Tree of Savior Forum

Homunculus - What it is, how to get it, and how it works!

First off, logged onto kTOS to view the frame for homunculus.

As you can see, there are 4 skill slots. It appears that you can drag and drop your skills to customize it. The lua code for the client supports this.

function UPDATE_HOMUNCLUS_SKILL_SLOT(frame, sklObj, ctrlSet)
	for i = 1, 4 do
		local slot = GET_CHILD(frame, "slot_"..i, "ui::CSlot");
		local icon = slot:GetIcon();
		if nil == icon then
			icon = CreateIcon(slot);
			local chld = GET_CHILD(ctrlSet, "excute", "ui::CCheckBox");

I logged onto kTOS and dumped the output of GET_HOMUNCULUS_SKILLS(). It’s probably in the game files as well but this was faster.


for k,v in pairs(a) do

Result is:

Homunculus Skills

Magic Missle

Enchant Fire
Fire Pillar

Ice Bolt
Ice Wall
Ice Pike
Subzero Shield

Joint Penalty
Physical Link

Magnetic Force

Stone Curse
Rain - Why is rain here when it doesn’t fit? Well, you could take elem c3>alch c2 and use Divine Might to get Magnum Opus 6 to create a homunculus to get Rain! Just theory crafting… no idea if it actually works. Otherwise, wait til rank 9 I guess.


Shrink Body
Swell Body

How to get it?

Magnum Opus

I’ve dumped the latest Magnum Opus files here:

kTOS Magnum Opus Recipes

The homunculus egg is a magnum opus recipe. That recipe is:

    <Puzzle Name="ALC_228" TargetItem="egg_008" NeedSec="30">
        <Item Name="misc_quicksilver" Row="0" Col="0"/>
        <Item Name="misc_0011" Row="0" Col="1"/>
        <Item Name="misc_0236" Row="0" Col="2"/>
        <Item Name="misc_whip_vine_ra2" Row="1" Col="2"/>
        <Item Name="misc_0244" Row="1" Col="3"/>
        <Item Name="misc_yekubite3" Row="1" Col="4"/>
        <Item Name="misc_Fire_Dragon2" Row="2" Col="3"/>
        <Item Name="misc_goldbar" Row="3" Col="3"/>
        <Item Name="misc_talt" Row="4" Col="2"/>
        <Item Name="misc_seedOil" Row="4" Col="3"/>
        <Item Name="misc_hanaming2" Row="4" Col="4"/>
        <Item Name="misc_Dumaro" Row="6" Col="1"/>
        <Item Name="misc_liena_pants_1" Row="6" Col="3"/>
        <Item Name="rsc_2_1" Row="6" Col="5"/>
        <Item Name="misc_icepiece" Row="6" Col="7"/>

As you can see, it takes 15 items. One of which is a goldbar and a talt! Looks expensive. Stock up those gold bars now (I really should have bought every one on the market before posting this ;))

Side note: Just noticed that all the recipes for items involved in the homunculus egg use the same input with Ferret Marauder Horns. Guessing the output is a random of those items. That’s going to be annoying.

The item entry in the game files. Probably doesn’t matter to you guys.

649608,10,0,1,0,0,100,0,100,1,0.100000,0,0,10,864000,30000,0,0,0,0,0,"egg_008","현자의 돌","Consume","TRUE","Drug","","","","Item_Consume","Self","Item_Common","Item_Common","ETC","","icon_item_Philosopher_stone","icon_item_Philosopher_stone","마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭으로 사용","CoolDown","호문클루스를 소환할 수 있는 현자의 돌입니다. 마우스 우클릭으로 사용하여 소환이 가능합니다.","item_drop_hp_1","consume_drink","","SCR_USE_HOMUNCULUS","YES","YES","YES","","Normal","Alchemist_MagnumOpus","YES","SCR_PRECHECK_CONSUME","TX","","","","NO","SCR_GET_ITEM_COOLDOWN","CompanionEgg","YES","NO","Yes","","","","","SET_TOOLTIP_REVIVAL_EGG",""

The Philosopher's Stone to summon homunculus. Using the mouse right click you can summon.

