A more accurate data:
Ah so that refered to ammount of hits, well that makes more sense.
Hello Jariu! Sorry for the late reply.
Buff from Refreshment Table counts as secondary buff.
Thanks for this guide, it’s exactly that I was looking for.
One question: is Dragoon a good choice for 7th rank?
Glad to know that my guide is useful.
Dragoon looks cool, but whether it is a good choice or not, will depend on your class choice before you reach rank 7. I personally recommend you to take Hoplite or Cataphract before you reach Dragoon.
Thanks for your response! but I was looking for the peltasta/squire build.
What would you recommend me for a “Peltasta c1-c2-3 > Squire c1-c2” path? I think Dragoon or Hoplite as a 7th rank should be ok.
Thanks again and sorry for my english x.x.
Assuming you will play either full STR or STR-CON or STR-DEX build, and you insist to play Peltasta c3 with Squire c2 :
- Squire c3 to maximize weapon maintenance & the other utility skills
- Dragoon c1 for hard hitting skills
- Hoplite is fine with its Finestra but its a bit too late to take Hoplite IMO.
I have one question for your Full STR experience, Sir. How was your accuracy? Did your gear make up for it?
So here I am preparing my Guild before the game opens for everyone (gonna buy that month pack) and I’m going to pick Templar.
Did I succeed with my build? Not really sure, could you check it out?
Found this guide while searching for Squire guides.
So I have a question about Pelt3 skills. Is it really worth maxing Butterfly and Umbro Thrust over Umbro and Rim Blow? Umbro and Rim has potential to deal 500% damage on staggered/frozen targets and have much lower CD.
I also don’t think that Umbro Thrust Armor Break debuff duration/chance scales with level. So I would be glad to hear your current opinion on those skills. And probably on Langort as well, if you played pelt3 on kToS.
Regarding Squire, as I know, you can open shop and then swap into different character. Is this true?
Thanks in advance.
Hi , i love you’re build but i have a question.
Can we go for an “Int” Swordman (magical dealer) .
like this :
I don’t know if we can go for it but i want to know if is’t possible to do it.
In order to play it i will play with pardonner (cleric), and , hope, for a “Crussader” class .
No, you can’t make an int based swordsman. The only viable “INT swordsman” is cleric, chaplain is closest to that idea.
Hey Heltrey how about S1-P1-H2-Sq3 ? is it a fine tank, sup and dps build ?
No matter what classes you pick previously, Squire c3 will always have trouble in terms of DPS. I have a lv 280 Squire c3 friend (Sword-Pelt-Barb 2-Squire 3) and she still decided to reroll.
You don’t have to take Squire c3 just to become a support.
I’d take Sword-Pelt 2-Rode 2-Doppel 1-Squire 1 as support-tank-DPS main character.
I will wait for rank 11 maybe till I can decide my class combos hahah but I will have squire c2 or c3 and peltasta c2 or c3
but with squire 1 you won’t have the camp and the food
Yes, Squire 1 just for Repair and Arrest mostly.
At late game Earth Tower, if you aim to hit 10th floor and above, most of your gears will break before you hit 6th floor. That’s where Squire comes in.
cool thanks for the answer erokhi but I got another question which build is better Archer-Ranger C2-Scout-Rogue C3 or Archer-Ranger C2-Scout-Wugushi-Rogue C2 ? I am confused xD
Would like to re-confirm if Repair works in ET because the group that managed the first ET5 clear in iToS indicated the contrary:
You can’t repair in earth tower.
That is weird.
Because our Earth Tower team managed to hit above 5th floor and our Squire can repair our stuff anywhere, at every single floor, even while the mission is still going on.
I won’t bother to take Wugushi if it’s only at c1.
Rogue c3 is for pvp, but I’m not sure if c3 is really worth it even with the Burrow skill.