Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion 💥

@williammomeara hahaha np, I know your feel xD thank you again for your advice! I will edit the build now :slight_smile: @WorldisMine ah i see, thank you for your reply! :slight_smile:

Almost full int and good amount of CON to survive

Hey! I have some questions for you people =D

I’m planning a wiz build with fire and ice skills (mainly for the Role Play aspect), but i don’t wanna make a wiz3ele3 because… Well… Just because seems that’s what everyone is making. So I’m thinking something like WIZc1-PYROc3-CRYOc3, to have both damage and control. On ICBT i couldn’t test PYROc3 so my questions are basicaly about it.

  1. How’s the damage of PYROc3 skills on late game? I’ve heard ELEc3 is the top tier wiz damage dealer late game, how they two compare?

  2. Hell Breath seems a lot like P. Pressure,with longer range and no AoE ratio but higher SP cost. It has the same interruption problems that P.P. have? Would the control of Ice Pillar be enough to use Hell Breath? Can Reflect Shield be used to prevent knockbacks from interrupting the channeling? Would i need also WIZc2 Sure Spell to keep it up and make it viable?

  3. There is any kind of “hidden combo” or synergy with PYROc3 and CRYOc3? Maybe adding PSYCO would help with PP+FireBall+IceWall…

That’s it for now! =D

Does bloodbath work on multiple mobs after together? Maybe bloodbath against hangman knotted enemies could heal a large portion of hp
I was thinking of going cryo2+linker1 sorc2 featherfoot but I feel kind of selfish with only lv5 link and a self buff shield with low chance of freeze.
otherwise i might just wait for rank 8, hopefully its released before I decide a rank 7 in iOBT :l

pyro3 and cyro3 dont really have any synergy. psycho does but difficult finding the best build between the three. ive seen an interesting wiz>pyro>cyro2>psycho2>rune caster build

pyro dmg falls off and needs link2
hells breath is 0 points

I believe Blood Bath does indeed heal from multiple targets, as seen here. As for a build, check out the thread I made here regarding Linker ideas! Some neat builds have been suggested so far!

Thats awesome, I can probably give up subzero for that usefulness of linking with featherfoot,despitr being my favourite skill, since im going sorc2.
I hope at some point they allow featherfoot skills to affect players otherwise theyre just purely for pve and maybe guildwar

Beside full DPS Wiz3>Elem3>Warl1
Full Support Wiz1>Cryo3>Chrono3
There is actually Full Tank Wiz1>Cryo3>Thau2>Featherfoot1, Thau2 to shrink reduce dmg, swell right arm to add def, and Traspose to full CON, reversi also great fun skill to anti ground magic.

Wiz is very diverse and fun.

Sooo… Picking PYROc3 will just be giving up a lot of damage and support potential after rank 6 in exchange for a little bit easy leveling on early ranks? Is this class really almost completely irrelevant after rank 6? Cause if so, it really needs more balance… That means rank 9-10 will REALLY make almost all rank 1-8 DPS classes useless, probably…

This is probably an issue to many mmo
lower rank skills are always replaced afterwards, only leaving out buffs being useful even after late game

If you manage to land all possible hits from Pyro skills, its DPS is higher than Elementalist at any stage of the game, tho not that easy since AoE is not that big and they are stationary/firaball can be pushed.

Idk what this ppl are talking about. Multi-hit skills will never be bad in this game due to damage formula.


Oh that’s very interesting, so Pyro C3 is in fact still going to be possibly viable at like rank 10? At the moment I kinda feel trapped to ONLY get support options pre rank 7 just for a build to be viable (beyond the aforementioned Ele C3) so this is encouraging to hear

Which is better for a pve chrono build - pyro3 or cryo3? I have experience with playing pyro but not cryo - is one preferred over the other in pve?

Most wiz (or magic) skills are multihits anyway and not every multi-hit skills are good. There are many reasons pyro skills aren’t good at late game (slow hit rate, too small aoe,…) and pyro skills never can land all possible hits in group play.

Cryo 3 for better in group. Chrono’s pass is very good for many cryo’s long cd skills (especially ice tree)

I was just trying to figure out a cryo3, Rune build. (Yes we all agree that cryo3/chrono rocks). For the 2 open slots I’m debating what would be better. Wiz2/3 for quick cast or Sorcerer 2/3: questions along that line:

Does the Sorc cat AoE buff grant 5 aoe to everything or just skills?

Also does giant Rune effect summons?

Don’t let sorc being average affect you, thats the cutest class in the game and needs some more love.

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Sorc are amazing wat.


They’re so amazing thats its worth sacrificing 300% ice damage and psychic pressure… maybe endgame right? mmm :confounded:

I thought they nerfed the iw/pp combo to not work if both are cast by the same caster?

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