Tree of Savior Forum

High Level Grinding Issues

imo, this game is beautiful the way it is. Just, it would be better if … if they can add more channels on every fields and dungeons and increase the monster’s spawn rate.

You’re missing the point. Completely. Putting the money into +10ing a weapon is completely foolish BECAUSE of the potential loss on trading. But if your item could be used indefinitely after investing in making it ‘perfect’ then people would spend a lot more time on it. Either for themselves or to sell. This is a largely overlooked point of entertainment for lots of people in MMOs. Hunting items or upgrading for profit. Like @Mirarara said.

This is misinformation. It wasn’t a group of 3. They leveled with a full party of 5 and saved level 7+8 xp cards. Once they reached a certain level they spammed cards then saved them again. I am unsure when they stopped doing a 5 man party but it was definitely not until they were 180+

The only reason they were able to obtain 200 so easily is strictly because they were a premade which allowed them to work together and save exp cards since dungeons were easier for them. Without a full premade it would’ve made it extremely difficult for them to grind out those levels since they wouldn’t have been able to save xp cards as easily.

NO ONE level 170+ is complaining about the rates being too high. It’s mostly people that are in low 100’s that think they’re high level and haven’t experienced the lack of grinding spots at 170.

As far as I’m concerned, if someone hasn’t hit AT LEAST 160, they have no opinion on the xp rates.


tldr: party at every map? xD Also I’ve read the only cards you need to save are the ones from 145-166 and you just grind all those levels at demon prison ^^.

Grinding at Demon Prison 2 is easier said than done… Since it has 1 channel and half the server is in there right now.

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They got there way before it was crowded, as did I. It would be extremely hard for anyone to do what they did now considering the lack of other maps to train at. Thus bringing up the issue and point that either mob density must be increased in other maps or the xp must be increased. Simply increasing channels would work for now but that doesn’t solve the issue of when people catch up and game catches more popularity and clog those channels up as well.

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I would love to see more map options too.

For instance, if a player asks “Where do I level at level X” that the answer has something like 3 different options.
All maps with the same mob levels, but different properties and setups (range, magic, melee, cloth, ghost, plate, ice, fire, etc… you know this stuff).

Until now, we r not sure what is the actual meta game design of ToS, or how the designer want players to play ToS. So far the exp chart is fine, only the process need to beef up a bit to make it more fun and smooth, it is actually get some chokes of going thru it, stocking exp card i’m sure it is not the intention of developers wanted players to play that way.

If given each user 1000 hours, what designer want us to do with it? If you telling us 800 hours only for level grinding to max only 1 character, then it is pretty bad.
I assume the ToS core is about the unlimited possible of character building, it should be multi-characters per player based. If too long hours only waste on single char leveling is ultimately beat the purpose of this design.

The 2nd core I foresee is to recover the golden era of RO social environment, this is why the bgm/artwork are purposely designed to similar to RO, and party system are more user-friendly. However, it is peoples nowadays are more complicated and we can’t expect it so much,

NOOB design.

You’re just misinformed Past lvl 70 there are not good grind spot… NONE. You run for hours to kill very few monster wich is very boring.

I’m a peltasta->Hoplitex2 with my first level 75 and i can OS monster with auto attack (3str+1con) so i don’t know what you are doin with your hoplite O_o.

And i repeat there’s no grinding in mid to late game game please stop spreading misinformation or give us the map with screenshot with such good grinding spot lol… In group even what a joke please stop xD.

I think I figured out the problem with this games leveling after thinking about it… Its not the grind or how hard, it is that they are just dropping us in to a massive level cap all at once… If the game was exactly like it is now except content was divide up and released in sections (like level 1-120 release… then a few months later release some levels etc) we wouldn’t notice it nearly as much… because thinking “I only need to get to 120” is a lot easier then thinking “I need to get to level 600”

If they want 600 to be cap, then they need to consider re-scaleing grinding to where the “Grind” doesn’t begin till high 200’s and doesn’t get really slow till mid-high 400’s… If its already getting slow (several levels between 75% of one level quest exp is pretty slow imo) before your even level 200… Then its gonna get to where its just not worth it before long…

But then we have people who want the game to take 7 years to get to level 600… If that is the direction they wanna go maybe they are doing it correctly…

An of course the other noted issues of no grind spot and all that… Ie game balance issues…

Feedback to Nexon’s Tree of Savior, IMCGAMES don’t develop it, they maintain it only.

Lie. I know spots where I can one-hit KO mobs with Earth Wave, and they keep coming even after my SP is over. Also, you shouldn’t need to seek your mobs being Peltasta + Hoplite… Just use Swash Buckling, Stabbing in the coming mobs and see your EXP bar fill up.

Still, it isn’t fun. I had problems in my 7X too (due the lack of quests), when the grinding started. What I did? Wendigos and Dumaros. You can make a good cash, and if you kill a blue mob… You will level up, probably.

Now I have to admit, I don’t believe in party grinding… I’ve tried and just doesn’t work (unless the party members are giant SP potions).

I’m only level 91 on my highest level character due to starting a few others to test things out.

Can you give me a general outline of when people decide to save cards v. when to just use them?

i’m at 163 and omg, grind solo, b/c if you can do it fast, solo is better

btw, i’m a diev 3c, so, please, dont spread wrong information


The fact that you could max out in CBT at all says a lot about it. I would say it is too easy to level. Try vanilla RO or even today play ESO. This game is so easy I hope they make the last 50 levels way harder.

well it’s just too late for me, since i didnt knew that, ofc it’s my fault, how could i didn’t know that from 144 to 166 i should grind to save me from character delection and 0 exp from grind…deception describe this…and in my whole gaming life i’ve never seen such stupidy thing , that’s just ridiculous, i’m not creating any new char nor deleting mine, im quiting this beta, and probably the game too, i was rank 26 in laima, imagine how much efford i put on my character to just delete it…i’m done!

Party grinding works, if there are enough monsters to go around.

Exactly what i’m thinking since kcbt, this is maybe the best thing that could be done to the game. Don’t need to be a genius to see that the 600 levels thing is bad, where’s the devs mind? O_o

Oh here comes the know-it-all who probably didn’t even hit 175
Have you even started your demon prison 145 grind? If not, shut the ■■■■ up

Btw, 200 is a beta cap, not the real cap