Tree of Savior Forum

How to enhance items to +16 with high probability

Because you were conveniently interpreting everyone words with “reading patterns” to suit your own agenda.

Oh look, we found another pattern. No wait, that’s 2 patterns since our posts are similar too. Or is it 3 patterns?

you’re having a lot better understanding of this now is what I’m back to say, thank you :slight_smile:

just keep in mind that even for a completely random roll you will observe local patterns but there is no guarantee that that pattern will hold for eternity, random being random, therefore the “no overall pattern”. It is only local to the past attempts but we don’t know the future. We can elect to exercise a pattern and engage in a bet of how long that pattern will hold or pull out of the gambling altogether however.

the “gut feeling” that lunar used is also a precondition of a local pattern after all. But correlations do exist so this precondition can work for a while, but might as well stop working as we speak since it’s random.

The only clear difference is that you don’t have unlimited tries in this anvil upgrade scenario. Your tries is limited to your chance of failure itself and so strategies that maximizes your tries, such as pulling back and calming down, “works”. The pulling back and upgrade later is also part of a pattern and it may stop working any time too, but as I mentioned, even a neutral randomizer cannot guarantee neutrality in local tries and cannot prevent coincidence / correlations to your actions from happening.

So I think we’re on the same page?


“Everyone” meaning you?

We are, I’m glad you never suggested anything like actually stopping or continuing when you can feel a pattern. It puts me more at ease knowing the RNG is unaffected by any previous result or action (in the sense of affecting a 50% result, not in the sense of changing seeds or whatever).

Your pattern of answers seems to be like of those that refutes as anything related to keep profiting yourself.

Seems like a pattern of someone who’s selling +16 items secretly in-game and wants everyone to rage anvil to fail to buy your weapons.

Such a deceitful pattern.

Wow now you’re randomly throwing baseless accusations to try and discredit my replies! Keep the fallacies coming!

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Someone’s sarcasm detector is broken.

You just answered:

To a post that literally contains this:


He put “works” in quotations. Because he knows it does not mean what it means in the most basic sense.

Oh wait did I say you were randomly using fallacies? Naw, it’s a pattern.

That’s not sarcasm, calling you smart is sarcasm.

Let their next post confirm for us what they meant then \/ - Easy, right?

Better than 2 randoms with less knowledge trying to guess what a 3rd person tried to say.

Just to help you realize what you said btw, apparently my being deceiving is sarcasm! Thank you for the praise.

well to be fair I didn’t make a suggestion to do it. I made a suggestion to correlate strategies and success rate and decide if he wants to bet on adopting it XD


He actually just wanted someone else to have the last word. He’s mature like that.

I just prefer the person to make it clear what they meant instead of losing time discussing (or distorting) someone’s else word.

But seems you don’t understand that, right?

Like, as for your post:

1st quote:
“You can’t possibly make sure the anvil enhancement will work.”

My sentence fits the context of what you replied to earlier:

2nd quote: Refers to the people that discards any and all strategies that can maximize chances. The same works otherwise, you can actually execute, accidentally, an strategy that will maximize failures.

Add the rest of my quote that contains:

You’ll see it pretty clear that I’m not saying things will definitely work nor that there’s a pattern.

3rd quote: I was asked how my sword was enhanced and I said what I did. That was not an argument - was not an opinion - that was a fact, just simply what I did.

4th quote: Simply gut feeling and random swapping between the 3 maces when I felt like it. I feel doing this gave me a better success rate - not because the enhancement rates - but simply because I have 3 chances of reaching my goal instead of one.

That’s pretty much the whale method but I’m not rich enough to use 5-6+ weapons.

So, after everything always making sure to say there’s always the chance of failure, uncertainty and randomness you come and say:


I have 3 options on how to interpret your post:

  1. You didn’t understand my previous posts because lack of knowledge.
  2. You didn’t understand my previous posts because my English sucks.
  3. You wanted to troll.

From the flow of the entire argument, my option was already shifted to 2) and then to 3) which I assumed you’re just making fun and repeating things and distorting words.

  1. You seem to and say to, have read and learned a lot. Ok.

  2. I clearly asked about my English multiple times, so I can assume that’s not the problem. Ok.

So, let me ask, honestly.

Why are you openly cutting out parts of my posts where I say there’s no pattern or that in the end it’s all about random and you won’t find definite answers?

And along with that, why are you trying to tell that I’m contradicting myself when I clearly put that on the text you cut out or ignored?

  1. Are you just trolling or what?

P.S.: I’m feeling you’re just going to avoid my questions and change the topic to something else. If that happens, I’m out. Not going to keep posting to have my posts meanings arbitrarily distorted.

Seems my topic isn’t popular anymore. Well, finally i decided instead of masi bow, to buy some primus and try to get one to +16 or higher.

I bought 6 and all of them got broken. Im done with this game for a while


I think it’s more because of your attitude than your english or anything really. Your initial reply is so hostile even though I was simply ignorant about RNG, all because I mention IMC?

Because I agree with that after learning about RNG. I mean seriously we already agree on a lot of things after discussing about RNG but just keep mentioning the contradicting statement that “hey maybe you can look at patterns and it might help you.”

if you were more informed about RNG your message should look like this:

If you really believe that it’s random then you don’t need all that stuff about reading patterns. You also bring in those other games that have their “RNG pattern reading” rituals to the discussion which doesn’t really serve a point other than making it look more like you can make RNG work in your favor.

