn’t great so I lack vocabulary and need more words to explain things that I don’t know to explain in shorter sentences without cutting out details and meanings. And I honestly feel that doing it the wrong way causes even more trollish reaction or distortions lol

Also is our entire argument simply communication issues or language barriers at this point?


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And some people silently grin in the backgrounds at those people who argue that while rituals are not 100% true, they make enhancing a bit “better” without cheats, without exploits, without salt.

These are the people who argue with you to no extent but when you actually do really teach them tips and if it even somehow “helps” in enhancing, that’s good enough for them to drop their argument.

They argue all because, maybe, they haven’t had experience having an equipment +15/+16? Let alone something higher than that.

flies away from this thread while laughing

I always only aim for +11 :tired:

Thanks guys for this hilarious thread.

Wow I tried and I got +26 for the first time of my life.
I still have 2 potentials left, dunno if I should use diamond now instead

Oh my God.


The only pattern I’m sure is I “destroyed” good items every time I mashed anvils until 1 pot,

this just happened today I only wanted +11 xD
I got like 10 items +16 to +26 but never I spammed anvils at low fps in full channel 1 is what I could “notice”.

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I just want to leave this here:

With the big warning that it’s still bound to luck.

Try if you want to.

Also, sorry for the abysmal job at selecting wrong rects on SimpleScreenRecorder. I wanted to cut down the silver/TP on character and chat because I’m sick for a few days and I’m too lazy to go search for video processing tools/etc I don’t have anything for that installed atm.

Also, I forgot to cast Gloria, could have made it to +21.

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I heard about this method when the game was released.
Some people wait to fail x4 and then upgrade main weapon, I’ll see the video another day if it’s not what I think.
My best record is fail x7 in a row on an item I use and equip.

Its just a placebo effect made to feel good about yourself. It differs from people to people.


Yeah I agree.

Actually, let’s be honest here: If it works for you and makes you feel better, why not? No one needs to follow you.



It’s not that. But also: sometimes if I have better potential I risk more, sometimes less. It really ends up on luck and how I feel about risking it or not. And as everyone told lots of times: no patterns, no rules, all PRNG and luck in the end.

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So true. A lot of people choose to be skeptical because it doesn’t work for them. If it works for me, tf I care if it doesn’t for you all I know it did for me.

Also, some people here need to stop with their very linear thinking. High enhance, high pot = cheating/exploiting immediately? Have you guys ever tried making silver and then buying them off of others? And with a bit more luck use diamond anvils and be lucky again? Some people do not think like me, no?

If you are unlucky with enhancing and others are lucky, instead of calling people cheaters or exploiters and bring that mentality to the game’s community, why not focus on making silver, wait for an opportunity and buy it from others? Why keep trying to enhance only to build that frustration up over and over?

Play hard, but play smarter. Make your money do the work for you.

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Here’s the catch. You can probably code and try this a few times, or go to the wolfram links and refresh a few times:
In 100 rolls it is pretty reasonable to find a streak of length around 5-10.
In 1000 rolls it is pretty reasonable to find a streak of length 10-15
However, in the same 1000 rolls you can find a high streak of length 16 with high probability, if you allow say 5 fails breaking between them

The thing is you don’t know the whole sequence because you’re not RNGesus, and so you don’t know which part of the sequence you’re in. Therefore pulling back is also a bet. By doing it this way you’re faced with a different RNG game than the enhancement itself. You’re doing an indirect bet with some things which RNGesus will bestow upon you based on a few facts I gave above:

  1. Say you want to get uber +21, which 21+ rolls are you in among the 1000001 rolls? You can probably even find a streak with 30-50 rolls there (the scaling of streak length found in any window is not linear with the number of tries)
    1a. High rolls (allowing a few lows). Worst case here is 27 success (S) + 6 fails (F), but there are also 26S+5F, 25S+4F, 24S+3F, 23S+2F, 22S+1F, or even 21S+0F
    1b. Low rolls (allowing a few highs) similar thing here except you can fail only 6 times so you ragequit as soon as you fail 6 times. Cases: 0S+6F, 1S+6F,2S+6F,…,11S+6F (assume +11 is acceptable, well it totally is acceptable)
    1c. Somehow Neutral (will get high and low almost equally)

  2. Results are either:
    2a. GIT GUD
    2b. YOU DIED
    2c. something like +11 with all pots lost and no gems…

Based on the fact that chance to find long streaks is lower, and when listing out success/fail cases in 1a/1b and possibly 1c this way, you’ll see that 6 failures in 1b is actually pretty easy!

But wait… there is something wrong right? Because once you anvil enough to think you’re in 1b or 1c, you can pull back. Yes and No. With potential system imposed, the number of tries you have is tied to your failures, so pulling back rid you of the immediate penalty of walking deeper into 1b/1c and require even more tries (since normal anvil reduces potential). this causes a second RNG game that RNGesus has to handle when you come back to the upgrade, so you’re back to 1a/1b/1c again as soon as you continue. The only thing that is changed is you’ll have a smaller window to work with this time since you’ve succeeded or failed last time. Except:

  1. Suppose you pulled back from a single failure last time when RNGsus put you in 1a. Now you only need 6 more upgrades and you care about gems so only 5 failures allowed. What now? Where are you in the 1m+ rolls? (including the ones to be rolled in the future)
    3a. get +6 more enhance levels, allowing failures in between -> way higher chance than 1a. Worst case here is 11 success (S) total and 5 fails (F) but there are also 10S+4F, 9S+3F, 8S+2F, 7S+1F, 6S+0F.
    3b. Low rolls. Just low rolls till death. -> lower chance than 1b for the similar reasons
    3c. blah

Is this still random? hmm yes totally, there’s no one controlling it.

What makes the scenario above look so skewed? Because you’re not taking the RNG result as is. The game rule imposed (potential limit and enhance level penalty when failing) affects the ability to keep playing therefore some possibilities are crossed out (you cannot engage in a 30-anvil upgrade session on the same gear with 29 fails and 1 success, for example, so while that result is counted in the 50% RNG that does not happen in practice)

So yeah you’re simply betting differently and combined with the game rule it distorts the overall observation. So pulling back works sometimes, as there’s still chance to jump into failure cases any time. It’s just that in a bigger window there are bigger streaks.

Now another question: where did the failures go? shouldn’t this be 50%?
-> well yeah since it’s random, the failures “went to someone else” a.k.a. it just happened to work for you and match to your actions XD

Hope that helps


LUL, Lunar, you made a +15 trash xbow without any potential loss (or once it was like that). Lepolted for hacking. :smile:

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