Manticen: 2x Forge 1x Shield Charge and Rosemary seed
Thank you for confirming this ^^
What guild level is it required to unlock Gosal mission =O? Im getting people telling me its 15 others 14.
Oh my! So how do you feel guys is this easy enough to acquire so people could obtain their orange weapons easier now, at least not with the 1 pract per char limit? Also do you think this is enough for pract now or not?
i see panties and i click like
The new patch came in for us when we were level 14 and we were able to see during then, so i can guarantee you it’s 14 and below. i can confirm it’s definitely not 15 as it only unlocks the new mission which we’ve yet to do.
The boss isn’t easy to be honest, you need a good sum of DPS to deal good damage, the main issue is people disconnecting halfway through as there’s no way for you to return if you get hit by VGA errors and disconnection.
you’ll definitely need more DPS than support as with 13 people on this quest, the boss came up with 2 billion HP, it took about 1 hour 20 minutes for us to defeat the boss.
In terms of formation wise, you’ll need to consider the following
- Resources for arrows/pots etc
- Durability of equipments
Having a squire is very much needed for this event.
Giant Wood Goblin gave us 4 different seeds from a single kill (mairunas, jonazole, rosemary, lavender). Rocktortuga dropped rosemary. Colimencia has jonazole.
Thanks alot for letting us know!
I’ve updated the thread to include information from your end. we’re getting close to finishing all the reward listing for the boss events
how is it possible? kill Cyclops in 5 Minutes?
how many people are in your party?
we have tried it with 11
How many practoniums did you make already?
The headgear is kinda the problem haha, I don’t have the exact headgear for now so at the moment I don’t have any.
Sorry, English is not my language XD, in fact I wanted to ask how many your guild did in general.
We’ve did alot of runs, but unfortunately luck wasn’t on our side as we’ve only gotten 8 on our initial run, the rest dropped forge, academy and other etc items.
But you are able to craft the practoniums?
Hi @ToiletMaster here I am again with some questions:
Question 1:
The GuildMaster need to use Templar Char to Open events OR can be any Char in his account? In other words: if you have other character better suited to battle, can you use it instead the Templar char?
(please don’t lose time thinking about the question below).
_Question 2 _:
IF can’t use others chars, what events you remember that can use other character?
Question 3:
Do you really think Templar Circle 2 is needed in order to make the guild much better? I know that now that Stats as STR will be really usefull in the new path, that the increased count of STR added by the skill “Battle Orders” will be great, but I dont see much relevance on the other skills of Circle 2. And I already saw a lot of people taking Murmillo, Shinobi or even Squire C3 instead Templar C2 for a more general benefit.
The forge on Circle 2 of 110 Attack dont appear much worth it on the end game, where the damage is generaly >2000 each hit. But I dont know.
And Shield Charge appear to benefit only a few members.
Question 4:
You said yourself:
So, how do you manage to Level Up your Templar until C2? Do you force your members to level up you in party while you do some poses ?
_Question 5 _:
For what I understood the guild get Ticket events when the Guild Level Up. How to get more tickets after you use it, OR it is renewable, like it have a reset time?
Thanks for your help! There is no hurry to respond!
A guildmate said marble grand cross is a guild mission drop.
Do you have any information about it?I tried to look around and found nothing.
If we do all the quests that are the pre-requisites then i believe so yes. as of now we’ve not crafted any.
Unfortunately i’ve heard nothing of the sort at the moment, we don’t have any information about the Marvel grand cross as of this point of time.
Here’s my answers to your questions.
Question 1:
The GuildMaster need to use Templar Char to Open events OR can be any Char in his account? In other words: if you have other character better suited to battle, can you use it instead the Templar char?
You can use any character to start the event, it does not necessarily have to use your templar character. I normally use my cleric or archer to join events.
i’ll skip question 2 since it’s related to each other.
Question 3:
Do you really think Templar Circle 2 is needed in order to make the guild much better? I know that now that Stats as STR will be really usefull in the new path, that the increased count of STR added by the skill “Battle Orders” will be great, but I dont see much relevance on the other skills of Circle 2. And I already saw a lot of people taking Murmillo, Shinobi or even Squire C3 instead Templar C2 for a more general benefit.
The forge on Circle 2 of 110 Attack dont appear much worth it on the end game, where the damage is generaly >2000 each hit. But I dont know.
And Shield Charge appear to benefit only a few members.
Well generally, Templar 2 is needed for guilds that want to have additional utilities, it’s actually more of enhancing your guild to have additional buffs to be useful in GvGs, this also allows you to use forges and shield charges, while i can’t say for sure about shield charges as i heard there were several bugs in between, but remember that you can place up to 5 forges in templar c2, thus instead of having 110 attack, it’s going 550 and this is going to be massive with the latest damage patch coming in.
In fact, it’s actually quite a bit especially if you’re rerolling a new class and having 550 physical attack greatly enhances your damage by quite a bit.
Following what IMC has said, templar C2 is mainly for guilds that want to focus a little bit more on GvG, else if they’re purely for PvE, templar c2 isn’t required. but then again, if you’re only templar c1, you won’t have access to forge which is a common reward in late game guild events.
Question 4:
You said yourself:
My personal opinion is that templar isn’t a DPS class as you will not be able to scale as well as the other classes upon reaching the highest rank, therefore you may opt to go for a support build or tanky build (mixing rodelero, squire, peltasta inside).
So, how do you manage to Level Up your Templar until C2? Do you force your members to level up you in party while you do some poses
Well, i still believe that templar isn’t really a great DPS class due to the fact that most templar skills lie on the utility side rather than support.
I’ve played my templar as my first character, therefore during the phase of early access, there were extremely alot of parties that were looking for peltasta compared to the current time where all classes are accepted. I remember back then when swordman without peltasta are excluded from parties.
I grinded my way up to level 280 and maxed this character up before experiencing other classes, honestly when i played my archer as my 2nd character, compared to spending 15-20 minutes for a quest boss, my archer did it in seconds for some bosses lol and i’m honestly happy i didn’t start with an archer first else i might not have the patience to make a templar
I solo-ed for quite a bit though, i don’t force people to help out in my grinding. Most of us in the guild already have a habit of helping each other out, so i wouldn’t really consider that forcing. Whether it’s the centaur quest or mishekan forest upon hitting 317, we’ve helped each other countless times.
We also have a channel in discord where we post up grind parties, quests, ET and to bring everyone up together. This helps up alot for grinding especially for newbies that joined the guild.
@ToiletMaster Really Thanks for your time to make a so detailed response.
Well. This are good new I guess.
Thanks again
I wait for a war templar in C3.
- We need a shorter cooldown to “recall” skill in GvG … (like 2-5 min)
- More buffs like “Battle Order” (but make it better, please).
- No Specific weapon to use Mortal Slash.
With that templar will be on a nice spot for GvG
Hey! My guild dropped the “Recipe - Mystical Cube Recipe” from Guild raid lvl 13, killing Demon Lord Naktis!