Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Musketeer Indept Thread

bayonet is melee range.
i maxed headshot because of reload attribute.
i am all ear for better skill distribution, actually.
summoning @tomgo32000 who is a very expert in musketeer to this thread

Hey guys, just wondering if there is any good Musketeer builds for stuff like bossing/ET? Doesn’t have to like top aoe dps (cause Musk isn’t aoe) but something that’s at least viable and wont drag others down in stuff like ET and end game content? Thanks!

I think Sapper 2/3 is lovely in ET because of Broom Trap and traps can be used without weapon swapping. Wugushi skills can also be used with a musket but I saw on several Reddit topics that many ET monsters are poison resistant.

I both tried Sapper and Wugushi last week. Sapper’s Collar Bomb is buggy (doesn’t work sometimes) so I didn’t keep it. And since ET mobs seem to resist poison, bye bye Wugushi.

=> you may aim for a build with Sapper (max Broom Trap, no Collar Bomb).
=> Falconer 2 might be another option for Circling & Sonic Strike (you can’t go Falconer 3 since you won’t be able to get Musketeer 2).

I wanted a PvE Musketeer as well but I didn’t find any PvE build that suits me since the Rebalance Patch so I sadly left Musketeer for Cannoneer.

Waiting for more experienced advices …

there are only falconer1build and falconer3build, dont go falconer2. Sonic strike without preemptive strike from falconer3 is very hard to manage. Circling lv 5 is enough for PVE
Btw, if you pick musketeer than you must pick musketeer2 too, dont stop at musketeer1

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Hence the “might be” :slight_smile:
Anyway, Falc1-Musk2 was the build I was aiming for before the event but I feel you’ll join dungeon groups just to bring Circling to the Mergen or mages who will carry you …

Huzza @Mawsiee the build works. You dismount when [growling] starts but no more waiting on the pet to get into position. Using any hunter pet dismounts you but the reaction time on the pet is much better since he is at your location.

BTW @Mawsiee and @Composition can you guys link the hunter’s manual you are using? I wanna know the ins and outs of what I can and can’t use on bosses. The 40% crit on [coursing] has piqued my interest.

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Could anyone share how they feel about Musketeer for PvE (or just in general) currently?

It seems like everyone is discussing class paths, stat and skill distribution, and I can’t seem to find anything about the strenghts and weaknesses of the class. I would test it myself, but my archer won’t be rank 8 by monday.

Thoughts on boss damage? Dungeon clearing? Hunting grounds farming? Any info would be welcome.

musketeer by itself is good at single target but bad at AOE

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Damage vs boss is nice.

AoE is below average. Small AoE hitboxes. Covering fire is best all purpose skill. Rapid fire penetration shot is able to group enemies and shatter them. Does not work vs unknockable enemies. Buttstroke inflicts a minor flinch pushback on enemies, they need a sec to start reacting again. Does not work vs unknockable enemies.

SP use is heavy.
Headshot bleed DoT is able to crit.
Covering fire charge still gets interrupted.
Birdfall doesn’t have %attribute. Stun isn’t worth vs SP cost.
Volleyfire CD is high and damage is low.
I do not understand bayonet thrust. Out of place skill.


Any thoughts on A2>H1>W3>M2 (100% STR)? I’ve found it to be a really sold build so far - good bossing, decent AOE, etc. but wondering if there’s something obviously flawed with the build that I’m missing. My rank 3 was open so decided on hunter. Snatching really rips through flying mobs and turns butt stroke into a murder stroke (butt stroke does more damage on bleeding mobs caused by snatching, and snatching at the same time heavily boosts strike damage). Coursing also boosts our crit rate for headshot and sniping.

currently i’m following A2>R1>W3>M2 (rank 7 yet), the aoe skill from wugushi compensate for the lack of aoe in musketeer, full str
actually i got the idea from a youtube video ( that shredded the dungeon bosses with the skill rotation, it had ranger1 only for the steady aim buff
how would you think about hunter fitting in instead of ranger1? i think that steady aim is too short in lv5, so i’m open to change the third circle

Having so much fun with Musket. Though my problem is there seems to be scarce weapons in the market.

I also tried ranger at rank 3 and wasn’t impressed with steady aim. Hunter has worked far better so far. Snatching is amazing against flying and rush dog is great with its 5-second cooldown. coursing adds 40% crit rate against the enemy targeted which is also nice for our headshot and sniping, but i find coursing to be unreliable due to glitching pet AI (can fix the pet if it freeze by feeding it - you can lock the pet food in the inventory and then feed the pet via interacting with it and doing the alt+ action. doing this means you can still feed it but your pet food won’t get used up because it’s locked in the inventory - an oversight in their programming). glitches aside, though, I’ll be sticking with hunter at rank 3.

I have hunter3 too. My only pet peeve is [coursing] wont even apply the crit debuff on bosses. At the end of the day hunter-musketeer is a toy build. It does nothing for your account other than “add another set of dailies”.

With our 2 weeks of testing I’ve decided to just make it a 2nd SR. 750k + possible peta for little over 30mins is a lot more than what musketeer gave me.

That’s fair but we’re not discussing hunter 3. We’re discussing archer2>?>wugushi3>musket2. We’re trying to figure out if we should do rankger1 or hunter1 as our filler.

sorry for the late reply, I haven’t been checking forums lately because I have issued with this overly white background. Its not user friendly anyway.

its really good that you can position pet more favorably w/ SR but does it drags the growling when you ride it again?

Sadly I needed to settle to a more favorable build that uses Hunter. I dropped Hunter3 and just went Hunter2, I really cant drop it all together because of my interest in the class. My build is currently Ar2>Hunter2>scout>app>Musket2. Hunter is really in a bad place right now. I can’t even learn hunter attributes. My build looks mostly pvp and it works there sometimes. Coursing/Snatching/retrieve is disappointing, both its duration and damage. only growling is its saving grace but my build wont allow it (Musket needs to crit hence the appraiser circle)

Id choose Hunter1 as a filler as its a good way to spread poison via coursing

Can’t ride while pet is [growling].

Not sure how you’re not seeing good numbers with snatching. the bleeding tics are pretty huge, especially if you weapon swap to a bow for it. anyway what’s your issue with hunter attributes? i heard something about if you say the word hunter too many times it eventually bugs the npc. but i don’t remember how to fix it. i’ll ask my hunter friend when he gets online.

this is my pve musketeer build, a2-sap2-wugu2-musket2. It has decent aoe from sapper and wugushi, might be not as good as sap3-rogue version but i personally enjoy it.