Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Dunno about cata, but I can confirm Seism is still a fake multihit with x1.7 modifier. There’s no damage range with a Rapier, so a true multihit would always do the same damage on each hit, with each hit having its own crit chance. This is not the case for current Seism.

It’s still the same as before.

Tomorrow I will test cata skills, but lol, Still trying to figure out why IMC did this move. Maybe a way to hide some data?

Edit: Just tested now and Doom spike and Earth wave still a fake multihit @.@.
Now we can confirm someone on IMC staff wants to troll us. No way Earth wave can do too many hits on a mob with 64 hp

If you don’t really mind, stopping at stage 4 seems perfect.

Double that weapon damage!

added agny necklace to recommended items because that thing is actually another arde dagger on top of your arde/karacha

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question about Dex build hl3>doppel3. Can I skip cross guard and put extra 5 points to cartar stroke?

Yes, cross guard is bad atm.

but there’s some punish synergy with it in case you want it.

thx, I’m currently resetting my sw as I’m having second thought of getting it for “just in case scenario”

@Lostac I know you have a HL3 > BARB1 > DOP3 character that you play. I think I will be making one as well, just because personal preference in that it will be a funner character due to having skills to use in between all the big CD skills from the DOP3 tree. BARB3 directly increase DOP3 while HL3 is more or less a standalone tree that will have decent filler skills, even more so with the buff to HL now.

Just a few questions, if you have another Rank Reset, how will you re-rank your DOP3? And given the current HL change and skill speed increase, do you find that the combos are a little bit easier/fun to use?

Hmm as of the recent HL buffs I really have no plans to re-rank it

We might be getting more retardedly high defense monsters which can make skull swing viable.

If we get none of those sw3 might be a good idea

but yes, currently I’m very satisfied with HL3>Barb

as for the barb3 cores we need to wait on the complete feral buffs before saying anything

Thanks, how did you skill point your HL3? Is it worth bringing Cartar Stroke to 15?

How’s that allocation?

maxing it is fine with the new attribute but tbh I really find level 3 charging very comfortable for my ET runs

you need to throw everything you can before “Pass” comes in

what I use, no cross guard though but I have one spare point

moulinet gets double damage on shocked enemies

I see, do you know how much INT/SPR Crown decrease in total with attributes and skill level at max? And for Skull Swing, what’s the difference from level 1 and 5?

Not sure how much it decreases exactly, but it scales with str, I have 130-140 str, enough to make all of mineloader’s attacks to 1, loses effectiveness though on later levels, I personally just want it at 100% uptime

Skull swing I think is around 5 or 6 sec per level on bosses, permanent on normal monsters.

@Lostac Hit Dop3 the other day and I was wondering if you knew a good 1~3 distribution Not sure but i’m trying to get the multi hits right away as soon as I can.

Edit: Seeing this but nto sure if there’s something better with my Full Dex

that’s exactly like my build so I don’t really have any comments on it

what did you mean by 1-3?

The circles sorry lol C1~3 I just reset to get the masterys and did 1’s I’m not sure how much my crown will scale though just did it for duration for dealing 2x with skills.

ah well most of the new HL3 builds after the buffs are the same, the only differences being on:

Cartar Stroke 3-max
Crown 1-max

so if you found the perfect level where you would want to stop charging cartar stroke, stop there.

I just left mine at 3 because it’s perfect with almost no cast time and can do a lot of damage on et hogmas.

and for sw you might want 3-5 gungho instead
^nvm, you are actually from a fresh reset so it doesnt matter

Yeah I have the gung already ingame just not on the sim. I have cartar at lv 10 atm because,

I don’t know what else to put the points into except crown but I have no str stat. so it won’t benifit me much except for shock duration.

I guess what’s left to do is get that Sarkmis and start getting attributes higher than 50. Just got them mostly to 50 except a few and cyclone is sitting at 71.

oh for the shock thing, I have 38 invested str and use dumbells, left with 136 str

it’s enough to troll most bosses, but high levels ones have higher base damage over stats.

Hm, I haven’t invested a single point into str (Sitting at 27 str) I don’t have a dumbell lol

So I don’t shave off anything really when I use it lol.

yeah, best to throw off crown points somewhere else if that’s the case

just consider it another db for vertical slash or moulinet multiplier