I think this is the main issue. You make really long convoluted posts only to contradict most of it with a final blanket statement. You make two points but use whichever is more correct to your advantage when someone points it out.

If your first reply to me was simply that RNG doesn’t work that way it would have been great but as mentioned, you mixed in a bunch of contradictions, random information and hostile statements to it and that just makes it a lot harder to figure out what you really want to say.

After Testing a bit around and using a “technique” I ended up with two white +14/15 Items and lost 9 potential on my Masinios Crossbow for +6 (it never made it beyond +10 and it cost around 7m Silver).

My Guildmate used said technique to get a Max Peta to +21.

didn’t pass even +8 thanks for the tips

No. It was because you meant bad coding when it’s unrelated. I said that multiple times.

I agree for sure that IMC has some bad coding in some places. I’m not going to defend anyone if they’re in the wrong side. But if you’re using that wrong and complaining about the wrong thing - yeah, something’s off, that’s what annoys me.

This sounded pretty arrogant as something you have/had no idea about just told because you think that way. Be it related to IMC or not.

If you’re being hostile you’re giving rights for others to be hostile back to you.

May you quote where I said that? Or maybe are you just misunderstanding? :man_shrugging:

If I was more informed about RNG I would be going to talk about correlations.

And as much as you might not like it. I’m the kind of person to explore two sides of these stuff before talking about them. I’m open to change my mind at any time if I feel like it. I’m not rigid on a side of the wall just for the sake of it.

Sorry again @Peako if I’m reading your posts in a wrong way but I’ll try quoting something again:

These were my results. Exactly that.

Plus I have more than years of coding experience and playing with stuff and already observed how srand() and rand() do happen to give long high roll streaks or low roll streaks. The probability is almost impossible, it’s really low. But not impossible, that’s all.

No one is manipulating RNG. You’re just searching part of what you want and discarding everything else if not.

Also, @Peako, also, humbly asking ><, if possible correct me here if I’m saying bs.

The higher the sample the better distributed will be the numbers. That means >50/<50 rate can change later on, or not change at all and simply end up being similar, it’s just random. But not impossible for it to change.

That’s somewhat my reasoning for pulling back.

Rigidly disagreeing and discarding possible correlations and possible low probability cases, especially with memes, is what I’d expect from someone that isn’t actually well informed about RNG. :thinking:

I’m going to ignore this since you stepped back to your old opinion and forgot everything you learnt.

You also forgot I’m not talking about patterns or rules that will apply or repeat.

So may you suggest a better way of doing it?

My big non-quote/non-reply posts are usually:

  1. Cover initial thoughts and possible reasons for posting.
  2. Some arguments, sometimes that works for both sides or one side.
  3. Examples for the arguments and/or examples that can support those if I find any.
  4. Last thoughts/conclusion/questions.

They’re not multiple posts as one to prevent double posting. They’re a post as whole on the same context.

If you can suggest some better format so it can be understood better I’m open to suggestions.

But let’s be honest here. Definitely, no one is going to like someone cutting out the parts they actually told about “something X” just to be told “you’re contradicting yourself because you totally ignored the something X”. This always triggers the “troll flag” for me because it’s a common way to annoy people in the internet and I’ll stop being so nice to you when you do that. Especially if it continues and you keep avoiding when I ask about it.

My first answer for you was the same tone you answered to the topic:

If instead of saying something that is somewhat sarcastic and didn’t went to “IMC can’t code HURR DURR” braindead troll mob sentence it would have been great.

We both disagree with the first posts of each other. You’re not the only one answering in the same tone back. I saw this same thing over and over and over in-game as well.

Why is it too hard for people to understand that the same type of things that annoys them can also annoys others?

Yeah, it actually happens.

That’s how I got a +7 Primus Musket with 5 potential left and a +15 Ice Rod with no potential loss, lmao.

It’s really uncertain/not guaranteed/unpredictable/“works” or whatever word someone might want to use. In the end it’s all random and luck.

EDIT: My bad about double post, clicked another Reply accidentally.

My first statement was a shot at either IMC or people suggesting rituals. It’s one or the other but I guess you will be offended either way it goes. Yes it is aimed more towards IMC, but that’s because there’s no actual basis to the rituals so the statement should be false. However if the statement is actually true then there really are problems with the enhancement system and in that sense it was not coded well.

In another instance, during the discussion about corsair in the ktos thread your first statement to me included that I probably don’t play corsair. What, you’re going to say that you got offended by my tone when I said that the new dagger skill is not a big deal? Unfortunately I play corsair, and it’s not a big deal to me so what you said was uncalled for, like many of the other things you tell other people you can’t get along with.

You get offended by the tone of anything anyone you label as a troll says at this point, which is also why you keep butting heads with many other people.

Wtf I never talked to you in-game, I doubt we’re even in the same server. But if you mean it’s what’s happening to you everywhere then you really need to lessen the number of things you get offended by. I actually manage to get along decently with people in my server, aside from maybe one person in that fanart contest drama thread but we mostly just ignore each other.

After this I will never address you again, I have already been avoiding that anyway. If you could do the same and not catch any tones or whatever from any of my posts that would be great too, don’t talk to me if I don’t talk to you and we’ll never talk again. Strike one “troll” off your offense catching net and this case will be closed.