Tree of Savior Forum

Linker/DPS Build Suggestions Needed!

Hello! I am looking for a build idea that could work around Link C2, but haven’t found anything that would be guaranteed to work all the way into late game that isn’t pure support. My original plan was to go wiz 1 > Pyro 3 > Link 2 > Warlock/Featherfoot 1, but I have been learning recently that Pyro isn’t very good in late game. I am not a hardcore player, but I also don’t want to put in time on a class only for it to deal damage poorly after I have gotten done leveling for a few months, so I am open to ideas!

I will likely be playing solo in most cases (unless I can find a good guild or if my friend decides to join me) so please do keep that in mind! I am open to any and all suggestions including pure support if that is truly the best way to go, but like I said something with just a little solo capability is preferred!

Thank you for your time!

Edit: I will be playing PvE exclusively!

Wiz 1 > Cryo 1 > Link 2 > Sorcerer 2 > Featherfoot 1
It take some time to get on track until you leveled your temple shooter to at least 5 stars.

Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Necromancer 2

Wiz 3 > Elem 3 > Link 1
If you dont like summon, this is good option too.

I think Pyro DPS scales well into late game. The damage is multi-hit, which scales mostly based on equipment, buffs, and stats. Also, fire pillar is good CC because it traps the mobs in it. Either Pyro3Linker2 or Pyro2Linker3(my favorite) are extremely viable and you won’t be wasting your time.

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Multi-hit persistent skills are enough to justify pyro as scaling well into late game? When I played I felt pyro’s dps absolutely scaling out by rank 6. Keep in mind this was still icb2 and I totally agree with pyro being the dps class of choice for most support builds.

I guess I’m curious about your opinion on pyromancer damage being genuinely viable at rank 7 or 8 since it sounds like you rolled one as well.

I did roll a pyro but in iCBT before rank 7 was released.
But yeah, at Rank 7 or 8 your DPS is probably not going to be based on Pyro skills. But since they are multi-hit, they will still be worth using to add some consistent DPS, for sure. Good gear and buffs can help them remain relevant pretty long, even with Pyro C2. By rank 6 with linker you’ll be doing less DPS than wiz3ele3 but more support. When you get to Rank 7 you can reclaim your DPS by taking warlock :sunglasses:

That being said, it’s possible that in late-game (rank 8+), pyro will be most useful for fire pillar. In that case, for a linker, it may be better to take Wiz3Linker3Warlock1 or something. Pure late-game theory build.

Anyways, that’s my opinion. I’m waiting on someone (Doddler :wink:) to create a calculator so I (and everyone else) can crunch some numbers more easily.

Y’all are awesome, thank you very much! Just curious, why is Warlock generally more popular than Featherfoot? I mentioned this is the general build thread but something lke Pyro C3 > Link C2 > Feather C1 could work for a lot of linked DoTs with Fireball and Blood Bath, but I could be wrong (haven’t tested it nor seen anyone else suggest it) Also, @nightrain_scy that third build looks really interesting, I may consider it! What benefit does Linker provide given that Ele is mainly an AoE build already, though? Just general support? I think that Chrono C1 may be better for that, just for Reincarnate if nothing else. Yet again, I could be wrong and I’d love to discuss this more, theorycrafting is super fun to me :smiley:

Regarding the Rank 6+ damage fall off, I have noticed several people comment this is true and that as a result pyro isn’t that great because of it. It seems like the most viable early game DPS option for Wizard classes, but I have been picking up that the damage any pre rank 7 can provide won’t really matter post rank 7 for wizard besides the support they can provide, like Wiz Quickcast and Cryo freeze chance. It sorta makes me feel that non-support builds pre-rank 7 are just going to be obsolete due to the rank 7+ skills, so should I just invest in a support build up to rank 7 instead?

I forgot to mention, the only pre rank 7 DPS build I have seen come up consistently is Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Something 1, what makes it viable post rank 7 compared to other DPS options that are available?

Edit: also hi, nice to you again! :smiley:

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@williammomeara Gear and magic damage itself can add a lot to its relevance fo sho.

@ileh_rekab The difference is that elementalist synergizes extremely well with quick cast as it is now. It’s skills will remain relevant due to sheer damage. However, as you might see in some vids even something like Quick Cast+Frost Cloud can eventually become less potent (PvE). Wiz3>Linker2 sounds more appealing to me in that context. Add a Dandel Gem to make your 8 links into 9, good 2 go. :sunglasses:

Warlock for pure DPS, Featherfoot is mix of healing, a bit crowd control and okay damage.

