With this in hand, Night Raven is born.
All of our beloved members shall embody Loyalty, Honesty, Honor and Perseverance.
We shall promote Love, Peace, Respect, Justice and Equality towards each other.
Rules and Regulations shall be governed to everyone without any
exemption of position to show order and serenity in all of our
As a Family, protection shall be guaranteed for each
and everyone from any form of oppression and tyranny but any form of
misbehavior will not be tolerated. Proper and vindicated retribution
will be employed for such manners.
Ranks and Positions are
realized not to express sovereignty amongst others but to give mandate
and instruction to maintain democracy in the community. These Ranks are
given to deserving Night Raven member who can illustrate explicit
leadership, adequate maturity and professionalism.
Night Raven had shown distinction and has lived up to its legacy that lingers in the hearts of many.
The Guild is never meant to elevate gaming over real life activities.
Instead, encouraging good liaison to oppositions and allies, nurturing
gaming skills, developing natural abilities and capabilities, and
develop better citizens in the online gaming community are the
aspirations of the community for its constituents.
Each members
shall strive to create a name that is synonymous with humble strength
and responsibility. Holding other idealism as a guideline for unity and
strength and members filling each others weaknesses is what we are all
As our maxim declare: ‘We are weak, but together we are
strong’, this signifies that - alone, frailty and vulnerability is our
adversary. But as one, we are in our utmost superiority and we will
never give up on any hindrance.
Every members must engrave this in their Hearts for this will be their sword and shield to battle out any challenges
This is an English speaking guild to be founded in the English Server
Guild Master: Etherstar