This item is marked as tradeable. If alchemists can customize homunculus however they want and sell them to people, there’s going to be a whole new meta around building an alchemist to make an awesome homunculus! Don’t get too excited about this yet, we need someone to confirm if you can trade them.

My theory is that you can trade the homunculus item but you can only configure it with skills if you’re a wizard.

If any of this is wrong, sorry in advance.


Physical Link… cause everyone wants their Homunculus to use that!


psychokino… teleport and swap??? The homunculus is gonna start teleporting? I can see swap be somewhat good in pvp, just swap with some people while everyone get ready to take down whoever that gets swapped. No danger of the psychokino going into enemy territory i guess.

Is that Ice piece? Looks like dig finally has some use.

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Imagine ur homunculus pulling off the swap+raise combo.

Play of the game: Naked fairy.


Awesome info.

Alright, I did not see tradable homunculus coming. That’s pretty cool.

I kindof hope you can’t just boost magnum opus with divine might to make a homunculus as a C2 Alch, that’d be sort of a kick in the balls to dedicated alchemists.

Well divine might does make magnum opus say 8x8 slots, which is the stat of lv 6. But when you use the skill, it’s still 7x7. Right now in iTOS.

Extra casts of Joint Penalty will be pretty sick. Too bad it can’t use channeled spells though. I would have really liked to have hell breath work.

it can be like that, because right now magnus opus have a limit of 5 lvls on ITOS, so it can not go up to lvl 6, but with the new patch, they have changed it to lvl 6 and to unlock only at circle 3 , but the skill is there with a cap of lvl 6 so in theory divine might may work.

At least they get an enhanced energy bolt skill LOL

kino3 homum will destroy your day and entire pvp

And 5 more levels of condensed HP potions now that everyone will have 200,000 HP.

That would require the homun to actually have a smart AI, which I highly doubt as someone who PvP with a Hunter often.


Could you go Wiz2>Psyc3>Alch3 and have a fun and playable solo character (with auto queue dungeon groups) and have a good time? I’ve never made a psychino before.

Does Psychino and Alchemist offer enough solo killing power? and I only added Wiz2 in there for Surespell, is that a good idea or is one rank of Pyro or Cryo better?

If the Homunculus is summoned from an item then it doesn’t need to be (and can’t be) used in conjunction with quickcast. So no specific need for Wiz3 other than Quickcast for the Player and Magic Missile for the player and Homunculus.

Updated post with new kTOS Magnum Opus recipes.

Fun? If you can go through the pain of leveling that, sure.

Enough solo DPS? Absolutely not.

What’s better than Wiz 2? Cryo 1. It’ll make your life before Lv 200 a bit easier.

Literally, your only purpose with that build would be pure CC with up to 8 of your skills and nothing else when you’re not doing Alch stuff.

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Ah I see. I don’t want to be miserable! What kind of things would be fun to play that could also get Alchemist 3 at the first levels possible AND have skills that would be neat to have a pet?

It will be like Russian roulette, low (?) possibility of being killed but that is still dangerous though.

No point making Alch3 if the homunculus is tradeable. Your Alch3 will mainly be used for making potions AND it will be tough to get to rank 8 as an alchemist. You can go for Wiz3 -> Pyro3 ->Linker1 -> Sage1 IF the homunculus can be traded to another wiz. (just an example build)

Then you can put Joint Penalty, Fire Pillar, Magic Missle and 1 more skill of your choice (fireball maybe) into the homunculus.

Ontop of everything, the most important stuff is still how the AI of the homunculus work.

Skill frequency? Does it have its own CD? How does it choose where to cast? Does it return to you after a certain distance apart? etc etc

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