Tree of Savior Forum

How much crit rate is considered enough at Lv 280?

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80% is OK, if you take into account teammember buffs.
I think after lvl 250 you will always have a chronomancer3 (luxury), so you get Quicken buff with +25% crit rate bonus.

If you want to be a strong independent archer, you can go 100%, like nicola.

Glass mole effect duration = 4 seconds.
Good if you are burst (musketeer, cannoneer, mergen, hakka).
Other class I recommend Ellaganos. (For example fletcher will benefit more from spam, so 4s is not enough).
Reiter is special, if you have retreat shot + card buff + krivis3 melstis combo, you can go glass mole.

Yes, KToS = 5 card stack max, we will likely receive patch too.

If you like to farm, I recommend a +10% sp recovery when killing enemy -card , such as Specter Monarch card (rare).

Which gloves and boots are you using? I’m using Vubbe as it made the most sense, I would like to get shade runners but those medals are apparently damn near impossible to farm (I hear something like 1 in 4000) kills and they seem way overpriced on the market when I do see one or two for sale. Right now I’m using vine boots since they seemed to have a lot of good things going for them and the price was right, but they’re cloth though :frowning:

Oh and if you don’t mind me asking, sorry if you answered this somewhere else, how much do you have invested in dex, str and con right now? I threw a few points in con, and about 50 in str at this point and everything else in dex (I’m only 183 right now) I was planning to pump dex till about level 230 and then put 50 more in str which seemed close enough that once I had all my gems in line, I would be really good on crit with swift step up, but wanted to get a feel where someone with the same build at a higher level is at. Thanks!

This is her stat:

112 STR 31 CONS 170 DEX
@Lv 278

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lvl 330, you need about 786 crit
rate to get 100% crit chance vs 0 crit resist mob.

I think 80%+ crit is good for burst (single-hit and low hit skills), such as musketeer Snipe. So around 630 crit rate for ~80% vs 0 crit resist mob.

Perhaps 60%+ (if you will be cheap) for multi-hit skills (especially with low CD), such as A2 multishot. So around 470 crit rate for ~60% vs 0 crit resist mob.

Take 5x ellaganos lvl 10 for +50 dex, free crit rate.
Remember, archer class receives +1 crit rate for every 5 levels, free.
At lvl 330 you get 66 free crit, and +50 from ellaganos -> 116 crit rate.
This is around 10%+ crit already.

Of course, ideal crit = 100%, however it is not affordable for everyone.

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Cuerrently, a 233 SPR zalciai at lvl 3 is able to reduce even the highest of all crit resists to zero.
You may as well use that as a reference.

I don’t now a casual like me can afford a sissel or not, getting manamana alone almost killed me :smile:
Is petamion okay? it’s the closest thing i can afford for now, and thanks for the reply, i’m gonna start dumping stat into dex.

I’m using Virtov Leather +3 with lv 5 red gems

For boots I am aiming for


50 STR
31 Cons
130 DEX

End game you can adjust your stats accordingly to your equipment + cards + gems

You don’t want to go Full Dex to get that high crit/evasion. With A2’s Swift Step it is very easy to achieve that crit rate. You need to find that ‘sweet spot’.

What works for me is: Minimum 1000 Evasion / 650+ Crit Rate or around 75-80% crit chance.
I will post my gear and stats later with 5 Ellaganos. And maybe solo video of me in Crystal Mine 280. I just need to figure out how to record it x.x

for sissel just buy the recipe, mats is easy to farm, except for mithril ore. petamion is great, you can upgrade it to max petamion later. anything buyable is much more affordable than untradable one. (i’m looking at you, DGC, virtov set and grynas set!)
dont forget to have fun! you eventually will get 2x sissel and max petamion in the future

Virtov Leather Gloves and Boots <3

before evac i always use leather set, but after evac, i changed to plate, because magic damage is unavoidabily hurt. should i go back to leather set?

If you have high DEX and low cons then yes. I’m not big on plate set.

While I was waiting for people to 240 with. I thought I’ll just record a video of dodge rate. This is 1055 Evasion. (I know they are low level but you get my point).

No, 629 is to let you hit 786 crit with swift step. If you want to hit 916 crit with swift step, you will need 733 crit before swift step for 100% crit chance vs 130 crit resist mobs.

how is your build performance for solo world bossing?

I alway get the cube solo wb vs party
is that what you are asking?

then that means your build DPS is high and has a high level of survivability. it could be a new meta