Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion 💥

Sooo… Picking PYROc3 will just be giving up a lot of damage and support potential after rank 6 in exchange for a little bit easy leveling on early ranks? Is this class really almost completely irrelevant after rank 6? Cause if so, it really needs more balance… That means rank 9-10 will REALLY make almost all rank 1-8 DPS classes useless, probably…

This is probably an issue to many mmo
lower rank skills are always replaced afterwards, only leaving out buffs being useful even after late game

If you manage to land all possible hits from Pyro skills, its DPS is higher than Elementalist at any stage of the game, tho not that easy since AoE is not that big and they are stationary/firaball can be pushed.

Idk what this ppl are talking about. Multi-hit skills will never be bad in this game due to damage formula.


Oh that’s very interesting, so Pyro C3 is in fact still going to be possibly viable at like rank 10? At the moment I kinda feel trapped to ONLY get support options pre rank 7 just for a build to be viable (beyond the aforementioned Ele C3) so this is encouraging to hear

Which is better for a pve chrono build - pyro3 or cryo3? I have experience with playing pyro but not cryo - is one preferred over the other in pve?

Most wiz (or magic) skills are multihits anyway and not every multi-hit skills are good. There are many reasons pyro skills aren’t good at late game (slow hit rate, too small aoe,…) and pyro skills never can land all possible hits in group play.

Cryo 3 for better in group. Chrono’s pass is very good for many cryo’s long cd skills (especially ice tree)

I was just trying to figure out a cryo3, Rune build. (Yes we all agree that cryo3/chrono rocks). For the 2 open slots I’m debating what would be better. Wiz2/3 for quick cast or Sorcerer 2/3: questions along that line:

Does the Sorc cat AoE buff grant 5 aoe to everything or just skills?

Also does giant Rune effect summons?

Don’t let sorc being average affect you, thats the cutest class in the game and needs some more love.

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Sorc are amazing wat.


They’re so amazing thats its worth sacrificing 300% ice damage and psychic pressure… maybe endgame right? mmm :confounded:

I thought they nerfed the iw/pp combo to not work if both are cast by the same caster?

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maybe someone will be kind enough to make a video, otherwise you’ll get the “look up” and even if the videos dont give u enough information because its not official testing it’ll still be “just dont believe them.”

So far it sounds like it still works though, because its still being used in ktos.

can i ask your opinion guys?
how about wiz1>cyro3>psy>RC>warlock instead of wiz3>ele3>warlock?
this build give you CC skills and pretty good combos…ice wall+psy pressure, freezing pilar+pole of agony, subzero shield+dark surge, and also rune of ice+rolling snow.

I think this is a good build, arguable best pvp build.

But dont over expect Isa>IceWall>PhysicPressure combo.
This combo require long setup time like 15s without Wiz3 Link2 share quickcast with you, long cooldown, and empty your SP.
It is like Asura Strike without blue pot or yggdrasil to spam. It is ok for 5vs5 pvp, party dungeon and bossing, but most 90% of time you cannot overuse it.

The only weakest is PvE, you need rely Freezing+Dark Theurge in a long run, and you hv to be melee range to expose dmg.

Nope, that definitely never happened xD

@ShyBoo All depends on what you wanna do. The icewall combo is a once-a-minute huge burst that requires a bit of setup ( best against bosses ). Not a lot of sustained DPS there. A sorc summon is contantly shooting, and depending on what you took rank 2-4 changes a bit too ( I’ve seen cryokino sorc’s do well ).

However Sorc is a lot better in PvP than PvE atm.

I just realized that as well. Waiting for that set up doesn’t really suit me, so I was planning to head back to sorc quietly :stuck_out_tongue: i know the people love their RCkino’s tho.

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You think? :smile_cat:

If we just sum up all hits of a single fireball at Lv 15 we get a skill with modifier of 1500%.


Honestly, where all of this is coming from? Not only this thread, I see a lot of misinformation spreaded on forums. People jump on conclusions from information written in skill simulator without trying it ingame. Sometimes it leads to amusing results as ToS is a game with probably the worst skills descriptions I’ve ever seen, lol - with many things being hidden or just simply delusive.

Anyone got a tip for a dps build with linker 1 and ele?


But pyro2 or wiz3 would be better than linker 1 imo.