Tree of Savior Forum

High Level Grinding Issues

I’ve seen tons of people in game complain about this, but no ones making any forums posts about it, so I will.

The game starts to fall apart after level 100, due to a mixture of things.

First is maps. There simply is not enough. There is about 1 new zone every 3 levels. This is nowhere near enough. There needs to be more zones simple as that. Second is your progress through these maps. It’s linear. Doesn’t matter what class you play, how you play or who you play with, progress is 100% linear and never changes. Third is how viable these maps are to level on. Most of them are not viable. You will visit the map, do the quests, then never return.

This creates an incredibly small, very limited world to play in. Everyone is flocking to the same few areas and it’s just not fun at all. Creating a new character doesn’t change anything, you have the exact same experience every single time.

The other major problem is mob balance. As you increase in level you notice it more and more. But there is basically 2-3 problem mobs that further limit how you will explore the world.
First you get the big, tough mobs. They hit hard, and never die. They give a bit more exp for killing them, but the extra effort is simply not worth it.
The second (and possibly third) is mages and archers. You cannot pull these for AOE (the only viable grinding method) because they’re ranged, and you would not want to anyway. They hit like trucks and will kill you in a second flat.

So now there is this small world, further limited by both bad spawns and poorly balanced mobs.

And then it gets worse, because exp needed to level up increases much faster than exp earned from both quests and grinding. At low levels a map full of quests will give you a few levels, at higher levels it’s like half a level tops. And mobs are just as bad, 0.06% exp a kill or something.

All of these three things combined essentially create an environment that makes levelling up much harder than it needs to be. Infact, at about level 145 you can permanently ruin your character if you do not follow a highly specific guide. The reason being, at level 160+ there is nowhere good to grind, and quests aren’t giving you enough exp. The instance dungeon also gives nothing. You’re essentially stuck in a levelling zone where you cannot level up anymore, so you’re forced to save all of your exp cards from about level 140 to 170, and grind it out then use them all to skip over this very bad section of the game. If you do not do this, you will get stuck between levels 167 and 174 with nowhere to grind and no quests, you’re stuck getting 0 exp and will probably need to delete your character and remake.

The levelling experience after level 100+ is poorly designed, and just gets worse as you level up. These issues need seriously addressing and people need to start bringing this to IMCs attention before it gets completely neglected.


Have you ever played tibia or ragnarok? TOS is too easy to level compared to them. Also, there ARE good spots, you just didn’t find them. BTW a group of 3 ppl reached 200 today, with only 2 weeks of beta, and people are actually complaining about the HIGH exp rate. I agree with you about some maps, you go there, do the quests and never return cause they are not good for grinding, but thats only 1/3 of maps. High level grinding means killing the same mobs for a week to get one one level. Git gud.


There is a topic about the EXP/grinding that I think proposes some good ideas. The primary points being that mob difficulty should increase and that the EXP given by mobs and quests should be more equal. I think this would open up a lot more areas for grinding and make the lack of quests at that level range less of an issue.

About EXP - Quests vs Grinding - Feedback and Ideas:


Everyone who is not level 170 right now will never get to level 200 before iCBT3 ends.

There is ONE good map to grind on from 145 to 166. And it’s rapidly getting fuller. It use to take you an hour for a level, now it’s taking 3-4 hours for a level. Tomorrow it’s going to be taking 5-6 hours, and in a few days it’ll take you an entire day.

Just remember though, if you’re level 166 and don’t have at least 100 level 7 exp cards and 30 level 8 exp cards, you should delete your character because there is NO good grinding spots at this level and it will be quicker to delete your character and start again (and saving these cards) than it would be to just try to grind through these levels.

How is it good game design when the best way to progress is delete your character and remake it? I’m curious.

Also I played Ragnarok Online. The game wasn’t this bad early on, and the game was better designed. In RO I could always go somewhere else to grind if an area was full. In ToS I can’t. There is one (very full) area for me to grind in. Other areas are beyond pointless to even try. You really should try to read posts before you comment.

This is a joke right? Have you seen mobs at level 160-170? They’ve got hundreds of thousands of Hp, and can kill you in 2-3 hits even if you’re higher level than them. And your proposition is to make them harder?


Actually, I don’t have an exact proposal there, but I just talk about some ideas… If you can read and give your opinion using the higher level areas as an example, please do so!

In short, I talk about mob density, respawn timers and ‘special mobs’ xp bonuses, and different ‘kinds’ of mob types, to value different playstyles. And of course, trying to normalize the Exp gain from quest grinding and mob grinding!

I actually haven’t seen those mobs yet, I am currently only level 130. Maybe the mobs from 160-170 are strong enough, but the mobs below level 130 should definitely have their difficulty increased AND their experience increased. So that fighting them is both challenging and rewarding. Perhaps the mobs from 160-170 only need their experience increased to be challenging and rewarding.


So how did the players that hit 200 do it? pretty sure not everyone knew about the trick to save the cards

To be honest, i’m sick of reading people talking about Ragnarok.

Guys, please, try to read the name of this game. If i’m correct, it’s Tree of Savior. Not Ragnarok, neither Tree of Ragnarok, or Ragnarok Saviors. This is Tree of Saviors.