Linker on top Wiz3>Elem3 not only add for AoE, but it benefit multi-hit skills like Electrocute (also bonus % for lightning dmg), Hail (make up many small AoE) and solve Prominence randomness. It also good support skill in party and SP management in Solo play.

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Ah, thank you very much everyone! :slight_smile:

Compare Elementalist to other available DPS classes

Sorcerer C3
Almost all Grmoire useless skill and 1 hit melee normal attack, Temple Shooter only good because it is range (harder to die, less unintended move) and 2hits, the problem to rely your pet to hit is quite boring way for most peoples. Grimoire also buggy, stuck on stair, hit unintended object like icewall. Not as efficient as Elementalist.

Necromancer C2
Shoggoth AI probably same as Grimoire, best skill Flesh Hoop in melee range, Flesh Cannon and Dirty Pole are good but smaller AoE. Corpse Tower always shoot unwanted target, Skills not as efficient and easy to cast like Elementalist and it need corpse management. Shoggoth and Raise Dead easily die under boss if low SPR.

Warlock C1
For sure it seen as replacement to elementalist, but its rank doesn’t cross so it can coexist to hv more skills to spam = higher output. Maybe in future Wiz3 > Thau3 > Warlock3 will replace Wiz3 > Elementalist 3 > Warlock3 since 105 hits scale extremely well with Wiz3+Thau3 700+ matk.

Pyromancer C3
Although it high hit counts and low CD scale well in higher level, but it take looooong time to kill compare to burst damage, it also phase out upon rank 6. Somemore Hail and Frost Cloud easily replace them. Wiz1 > Pyro3 > Thaumaturge2 is okay for leveling, but usefulness in dungeon and boredom seem is the problem.

thauma wont scale as hard as elem3
it would be wiz3>elem3>warlock3>shadowmancer1/2 im guessing

I know that JP doesn’t multiply the damage if the enemies are hit at the same time by the same skill (with Flame Ground, for exemple) . But what about Prominence? If one “eruption” hits 2 linked enemies, they take just 1 hit or 2? (It works like Flame Ground or more like Ice Pike?) Just triyng to use more “fire skills” with Elementalist, since it relies so much in ice damage…

They will take the same number of hits assuming they are exposed to the skill for the same amount of tics if I understand correctly. It will reduce randomness as @nightrain_scy said. Prominence itself just wont see much usage after a rank or two unless you take points out of more useful skills to invest in it :frowning:. Maybe it has some better usage in pvp settings.

OK, thanks! I was just a little bit concerned with the monsters that can absorb ice elemental damage… Maybe just run away is a good solution =D

Now, if we’re going for WIZc3-ELEc3 and one rank of Linker, why just at rank 7? Woudn’t be better to take it after WIZc3 for synergy with Magic Missile and to help ELEc1 since it’s SO BAD?

Because you need Frost Cloud asap, its the strongest spell in the game and much more important than C1 linker.

This only applies to current content. Obviously anyone not pairing Ele3 with Wiz3 is not going to be a wizard overlord like those with frost cloud…at rank 7. We’re discussing how linker would fit with dps builds beyond rank 7 as well. You might say its speculation, however, we can already easily assume frost cloud will become a background skill just as flame ground does, as its already begun to decrease in effectiveness on enemies lower than level 300.

Linker doesnt synergize with Wiz3 for the short term like Ele does this is true. Instead it adds a base mechanic to your character (minimum aoe of 6 with C1, 9 with C2 assuming you use a monster gem) that won’t diminish upon entering potential ranks 8/9/10. Frost Cloud is good but just like every dps skill it will fall off in time. The problem is what to pick before taking warlock; the dps options arent great, but again, with additional ranks theres a good chance it won’t even matter. That’s my opinion.

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Actually, Frost Cloud is one of the rare skill still be relevant for very long time (like Zaibas) duo to it huge aoe, insane hit rate and low cd. Flame Ground was never good in party to begin with (its too slow).

And Linker is also good with wiz 3 for ppl who don’t like ele (wiz 3 - linker 2,3 somewhat popular in ktos).

I also don’t like ele much, except Frost Cloud and Hail all of their other skills are somewhat lackluster in pve :\ but there are no better dps choice than it :cry:.

It feels like theres lack of choices for wizards to pick for dps, while a good variety of supports to be chosen from. But I suppose the higher ranks will have more dps oriented classes.

I have noticed the same. I suppose a good option would be what @tosmage suggested, going Wiz C3 > Link C2/3 then just feel your way out from there, it would give a good base for a DPS class that will remain relevant late game as well as viable support potential! Honestly I am considering this, but I still find myself having trouble letting go of my Pyro 3 Link 2 Featherfoot DoT combo xD