Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Peltasta & Squire - By Heltrey

Hi , i love you’re build but i have a question.

Can we go for an “Int” Swordman (magical dealer) .
like this :

I don’t know if we can go for it but i want to know if is’t possible to do it.
In order to play it i will play with pardonner (cleric), and , hope, for a “Crussader” class .

No, you can’t make an int based swordsman. The only viable “INT swordsman” is cleric, chaplain is closest to that idea.

Hey Heltrey how about S1-P1-H2-Sq3 ? is it a fine tank, sup and dps build ?

No matter what classes you pick previously, Squire c3 will always have trouble in terms of DPS. I have a lv 280 Squire c3 friend (Sword-Pelt-Barb 2-Squire 3) and she still decided to reroll.

You don’t have to take Squire c3 just to become a support.
I’d take Sword-Pelt 2-Rode 2-Doppel 1-Squire 1 as support-tank-DPS main character.

I will wait for rank 11 maybe till I can decide my class combos hahah but I will have squire c2 or c3 and peltasta c2 or c3

but with squire 1 you won’t have the camp and the food

Yes, Squire 1 just for Repair and Arrest mostly.
At late game Earth Tower, if you aim to hit 10th floor and above, most of your gears will break before you hit 6th floor. That’s where Squire comes in.

cool thanks for the answer erokhi but I got another question which build is better Archer-Ranger C2-Scout-Rogue C3 or Archer-Ranger C2-Scout-Wugushi-Rogue C2 ? I am confused xD

Would like to re-confirm if Repair works in ET because the group that managed the first ET5 clear in iToS indicated the contrary:

You can’t repair in earth tower.

[Source - Reddit comment]

That is weird.

Because our Earth Tower team managed to hit above 5th floor and our Squire can repair our stuff anywhere, at every single floor, even while the mission is still going on.

I won’t bother to take Wugushi if it’s only at c1.
Rogue c3 is for pvp, but I’m not sure if c3 is really worth it even with the Burrow skill.

Noted thanks, just needed confirmation.

oh okay thanks :slight_smile: erokhi I decided to make another archer build I would like you to see if it is effective or not :slight_smile: is this build ok for pve and AFK shop? going full STR

i plan to be a pure con c3 pelt c3 squire, can you inform me what the max food buff duration and effect % would be with max base camp and max table?

It is important to note that the HP regen kicks in every 20 seconds. If you get Squire 2 with Refreshment Table at lvl 5, it reduces HP regen by 5 seconds to be every 15 seconds. It takes Krivis 3 to have a high enough heal buff to reduce HP regen to 1. If you go Suire 3, the Refreshment Table brings it down to 10 seconds. Due to scaling on Krivis being insane, that only requires rank 1 in Krivis. Lots of people have one rank in Krivis, very few go to rank 3. This is honestly the biggest reason I’m willing to go the retarded Pelta3/Squire3. Krivis with 1 rank means I get more HP regen than god.

Hi, do you have any advice for me to be effective in GvG and in Field Bosses? I was thinking a Support/Tank Squire

I just started to play this game a few days ago, im already lvl 66 (SwordsmanC1-PeltC1-PeltC2) Im a pure tank with 98Con, then i saw your post xD

Pls help. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for this guide, makes me comprehend so much more about the class.

I was wondering if this was at all a viable build?

I’m pretty casual and like the classes that were chosen in that build.
Thanks a lot.

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Please… Reformulate your Research, and give your opinion about the new Guard and HighGuard…

The damage reduciton was almost nullifyed…

Or maybe my text got bugged and didnt chance at all??