The game share some similarities, but they are limited to a graphics presentation. Everything is different. The gameplay, the mechanics, the formulas. EVERYTHING. So come to play here expecting a new, different game, not a Ragnarok game. Stop making comparisons!

This game IS NOT Ragnarok. Deal with it. This game, at the moment, is designed to be played the way youre playing right now, be it linear, pure grinding, etc. If you guys want to play Ragnarok, go on and play Ragnarok.

Shall we play and discuss about Tree of Savior as a standalone game? Like you guys, i’ve played Ragnarok too, but i’m having an amazing experience because i’m playing ToS without ANY expectation to be the same as Ragnarok. The game is far from perfect, but for the god sake, it’s too godamn different to be compared to Ragnarok.

I enjoy the game being linear. This means that every map that the team worked so hard to develop, people will actually play and appreciate it. There are MANY maps at Ragnarok that players never played on it. Such a waste of work, didn’t you think? The argument that every map is viable depending on the class is irrelevant. The game should be 100% enjoyed by everyone, not exclusive maps.

Being linear isn’t a bad thing, and I can’t see any improvments to the gameplay in adding multiple zones of the same level. Inevitable one will be better than another, and players will go to the better map.

So, for the god damn sake, stop arguing that RO is X and ToS should be X too.

My only concern at all is maps should have a higher density of monsters. Only that. The linear progression is perfect the way it is.


You join a party.

That’s literally it, there is no secret trick, no secret map or no glitch to fill your bar with EXP instantly. You see those people stabbing mobs in a map? If they’re not full, why wouldn’t they accept an extra helping hand in speeding up the grind?

Except the part where Pyromancers in a certain area because they can’t deal any damage to the fire resistant enemies, and they don’t have a different area to choose from there, right?
Linearity sure is nice when you’re forced to go down a road you just can’t do anything in.


Thx for every infos, but lets me make a points, You tell the best for exp 140++ is save exp cards right ?

But when you used the exp cards for be lvl 200, and you get same probleme at lvl 230, you will delect again your chars for save your exp cards for lvl 230++ ?

Sorry the dev need fixe that prebleme is useless save cards because you will get same probleme later.



-For now it doesn’t speed the exp, because there’s exp penalty for mob more high level than you so you can’t party to gain more exp by fighting monster that have more level than you

-Except Tank and healer nobody need a group because most people Os monsters of their level (even some class OS monster 20 level higher than them, yes as a Dex Barb i OS monster lvl 140 as a lvl 123, but anyway i think it’s just
because barb is op so don’t count it.)

-Monster don’t spawn fast enough so you can kill them until next spawn solo or in group

-The exp repartition in a group in this game is made as so only if you can kill more monster and faster than solo it is worth it. Wich come back to the first reason, monsters are too weak and you can’t kill monster stronger than you so groups are useless and actually counter productive since you will loose exp over time.

And for Luizlink642, i’m sorry but this game do need diversity and map where some class can level up and some can’t and if people want to profit all the game they should just reroll after they complete their first char like that they can play 100% of the game.

I also having trouble on the grinding on high level issue too. The more days pass, the grinding are getting me harder. Since there are people start to catch up + 1 channel to contest. I don’t mind to take grinding method to level up since it should be some difficulty to get leveling up. The only thing hate me is there’s ONLY 1 channel to access the high level area ( I think also a lot of people in mid level also effecting this too).

My current suggestion is it should allocate enough server for people in game. Second suggestion is at least it should have some daily quest idea ( like slaying a lot of monster / find certain ingredient ) as for a reward like exp card ( just a little).

But I totally agree that high level quest is so few. It kinda boring me :confused:

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Eh… I was arguing against the OP that said that the only way to achieve level 200 was to save 100 level 7 and 30 level 8 exp cards.

It is. That is what most high level players did. There are no good grinding spots after level 160, and the level 160 instance dungeon is either bugged, or it just isn’t suppose to give any exp.

If you do not save up your exp cards, what happens is simple, you use them, level up fast and get out of level range of the good grinding spots. Then you get stuck grinding on maps with either low mob density, or very difficult mobs to fight. It’s better to grind on these levelling spots when you can, and then use all your cards once you’re out of the level range of the grinding spot. That should get you high enough level to access the next instance dungeon and better grinding spots.

If you don’t do this, you’ll end up hitting a dead end and it would literally be faster to remake your character and grind while saving cards.

simples fix: reduce exp from quests, raise exp for mobs. Make it balanced so its good to go both ways.

no i m a robot who will pass 8h one day grind sorry

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What levels are the “death zone” ones? What level is good for grinding again? 174?

From about 145 to about 166 you should grind in Demon Prison 2. If you do this then do all the quests in this level range and then use the exp cards, you should get to around level 174-175 and class level 15.

This should get you out of the “death zone” and allow you to grind with some ease in better zones. If you don’t do this it’s still possible to level up, but you’ll be stuck grinding in zones that are highly inefficient due to having low mob density, or mobs that are just very hard to grind on (due to high hp or high damage, or both).

That sounds like a stupid game design.

Oh wait, I’m actually playing this game now.

Tyvm for the info. So all the cards I need to “save”/care about are the ones I’d get from 145-166 right?