I’m fine now, greyhiem responded to me. My build is 122 DEX, 30 CON and rest in STR (around 150-160). The idea was to have 550ish crit rate at lvl 280 with swift step activated, green gems and crit rate from equipment and accesories. I’m an A2-R3-SR2 soon-to-be 3.
If you’d like an example of a stat/equip build, Nicola has 100% crit rate at the moment. She has a mix of STR:DEX.
Isn’t Dex most benefit to skills spammer? I’m not so sure.
I didn’t take into account skill spam. If you are skillspam, STR:dex works, and Dex works. Example of nice build is close to 100% crit rate (your build for example) + some STR.
I think %enhancement attribute for skills is very important too.
I think reilet told me archer dmg >3800 = favour towards dex (or crit rate).
yeah that’s why I think skills type should go high dex because they can gain damage through attributes.
Are you currently working towards a 3rd +10 ellaganos card?
Theneoz, you are a Quarrel shooter, right? Favour towards high STR (low dex) since running shot doesn’t have an %enhance attribute.
Grand cross -> Didel grand cross -> new blue crossbow.
I’m a Ranger3 meowmeowedit20characters
Currently working on my 4th one I was farming Dullahan tonight.
I was surprised though. All the Fletchers lost to Plague Doctor/Diev
Probably because Dullahan is ghost armour type, and receives bonus dmg from magic (and less damage from physical)?
Idk lol, it was so weird. Buncha Isability Fletchers lost to Plague Diev. It was funny and confusing at the same time.
hi thanks for the invite
I will just copy paste and edit my response for the public, and hopefully someone can chime in and help further:
"Those are information I needed to know! This is great.
I have to ask, since the maximum stat for crit rate on head costume gear is around 13-14 which is about 13-14 DEX and the maximum stat for physical attack is around 42-45 (which is equal to about 30-36 STR), you still recommended getting crit rate on headgear but it seems very apparent that physical attack is the more effective choice but in terms of actual practical DPS in SR2-3 I am not sure. So I have taken the chance to do some of my own reading and calculations.
Following the examples you have given, these are my preliminary calculations;
Assumptions 1:
5000 damage, 3 head costumes (40 physical attack each or 120 physical attack), 3 head costumes (10 critical rate each or 30 critical rate)
With 3 head costumes with total 120 physical damage:
5000 damage + 120 damage = 5120 damage with no crit -
With 3 head costumes with 30 critical rate)
666 critical rate = 100% crit at lvl280
Therefore, 1% critical chance = 6.66 critical rate
30 critical rate/6.66 critical rate = 4.5% critical chance
4.5% of 7500 damage (50% more damage of 5000 damage) is 337.5 damage and this is only for a single hit.
So from this alone, I can see that 337.5/120 = 281.25% increase in damage with crit rate with only a single hit. How about multi hit skills, can we be sure that would result in a higher DPS increase?
Correct my calculations if they are wrong. I used to think that physical attack on headgear is better than crit rate but seems like I need to change my gear now.
For simplicity’s sake, critical attack from STR has been omitted from the calculations, but how big of a role can critical attack make in SR2-3 and in the examples you have given? This may increase the value of putting points into STR instead of DEX if headgears are crit rate instead of physical attack."
I think I have figured it out.
For every 1% critical chance = 25 physical damage. (Edited from 100 – error)
This is the calculation I used:
Assume character has 80% crit chance, meaning out of 10 shots, he will crit 8 times.
Assume 5000 base damage, so critical hits will deal 7500 damage (excluding critical attack stat multiplications).
On average a character with 80% crit chance will deal 8(7500)+(10000)/10 = 7000 damage.
On average a character with 90% crit chance will deal 9(7500)+(5000)/10 = 7250 damage.
Therefore, 10% crit chance gives us 250 damage. For every 1% critical chance = 25 damage.
Earlier, we have established that 6.66 critical rate = 1% critical chance. So 3 hair costumes with 10 critical rate each will provide about 4.5% critical chance (30/6.66 = 4.5).
So, 3 hair costumes with 10 critical rate (total 30 critical rate) will give us 112.5 damage (4.5% critical chance x 25 damage).
As you can see, 112.5 damage is really close to the average 120 damage we get from 3 hair costumes if they only gave phys damage. In addition to this, we can also put STR instead of DEX when we have critical rate in our gear making our critical attack AND phys damage higher.
This only works for high base damage, as in this example, 5000 damage was used but in the case of lets say 2000 damage, phys damage would win because at 2000 damage 1% critical chance only gives a mere 10 physical damage – as would be expected when the base damage is also cut into half.
TL:DR crit rate should be better on hair costumes at high base damage skills or auto attack (e.g. 5000 base damage) than phys damage. 5000 damage is actually very possible in rank 8 (i.e. end game).
Something I found by reilet. It shows the atk value and when you should prioritize either STR or DEX. Still, crit rate through items + high str is the best min/max.
Hiya. Looks like you already covered it all by the time I got here. It looks good to me. Thanks for the hard work.
Seems like werewolfs card are working fine now.
Check this hakka, critting manticen while hitting his face (ofc not 100%, but seems nice, as he is using only 2 cards).
He is using 2 level 10 werewolf cards.
anything above 400 is good. for lvl 280
anything above 550 is good for 330.
Sorry if this has been answered already, but I was too dumb to see.
But how much crit rate do you need at 330 vs maximum crit resist mobs O: ?
For lvl 330, you need about 786 crit rate to get 100% crit chance vs 0 crit resist mob. 916 if you assume up to 130 crit resist on a mob.
So you need 629 crit rate before swift step.
Tell me, do you bleed? You will…
Lets pvp tonight Nukey I’ll broadhead you to death.
I totally didn’t see that 2nd part. Thank you for your patience