Tree of Savior Forum

High Level Grinding Issues

Yes. If you don’t do this, those cards will take you from level 144 to about level 156. Then you’ll have no more quests until level 159 and you’ll have to sit around grinding in demon prison 2 anyway. And then you’ll be stuck at level 166 because this is when demon prison 2 exp drops off.

Trust me. You really don’t want to grind on maps where mobs go around shooting 2000 damage ranged attacks at you.

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While I agree with this completely, everyone needs to be aware that there is a 165 grinding area, and it’s incredibly close to the beloved 150-165 grinding spot: level 5 of demon prison. No one seems to realize that this spot exists, and is just as viable as floor 2. We just need more people to actually go there and grind, and the spawn rate will increase proportionately (that’s how the game works, btw).

I’m pretty sure they don’t. It’s just a rumor like “new channels will be made when areas get full” was.

There is a hidden map at level 163 you can grind on. It’s not great but it’s better than Demon Prison 2 if it’s full. But I’m not going to tell people where it is and funny thing is, it’s not even on the world map.

But they do though? They have to reach either level 3-4 in density though (I think it’s 4).

And if you grind on floor 2, you can always tell when there’s an empty room if the spawn in your room starts to slow down quite a bit. It’s the same premise for all maps.

The problem is the ridiculous, forced linear progression making it so you can’t get decent EXP except from mobs near your level. Apparently making a balanced game without relying on level scaling is impossible. Adding more channels, more maps, more partying isn’t going to fix what’s fundamentally wrong with the game. I can only hope that they plan on fixing this issue for release, otherwise this game is going to be just another mediocre F2P MMO. And before you try to defend it, REALLY take a second to think about making your second or third character and how much fun you’re ACTUALLY going to have doing the exact same thing again. Especially with reduced EXP rates.

But this could be a moot point. It may be impossible for them to change it at this point. So they’re just going to have to live with it. But I SINCERELY HOPE they will consider changing these abysmal choices they made in EXP and maybe damage and/or defense. Along with the stupid Potential loss when trading items.

Most of the people I know that were really, really looking forward to this game for YEARS are severely disappointed and won’t even play it, let alone spend any money on it for release. I’m not even that sorry for going slightly off-topic cause these issues NEED to be addressed or its going to be disasterous for the game. Maybe not right away, but when you’re on the second or third character and trying to grind it out at level 163…In the exact same way…With no respite by going to another map to relax and maybe hunt items while passively gaining EXP… You’re gonna wish they hadn’t been lazy with balancing. Especially after they promised an open-ended exploration experience (what a joke).


I feel the game has pretty good diversity on it. Past lv 70, there are many maps to grind on. There are open fields and dungeons with similar level requirement, you pick whatever you want first.

What I want to bring here is: Being a linear game doesn’t mean it’s utterly ■■■■, RO is 3405982045982390452 better, bla bla bla. This is NOT Ragnarok and a linear game is not bad either!

Having problems as a Pyro? Try to join a party? I’m a Hoplite 3 full DPS and I NEED a party, namely a Cleric, to grind. Also, you’ll be not permalocked to Pyro, i’m sure you’ll need to pick another class and outside of Pyro itself, i don’t see any other Wizard class that focus 100% on fire element.

And again - the game has a story and it’s being told in a linear fashion. Sure there are exceptions, but you can’t read a book at random order.

Also, the post mid and late game of ToS has many maps to grind. Speaking by grinding itself, it’s the core mechanic of the game, the same way griding is at, SURPRISE, Ragnarok.

The difference is that i’m enjoying grinding here (in a party, OH DAMN HOW I LOVE LINKERS ON MY PARTY!!!), more than in Ragnarok.

All boils down to the point = outside a few similarities, ToS is NOT RO and we should discuss the game as a whole, not doing silly comparisons all the time, that, i strongly believe IMC will not take in consideration. Common sense? You can’t copy a game from another company. And TOS is NO WAY similar to Ragnarok, outside of few graphics aesthetics.

I never had problems with Ragnarök due the 45362452 maps. I just need to choose an element/race, and prepare my equipment based on my choice with the assurance that I will find maps and mobs that meet my pace (earth/plant was the last one, btw).

Reached the max level twice in a week. Such thing never will happen in TOS, even with botting…

I already tried making a second character. It was terrible. Admittedly it was a Wizard which is hilariously bad, but I got to level 20 before giving up. The game desperately needs more areas and quests to explore. The fact that everyone, regardless of their class or build will take the exact same route as they play is a serious issue.

My advice is this. Reduce the maximum level from 600 to 100. Now convert all the maps in the game (not just in the beta, but in the final game) so they only go up to level 100. And make a ton of them optional.

Having 600 levels just seems stupid to me. Especially when the stat system is broken, the scaling is terrible and there is huge gaps between map levels.


I can’t help but agree. If the max level is 600 then what should the investment of time take to reach that level? How much of your time are you willing to put in to achieve that? How much time before you’re considered a no-life shut-in?

We’re all aware that this is not ragnarok but is there any problem if we point out the flaw of this game? Why are you being so defensive you’re the only one here whos saying that the game is perfect the way it is and what lvl are you now? have you experienced what OP posted? You sound like a fanboy

People who haven’t hit the 170 grind wall shouldn’t talk, especially if it is an indication of the 300+ levels to come.


The potential system is actually great. I’m sorry if you dont understand why it works(economic wise) but it does. An item that can be traded indifinitely without losing its value ■■■■■ up the economy at the end.

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You are not meant to reach max level in a week… tho. Lmao

Kinda hard to make 8-10 classes fit in 100 levels tho. You’d be changing classes so fast it would be funny.

Not really if they scaled everything proportionally (10 level per rank).

I don’t get why the number should go so large either. But well, this is their design choice.

I’d agree if it wasn’t so expensive to upgrade and socket and gem gear. I’m sorry your scope of understanding is so narrow. Making a great piece of gear takes a LOT of money out of circulation. And then being able to sell or trade that great piece of gear only helps spread money around between players. Way to be a turd, though. 10/10 smelly.

My trader heart made me automatically hate this system. One lesser way to enjoy the game then.

+5-+10 a weapon> socket it with 5 level gems>use it till you find something better/outlevel the weapon>remove gems>sell it for a bit more cheaper than what it actually costs to upgrade to +5 and to open the sockets>if its +6-+10 sell it for a high price easily . You’ll recover some of your money that way.

The thing about people hitting the cap already and how this is not indicative of the real leveling experience of everyone else holds true. These really high level players do not have to face the competition of grinding spots with other players and hence, they level much faster. Also, less latency in the maps they are in etc.

Therefore, comparing their leveling speed with the masses and saying if they can do it, the exp rate must be too high is simply being ignorant.


I didn’t say it should be so. I just don’t understand how ToS can be easier than RO.