Tree of Savior Forum

How much crit rate is considered enough at Lv 280?

I don’t think it’s a good idea to plan your crit so that you can always crit against max resistance mobs. If the game is moving towards more party play, the ideal would be to consider you might have a krivis for zalciai or a chrono for quicken so you’d get to the cap a lot more easily

The monster with the most crit resist in this game until the lvl 280 cap is

(ET monster btw, Floor 1)

So, before swift step, you would need 689 crit rate. This is for lvl 280 cap, if you want to have 100% crit chance against every single mob in this game.


You do not invest in dex to achieve a crit chance solo wise.
Getting decent crit chance by dex alone is impossible and not optimal at all.

You should consider supports in this case.

These hogma’s also have very high Block.

Green gems are the best.

and high evasion as well (323).


wow…1 more tick before you died D: stupid server!!! grr

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Someone needs to craft more arrows.

Silly :stuck_out_tongue: this was my main now my alt I just rush 190 and that’s pretty much it. 2-3 magic arrows and the boss is already dead xD

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how about lv 5 sneak hit which give 70% Crit chance? does it mean fixed 70% of my attacks will crit eventhough i am full STR with minimalist crit rate stats? does crit rate from gears contribute more to sneakhit? e.g: nicola’s 91%crit+70%crit from sneakhit=161% crit chance.
the bad news of sneak hit is repositioning.

Yes, it will give you 70% crit chance from behind (unless werewolf card).
Formula crit chance = (crit rate formula) + Sneak Hit crit chance.

Gear will not help sneak hit. Only swift step.
Going beyond 100% crit is not needed, it’s better to invest into damage once your crit hits 100%.

so for any rogue at rank 10 just need 10 lv 10 werewolf card and 30% crit chance to always crit 100%, right? which one is better for rogue, 10 werewolf card or 10 ellagonas card? where to farm these cards?

In KToS the limit is 5 cards max, iToS will probably get it.
So don’t stack beyond 5 werewolf lvl 10 cards.

Werewolf: dungeon 217 boss, and fedimian crystal mine mission boss.
Ellaganos: worldboss at the maps around Mokusul chamber.

5 werewolf seems ok. Other cards are for your preference.

Ellaganos x 1000 with 10*!

Ella is <3
But go with werewolf though since you are rogue.

Btw isn’t that card glitchy? I’ve read it somewhere.

werewolf is glitchy for backstab, but works perfectly for sneakhit, iirc. Too bad sneak hit is not permanent like your crit, nicola.

What are you going for at rank 8?

between mergen or sniper2, still undecided.
do you know where to farm spectre monarch card?

I’m an a2>r1>wu2>fal1>mus with 300 STR, 80ish DEX, is it fine if i continue raising dex for the crit rate and maybe a bit more STR to keep my damage relevant?

Put more points into your DEX. A2 benefits more from high DEX build (Crit rate + Evasion). Musk. has a high damage skill burst so It’s better to crit a lot. Try to aim for 130 DEX (atleast). With high STR you will find yourself constantly using HP potion and re-positioning in fights = dps downtime. With high Evasion, you can just face tank most of the stuff and dodge everything. It is less punishable with high dex/eva play style and also good in PVP. Not to mention save you a lot of repair cost. Try to get yourself 2 x Sissels + LV 10 Ellaganos cards.
My current Armor/Pants

Sitting at 1050s evasion with SS. I’m not sure if leather will be good with your stats though. This is just a suggestion and I find myself doing better with it. Try it yourself if you have spare silvers :stuck_out_tongue:
TL;DR get LV10. Ella + 2xSissels + Lv6 Gems + invest 130 DEX

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You will be able to Roast level 10 gem once alchemist3 (rank 8) is available.
Then yes, lvl 10 green gem + gladiator is OK.
Sissel is more futureproof, since crit cap will increase with every level you get.
Glad band added benefit is the +AoE ratio.

If you’d like crit DMG, Bandit crossbow + manamana.

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